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Everything posted by Rogue95

  1. Rogue95

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    I managed to get hold of him in the end.
  2. Rogue95

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    Hey Mate, I've tried contacting you in a few places with no success, I'm seeking monetisation approval. If you could check your emails and get back to me that would be awesome.
  3. Rogue95

    battleye ace .dll errors

    I think this has something to do with the stress that PUBG is putting on their servers. I'm no expert though.
  4. Just so you guys know, I just read the rules top to bottom and there's nothing in there about asking for updates or ETA...
  5. Rogue95

    Namalsk for Arma 3

    Hey Lappihuan, I'm just wondering why the License has been made so that the mod is unable to be uploaded on the Steam Workshop... Why is this?? Does it have something to do with the Arma 2 License? The Steam Workshop would enable you to release updates without people having to patch their mod, the workshop also compresses the mod and so is a faster download. Is there any chance of the license being changed in the future? You would probably see a lot more use of the map as really the only good place to download it at the moment is on the A3Launcher. I tried all 3 of your links and the download through my browser/gdrive was taking a century, the Exile team also no longer have it on their website, so that leaves 2. When I downloaded it through the A3Launcher it was done in no time at all, however a lot of people don't even know about the A3Launcher option.