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About georgeashby123

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  1. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    My roadway is now fixed, thankyou, i appreciate the help, that was so simple :D
  2. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    I removed the collission box, and it acts as if there is no roadway, it just doesnt work. It just walks me straight through it. Video with collision box removed: http://plays.tv/video/5815f2d6cb89699aa3/-bank
  3. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    I have moved the roadway so it is underground, as you can see here: https://gyazo.com/6a999715d3b3d271ca0f941c9148a5c0 But i still cannot walk up into the safe as clearly shown in this video: http://plays.tv/video/5815e7ee4892a3acb9/-bankvault
  4. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    Do you mean for me to remove the collission box under the roadway? This one: https://gyazo.com/661393eb3ffeb73fcc63a0613e7ce64f
  5. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    As you can see in the screenshots
  6. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    I dont quite understand what you mean by, "are the faces in the coplanar with the geo lod". The roadway is slightly hovering over the geo lod, And the faces are facing upwards but are on a slant?
  7. georgeashby123

    Roadways are not working.

    Please can someone explain to me why i cannot run up this ramp, it just doesnt allow me to run up it. Screenshots: https://gyazo.com/5753702084ad6149bc71199a9aa7a2cd- Left view of roadways, and collision boxes are yellow https://gyazo.com/eb2da91fad62fc79047cc5623898842a- Projected view of roadways https://gyazo.com/f8715ecc92d4c55ababaa18bd7142642- Projected view of the model https://gyazo.com/7c85fde49a80091c2795de446a1d8bc7- Projected view of collision boxes I have tried many things, but it is still refusing to allow me to run up it.
  8. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    I will add a collission box underneath it now, and i shall hope that fixes the problem.
  9. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    It is still not allowing me to walk up it ingame, i have no geometry collision LOD below the roadway LOD, is this alright? https://gyazo.com/1b547ee440948fe044e9f8984d4e68fe
  10. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    This good enough? https://gyazo.com/881160696ad458adff7153b0d1623077
  11. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    What do you mean by this? This is what my plane currently looks like: https://gyazo.com/fd3504889c705335e8f45192fc575f99- The ramp plane is selected, and the black line shows where the ramp is suppose to take me Why is this not letting my walk up it?
  12. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    For some reason, i can still not walk on the roadway, it just noclip`s me through it, it pretends it isnt there, i do not have a collission box under it, i only have the roadway.
  13. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

  14. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    Is it required to have it in the actual model?
  15. georgeashby123

    Collission Box`s

    And how does one place a triangle? It is not in the create menu.