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Everything posted by Gowan

  1. Gowan

    Map Bozcaada

    Well I made an account here so hopefully I can give my full, hopefully useful, critique that I tried to post on steam. The first point I made related to the built form of Merkez. I feel that by increasing the number of buildings and density that that the town can be slightly closer to reality. The buildings need to be arranged in a way to give an appearance of defining the space. This is present in the town because of the perimeter block structure. Although quite difficult to achieve because of the small size of the blocks in comparison to the default buildings having the buildings face the street on all sides would achieve this look. Where this is not possible using buildings add walls instead to block off the space so that it cannot be accessed from the street. This would create that narrowness and density that is present in reality. The second relates to vegetation generally there should be more (although that may impact the currently very nice frame rate on this map). There needs to be more vegetation and grass both in the rural areas around Merkez and within the town itself, I mentioned the vines and flowers that grow there in the steam post, perhaps adding some at the centre of blocks to indicate the space that would be peoples gardens (perhaps adding grass patches here would also be good). Placing flowers and bushes by or on walls and buildings will give it that look although it is difficult to do this without strange things happening. But as this space isn’t really large enough for vehicles it should be less of an issue. In the rural areas it is quite hard for the most part to differentiate between different fields, now although this isn’t really necessary given they are so clear on the map itself perhaps adding a few walls or hedges here and there would be good. This would be especially effective near the roads as currently it doesn’t feel as if you’re driving past farmland and fields even when you are. My third point would be relates to some minor details. This again relates to my experience driving around. The fuel stations in some places have lots of grass growing under them perhaps replacing this will a concrete or gravel texture would be better. And the fuel station at 139965 could be expanded a little, it’s currently a little awkward to drive in and out, and perhaps adding a small building to serve as the shop would be good. The roads could be smoothed out a bit (although it currently makes for a fun if perilous rally course) but I am sure you’re onto that. Anyway that is all I have to say for now. Hope I am not being too forward with what I am saying. I still am amused that I was going to do this specific island only to find it up on the workshop one day… Which reminds me if you want a really detailed satellite image I have a 121 MB satellite image of Bozcaada. I tried to use a larger one before but that one basically crashed everything that tried to edit/open it.