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Everything posted by Theo1143

  1. Thanks but that still doesn't give the item and inventory. I want to know a way of adding the inventory action to the item itself and give it a cargo to store items in.
  2. So that is basically how you would get a shooting target to move to? I've seen people attaching a shooting target to an AI who was walking behind the wall. Making it look like the static shooting target would move by himself. So what you say is I could do this to with a game logic? Yes and no, for helis you are right. However i'm trying to get the AI to land on the ship using unitcapture but no matter what I do he won't put hes landing gear out. Tried the ... in all diferent ways but without any succes. Heliname action ["LandGear", Heliname]; I even tried using it on 3 helis and to my suprise only 1 heli (even a mohawk) lowered hes gear only once!!! (while I spammed the command I got it to work once by using the pilot name first and the heli name as last) But as said that only worked 1 time! the rest he didn't do anything at all. The fun part about it is that the command does work whenever the player is inside the plane. But when it is an AI controlled vehicle you out of luck... Never played around with game logics so will have a look at that later, hope it works.
  3. Theo1143

    Disable randomization

    How I mostly make my missions is starting with 6-10 units and just make them how I want them 1 by 1. (medic AT teamleader grenadier etc etc) Then use those units for me mission itself just copy and paste them... Now if it is an mission where you got reinforcement you could even cloth them separately while also increasing their skill. (think about VIPER reinforcement) this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization",false]; Is more for the vehicles, for example at an offroad it randomizes the colors but also the bars and the bumpers.
  4. Since the last update I got this problem of planes randomly falling through the ship. Whenever you get into a plane (only tested on the wasp) turn the engine on and off again about a few secs later the back falls a little bit. This seems to cause the entire plane to clip into the ship... This bug is not "only" limited to the catapults but planes also seem to get this randomly at other locations. How I found out about this is that I closed the cockpits with a script but getting out a plane causes the same thing. Disabling the simulation seems to be a workaround for the moment. SS: https://pasteboard.co/2gUHrFeLs.jpg Live on mission: Empty Mission: (HowTo ^) Game version: 1.72.142164 Also been tested on dev branch 1.73.142227
  5. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    It seems to be fixed in Dev branch : 1.73.142244 Have tried everything on the ramps and couldn't let them clip inside the ship anymore. However I've spammed the script on purpose and only 1 plane caused to get stuck, and at 1 sudden position: shown in screenshot 2(marked with red). deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET1];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET2];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET3];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET5];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET6];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET7];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET8];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET9];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET10];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET11];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET12];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET13];deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET14]; It didn't happen every-time, but at 1/3 games it did. 1) https://pasteboard.co/3QMzAyyi5.jpg 2) https://pasteboard.co/3QNzU4P53.jpg Also only the left side on the plane felt as you can see, this happened every time exactly like this if it happened. (yes all planes are snapped ontop of the deck, even checked that, lifting it higher won't change either...) Nice work, thanks
  6. I'm trying to get this to trigger when a vehicle is low on ammo. Now is there a way of triggering a trigger when its low on fuel but what is the word to check for ammo? Fuel _plane1 <= 0.3 or Fuel _plane2 <= 0.3 I've already tried VehicleAmmo or Ammo instead of Fuel without succes. It should be ingame since a lot of showcases use this tho in some way... Google seems to be empty about this either, anyone knows how to get this working? Thanks
  7. Thanks For sure that is gonna work with this That is why I was confused since "Fuel _plane2 <= 0.3" makes you think you got "Fuel/Ammo/Health" but only Fuel seems to work.
  8. Just clip in the ship, that is all. If you want them to take off without any scripting knowledge try unitcapture&unitplay
  9. Theo1143

    Disable Aim Down Sights

    If you make an init.sqf in your mission folder and add this into it: addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call { if (cameraOn == player ) exitWith {player switchCamera "Internal"}; if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {player switchCamera "gunner"}; }}]; Only thing is, it will force first person to and disables the aim down sights completely. (only tested in SP)
  10. When I made me review I copied it directly off their shop page, 12 sep 2016 "Arma 3 is a tactical military shooter" but yes we all know they change their minds now and then... Which was even funnily stated on the same quote as where you got it from. I don't got a time machine to show you the steam page, but this is still around.
  11. No but they can, since they are designed for off-road (I'm not talking about the quad bikes made for the roads, i'm talking about the real quad bikes. Yes they can) We talking here about fences the way they act in arma, they fall over directly so the only risk you have is a flat tire. A flat tire doesn't happen that fast with how big(thick) the quad tires are.
  12. If we have to go that realistic, fix the quad bikes tho? since they don't have this bullsh/t what else do you think they are made for... Arma is a tactical shooter, always been sold that way > steam store page http://store.steampowered.com/app/107410/Arma_3 review: A significant step forward for the king of military simulation... Arma 3 is an unparalleled war story generator.” "Military Simulation" That is a review, not a statement from Bohemia...
  13. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    Spawn planes with cockpits closed down: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39033 deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET1]; That is what I used firstly, and how I found out about the bug to begin with since randomly planes would start falling through the ship. How I've fixed that at me mission is with a little script like this: [] spawn { CASJET1 enableSimulation true; deck1 action ["GetOut", CASJET1]; sleep 4.5; CASJET1 enableSimulation false; }; Just make sure you don't run it more then once because otherwise you will get the same problem again. But what this does is put the simulation on > closes cockpit > puts simulation off. Turning the simulation off on the ship itself has less to no effect, they will still fall in the ship(tested just now). Turning off the simulation on the planes and enabling them by an addaction or whenever a player enters it is the only solution at the moment. Wasp seems to be the only plane who has this, while the weight could be the cause I don't think it is. Since every time you turn the engine off and also while exiting the plane the plane falls 2 times through its suspensions one while turning off the engine and once while exiting it. This seems to cause the clipping in the ship, and the ship atm has less to do with it, the plane is the cause...
  14. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    No buddy not gonna make a account on there, last time did it though here tho. Just waiting for a mod to see this so he can move this
  15. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    No idea how, I opened it up under the arma 3 / troubleshooting.
  16. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    It is just very anoying when you clearly show everything and people jump the ball because 1 guy starts to talk trash, ofcourse i'm talking about claws01. Then warlords misreads something and out of the sudden this is gonna be a script thing instead of people just looking to what I actually said and showed in the vids. And this is why I said what I said... (don't come with the it is a script when the mission is EMPTY or are you using mods? before having tested it yourself because, yes this is a bug)
  17. Theo1143

    Bug Report USS Freedom

    There is no script causing any problem, why else do you think the title of the video says: EMPTY MISSION? Don't just jump the ball because someone talks trash... Launch your game do exactly as I did in the video and see for yourself! The script which is used in my normal mission closes the cockpits of the planes on a way that the game would think an AI exited the plane. But that causes exactly the same problem as shown above... I'm only explaining how I found out about the bug since not everyone is gonna put the engine on and off again. But this is gonna cause a lot of problems in multiplayer servers and whatnot. Launch your game and see yourself, isn't that confusing...
  18. Theo1143

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    I just made this, was checking what me problem with me mission was until this. Thing is I closed the cockpits to have them cooler looking but that caused random planes to clip through the ship like this. Disabled it now all by disabling the animation after the cockpit is closed, and enabling them by a addaction but that is just a temp fix for now. edit:
  19. Theo1143

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    No you should go ingame and do the same as I did in this video... There is only 1 catapult (out of 4) that doesn't has this problem, again this is not "only" limited to the catapults.
  20. Theo1143

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Ofcourse not otherwise I wouldn't be here. Falling though the ship at random locations while walking was already known. But this is something new since the last update...
  21. Theo1143

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    So since last update planes are randomly clipping though the ground resulting in random explosions. For some reason does the back of the plane starts falling though the ship, once you enter it it turns even further into the ship. Resulting in you being stuck in the ship already or if the catapult is close enough it looks like it pulls you out but in reality after the bar is full you just explode. Thing is, hard to make a bug report about this since every game random planes have this... (so its not bound to 1 place) For now I disabled the simulation on the plane and enabled that again once a player goes in it.
  22. Theo1143

    Will Combat Patrol Give XP/Credits?

    While they have Arma as their main game which is a pure war simulator I can understand why they want this with the focus on pvp. Because Arma is already built around war sim communities who can give you the best coop experience you can think off. But that doesn't take away from that arma costs you 60 bucks so if they play this and compare that to Arma it is just wrong. Exactly, why not give us high end gear? I belief you want us to get better with our current gear we own, no matter what you play PvP or PvE it remains the same. I really think they overseen this and this has never been tested again because if you want coop go to Arma... But 9/10 people who play this have never played Arma since it is a F2P.