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About Ferryman

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  1. Ferryman

    [SP] 360 Degree Training Course

    Hi, Ruthberg. Your training course looks superb, but I'm simply unable to make it work. I copied the files to the MPMissions folder, but I don't know what else to do. I've tried to open a map (Altis) in editor, and it looks like teletransporting in map using alt key works, but nothing appears in action menu. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot. Saluditos, Ferrán.
  2. Thanks for the info. I downloaded and used that mod in Arma 3, but I'm unable to make it work with other optics. Saluditos, Ferrán.
  3. Hi, Massi. Any comment on my KSVK issue with other scopes I already mentioned some posts above? I asked Joint Rails author and he told me to ask you, the author of the weapons mod, about it. Will I need a specific config file for that specific rifle? Thanks in advance for your help. Saluditos, Ferrán.
  4. Ferryman

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Hi, Robalo. I'm unable to make that a KSVK sniper rifle accepts any other scope but its predefined ones (using NATO SF and Russian and its optional ASDG JR config file). FYI, I have installed, together with ASDG JR and NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz WEAPONS, the following MODS: Task Force Arrowhead Radio 0.9.8 CBA 1.1.23 USAF Mod AEF Uniforms I have it tested in scenarios either made by me or suscribed in Workshop (f.ex., Firing Range v 1.5), to no avail. Do you know what I'm doing wrong? Do I need any other file or config, specific for that rifle? Thanks in advance for your help. Saluditos, Ferrán.
  5. Hi, Massi. First of all, thanks for this great MOD. I ask you please to be patient with my questions, English is not my mother language and I'm also new to Arma 3, I'm just a wannabe sniper :) KSVK is a great sniper rifle, but for long distance snipping its best scope is not as good. The KSVK Optic jumps in 200m-steps over 1000m rifle elevation and it's even worse over 1600m: it jumps 400m from 1600m to 2000m!. Is that because the scope is really like that in real life? Add to this that the scope is graduated only in its lower side, making more difficult to aim. I've seen some using a LRPS scope with a KSVK ( ), so it is possible, butI don't know what mod was he using, and I think I've seen a MPLO too (they are pretty similar). Would that be possible with your mod? Thanks in advance for your help. Saluditos, Ferrán.