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Everything posted by Sauerstoff

  1. Sauerstoff

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Do the new sounds include samples for distant firing? Right now many rifles (AK-74 is the one I most recently test) sound very loud from far off (>500m), completely overpowering sounds from vanilla weapons.
  2. Sauerstoff

    Arma 3d editor

    Just press 'M'. You're now using the 2D editor in Eden. Perhaps BiS should include a tutorial popup when you first launch Eden telling you that all 2D editor functionality still exists and you can even get the 2D view by pressing the 'M' key on your keyboard. This topic comes up frequently in the mission editing and Eden forums.
  3. They removed them because of the possibility of Object IDs changing if/when they make changes to the maps. You can use a Game Logic to get the same effect as well as future proofing your object removal should Object IDs ever change. Place a Game Logic in the middle of whatever object you want to remove and use nearEntities (or nearestBuilding, nearestObject, nearestObjects, etc...) to select and hide that object.
  4. Sauerstoff

    filling ammo crates

    It doesn't work on a dedicated server because that command has a local effect. It is filling up the box but only on the server, the results are not being broadcast to connected players. Use addItemCargoGlobal instead.
  5. Sauerstoff

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    My group and I have had a lot of fun with your mission and I'm grateful you've made it available on Github. My group wanted ACE3 and RHS units incorporated into the mission. Being able to fork your repo and add those changes as a separate branch will make it trivial to keep our particular offshoot of your mission up to date with new releases; its as simple as fetching upstream commits then merging my own feature branch. Thanks!
  6. Sauerstoff

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Is there a way to determine if TFR has been fully initialized? There doesn't seem to be a variable or function that can be queried to let a client know that TFR is fully setup and ready to go. I'm trying to hook the OnSpeak event but its not functioning and I believe it may be because I'm trying to invoke the event before TFR is finished initializing. Does the tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator variable brute force limit sending range as if there was a wall around the unit or does it fully simulate restricted range with static and breaking audio and such? I'd like to create a mission where the presence of a radio jammer negatively effects the player's radios.
  7. Sauerstoff

    Removal of the 2D Editor

    The 2D editor isn't being removed. Just press 'M' and you're effectively using the same 2D editor we've used for years.
  8. When using the "Set Medic Class" module, the ACE wiki states, "Using this module you can define which unit class is defined as a medic / doctor." but the "List" field states, "List of unit names that will be classified as medic, separated by commas." When indicating who should be a medic should we be listing the class or name of the unit?