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About JaykePC

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. JaykePC

    [A3 Island] Alpha: Pianosa!

    Exile Pianosa has just gone live, once again thank you Don for this brilliant map! I will be sure to report any/all map bugs found/reported to me directly to you to help progress and finish this beauty. (http://www.exilemod.com/topic/1508-eu-vexitynet-exile-pianosa/) If interested.
  2. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    I'll be sure to go through this, just lost 10 hours + worth of mapping so I am taking a break. You the man Ranwer!
  3. My personal view on this, if somebody cannot download a mod file and drag it into their arma folder I do not want them playing on my servers. I always see fox helping everywhere on his forums/site, I would much rather support Armaholic which has been a dedicated source for years now over steam.
  4. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    I never, I will try this now. If it fails to work I think I will take your advice using cash desks to make it look as sound as can be if that fails a rule will be made and I will just have to hold faith in my players.
  5. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    No no, you know more than me and I appreciate your help. Such a simple issue, yet so hard to solve. To anybody whom may stumble across this thread I am simply looking to stop people from sprinting into an NPC (causing it to move from its original position) either by making it static (like a rock) or turning off its collision (so people can walk through the unit). Thanks.
  6. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Still did not make a difference. I do not understand why this; 'disableCollisionWith works on the editor but does not work when its on a live server?
  7. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Does not work locally either, could it be this 'CAManBase'? The units used in the mod are all on Independent. Your first suggestion 'disableCollisionWith' worked perfectly, but that was local only. The only other thing I can think of is blocking the AI in witch sandbags or something similar, just looks messy.
  8. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Done exactly as you said, everything has loaded fine (no errors in the server RPT) however I cannot walk through the unit. I am almost certain I have set it up correctly. Trigger: Unit: .sqf: shopkeeper = (_this select 0); _dude = nearestObjects [shopkeeper, ["CAManBase"], 5]; { shopkeeper disableCollisionWith _x } forEach _dude; - Just noticed I never gave the trigger a name, retrying now.
  9. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Ah, I get you! Top right corner name not the actual class name of the placed unit. Trying now, once again your help is highly appreciated!
  10. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Ok, having an issue here hopefully this information can point out where I am going wrong. retard_buster.sqf _dude = nearestObjects [Exile_Trader_WasteDump, ["CAManBase"], 5]; { Exile_Trader_WasteDump disableCollisionWith _x } forEach _dude; Trigger: Unit I am trying to disable collisions: RPT Error: 7:32:19 Error in expression <ard_buster.sqf" _dude = nearestObjects [Exile_Trader_WasteDump, ["CAManBase"], 5> 7:32:19 Error position: <Exile_Trader_WasteDump, ["CAManBase"], 5> 7:32:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: exile_trader_wastedump
  11. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    And if I have more than 1 AI unit? Would I do this; _dude = nearestObjects [Exile_Unit_Shopkeeper, ["CAManBase"], 5]; { Exile_Unit_Shopkeeper,Exile_Unit_Shopkeeper1,Exile_Unit_Shopkeeper2,Exile_Unit_Shopkeeper3 disableCollisionWith _x } forEach _dude; Or do I need to make a new .sqf file for each AI unit?
  12. JaykePC

    Pushing Units.

    Thank you Ranwer, once again! On the editor it worked fine, I was able to no-clip into the shop dude however when I tried it on my server the collision was back default. The unit I am placing is called 'Exile_Unit_Player'. This is the code I use in the initialization box; this disableAI "MOVE"; this disableCollisionWith player; By rocketing, I never meant physically shooting a rocket as damage is disable in the trade markers. I mean when you sprint into the AI shop, sometimes the unit flys like 50m.
  13. I have placed some AI units which act as shops as you can see below; Now, when I sprint into them.. They seem to move around, through walls sometimes they even rocket themselves into the middle of nowhere. As soon as I open the server I can see the odd retard abusing this and I just want to avoid it happening as the 'shop' will be unacceptable until the next restart. I am using this code in the initialization; this disableAI "MOVE"; Is there anything I can do to make them walk-through, or solid on the spot? Thanks guys!
  14. Thanks for the help, I later discovered you were right. I originally thought I had to add the addon values but thats done by itself in the edtior which is a lot easier... I recieved some great help from pillow, my pbo extractor was somehow depbo'ing the file with half its contents missing. He sent me in the way of eliteness, got it installed and walked me through it. This issue is solved, thank you all very much.
  15. JaykePC

    [A3 Island] Alpha: Pianosa!

    Brilliant map jon! Do you have or know where I can find the btc_afghan_objects.pbo key file?