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Everything posted by Ilias38rus

  1. Ilias38rus


    What's wrong? description.ext class CfgCommunicationMenu { class car { text = "Actives requests"; submenu = "#USER:carm"; expression = ""; icon = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\call_ca.paa"; cursor = "\a3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\iconCursorSupport_ca.paa"; enable = "1"; removeAfterExpressionCall = 0; }; carm = [ ["Actives requests",false], ["Infantry requests", [1], "carmi", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 1';"]], "1", "1"], ["Vehicle requests", [2], "carmv", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 2';"]], "1", "1"], ["Armor requests", [3], "carma", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 3';"]], "1", "1"] ]; carmi = [ ["Infantry requests",false], ["Request fiteteam", [1], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 1';"]], "1", "1"], ["Request rifle squad", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 2';"]], "1", "1"], ["Option 3", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 3';"]], "1", "1"] ]; carmv = [ ["Vehicle requests",false], ["Request MRAP", [1], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 1';"]], "1", "1"], ["Request HMETT", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 2';"]], "1", "1"], ["Option 3", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 3';"]], "1", "1"] ]; carma = [ ["Armor requests",false], ["Request AVM-7", [1], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 1';"]], "1", "1"], ["Request Panther", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 2';"]], "1", "1"], ["Request Slammer", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "Hint 'Option 3';"]], "1", "1"] ]; };
  2. Ilias38rus


  3. Ilias38rus


    He says: removeAfterExpressionCall = 0; }; //here carm = [ need to be ] , not "" .
  4. I checked it like 20 times already, can't fing anything, Set captive action adding non stop. lvun = 0; _lu = 0; laun = []; laun1 = []; laun2 = []; laun3 = []; laun4 = []; _la = ["arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_snds_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_Hamr_pointer_F"]; lvuglc2 = 0; lvuglc3 = 0; lauglc = []; lauglc2 = []; lauglc3 = []; while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if ((_x isKindOf "B_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "O_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "I_UAV_AI")) then {} else { _lu = _x; if ((primaryWeapon _x == "") and (handgunWeapon _x == "") and (secondaryWeapon _x == "")) then { lvun = (laun find _x); if (lvun == -1) then { laun1 = [_x]; // laun2 = []; _x addaction ["Set captive","additionals\sunarmedsc.sqf","_x"]; laun = laun + laun1; }; } else { if (lvun != -1) then { _x setcaptive false; // {_lu removeAction _x;} foreach laun2; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laun1; lauglc = lauglc - laun1; }; lvuglc2 = _la find (primaryweapon _x); lvuglc3 = (lauglc find _x); if ((lvuglc2 != -1) and (lvuglc3 == -1) and (_x != player)) then { lauglc2 = [_x]; // lauglc3 = ["","","" // ]; _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Fire grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) fire "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Flare","additionals\sffc.sqf","_x"]; lauglc = lauglc + lauglc2; } else { if ((lvuglc2 != -1) and (lvuglc3 == -1)) then { // {_lu removeAction _x} foreach lauglc3; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - lauglc2; lauglc = lauglc - lauglc2; }; }; }; }; }; } foreach allunits; };
  5. Ilias38rus

    Custom commands

    Yeap, i got it, another
  6. _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; is working, but any with str (this) not and i need exactly str (this) Actualy _this selectweapon "hgun_pd7_f"; right in object init do not working at all, i starting be a little scared
  7. N. m., thats do not working, at all.(for Ai, i need it for Ai)
  8. Ilias38rus

    Custom commands

    Thank you.
  9. Is that nessesary? { _muzzle = _x; _muzzleSelect = _x; if ( _muzzleSelect isEqualTo "this" ) then { _muzzleSelect = _weapon; }; player addAction [ format[ "Use %1 - %2", _weapon, _muzzle ], format[ "player selectWeapon %1", str _muzzleSelect ] ]; }forEach _muzzles;
  10. With the system i using, i can at anytime, in any skript write needeble variable without any help, notes (in the mission currently like ~80 global variables)
  11. Ilias38rus


    Question still is
  12. laia = []; lia1 = 0; laia = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryweapon _x) >> "muzzles"); lia1 = laia select 0; _x addaction ["Select weapon",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon lia1;},"_x"]; Nope, selectWeapon |#|lia1 undefined variabdle or laia = []; lia1 = 0; laia = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryweapon _x) >> "muzzles"); lia1 = laia select 0; _x addaction ["Select weapon",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon str (lia1);},"_x"]; Nope, selectWeapon str (|#|lia1) undefined variabdle
  13. Sorry, forgot to insert, it looks: lua = primaryweapon _x; _x addaction ["Select weapon",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon lua;},"_x"]; and do not working, i need muzzle name, found: class arifle_MX_GL_F : arifle_MX_Base_F { muzzles[] = {this, GL_3GL_F}; but dont know how to get this mussle lua = primaryweapon _x;// >> muzzles[] select 0 //?
  14. Question is: if im executing some code like: _ea = []; //1-st round //unit 1 //case 1 execVM ""; -> _ea = [1]; //unit 2 _ea = ["2"] //2-nd round //unit 1 //case 2 hint = str (_ea); //will be 2? //unit 2 If yes, how is that possible to store some values for each _x in looped {} foreach allunits;?
  15. Ilias38rus

    {Executing} foreach allunits;

    Thanks, finaly, thanks
  16. Ilias38rus

    AI command to launch flare

  17. Ilias38rus

    {Executing} foreach allunits;

    Holy crab, what's so difficult to understand, in foreach allunits executing for each unit, i need to store some data in the function for every unit personaly to have adility to use the data on next circle, if executing for unit 1 and srorring value 2, then executing for unit 2 and storring value 1, on next sircle start valye will be 1, but i do not need to retern it to standart, i need to get the stored value, according what unit is it!
  18. Ilias38rus

    AI command to launch flare

    When anyone is unarmed it getting action to make self captive, after using, getting to set uncaptive (Skript from my mission, so with it, you can delite it, in over of video i'm shoving how) When anyone have weapon fron list in ssc.sqf (need to expand, just put there other wepons with underbarrel grenade launcher's from here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons (allmx's is there already) (" "," ")) he getting actions to select underbarrel grenade launcher what letting you to chose what ammo to load in, shoot the round (shooting where watching to), flare (targetting air (how you can see in video working with any round exact flares, have no even think on idea why, if you'll know how to fix this, pleeeease tell me)). All actons acsseseble trough: select Ai > 6 and manualy on Ai, enjoy. About quality of video, i'm making mission, not videos https://youtu.be/7FPfs_JWv2Y
  19. Ilias38rus

    {Executing} foreach allunits;

    while {true} do { --| { | //unit 1 <--| | //case 1 | | //save 1 | | //unit 2 <--| | //save 2 | | } foreach allunits; | }; | <--| //unit 1 //case 2 //load 1 //unit 2 //save 2
  20. Again something broked, ugl actions do not adding: Working everything, but Ai do not targewting air with flares, if that's in code, i would be realy grateful for saind where: laa = []; laun = []; _lvun = 0; _la = ["arifle_MX_GL_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F", "arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_snds_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_Hamr_pointer_F"]; lvuglc = 0; lauglc = []; lvuglc1 = 0; while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if ((_x isKindOf "B_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "O_UAV_AI") or (_x isKindOf "I_UAV_AI")) then {} else { laa = [_x]; _lvun = (laun find _x); if ((primaryWeapon _x == "") and (handgunWeapon _x == "") and (secondaryWeapon _x == "")) then { if (_lvun == -1) then { removeAllActions _x; lauglc = lauglc - laa; _x addaction ["Set captive","sunarmedsc.sqf","_x"]; laun = laun + laa; }; } else { if (_lvun != -1) then { _x setcaptive false; removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laa; lauglc = lauglc - laa; }; lvuglc = (_la find primaryweapon _x); lvuglc1 = (lauglc find _x); if ((lvuglc != -1) and (lvuglc1 == -1) and (_x != player)) then { _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) selectWeapon "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Fire grenade launcher",{(_this select 0) fire "GL_3GL_F";},"_x"]; _x addaction ["Flare","sffc.sqf","_x"]; lauglc = lauglc + laa; } else { if ((lvuglc1 != -1) and (lvuglc == -1)) then { removeAllActions _x; laun = laun - laa; lauglc = lauglc - laa; }; }; }; }; }; } foreach allunits; sleep 1; }; sffc.sqf _lo = 0; _lu = (_this select 0); _lo = "Land_HeliPadEmpty_F" createvehicle [(getposATL _lu select 0) + 5, (getposATL _lu select 1) + 5, 15]; _lo setpos [(getposATL _lu select 0) + 5, (getposATL _lu select 1) + 5, 15]; _this select 0 reveal _lo; sleep 1; _this select 0 dotarget _lo; sleep 5; //_this select 0 fire "GL_3GL_F"; sleep 20; //_this select 0 dotarget objNull; deleteVehicle _lo;
  21. Ilias38rus

    {Executing} foreach allunits;

    All i'm asking about is: how to make some value storing for unit personal, added in foreach and which can be used in same function on next loop, for the unit, every unit own stored value
  22. Ilias38rus

    AI command to launch flare

    Sure, wait few mins, need to work for that a bit.
  23. Ilias38rus

    AI command to launch flare

    Saw this and maded something for self, add unit to players's group and check his 6's command menu init.sqf execVM "ssc.sqf"; Files to mission folder. https://yadi.sk/d/KOAMuSyDj4kTb Move _x addaction ["Flare","additionals\sffc.sqf","_this select 0"]; from ssgl.sqf to ssc.sqf , make it: _x addaction ["Select grenade launcher","additionals\ssglc.sqf","_x"]; _x addaction ["Flare","additionals\sffc.sqf","_x"];
  24. Ilias38rus


    I know how to make the message, i don't know how to make it working with active variables, example: Init.sqf execVM { se = 0; while {true} do ​se = se + 1; ​}; }; dexcription.ext class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class rme { name = ""; title = str(se); sound[] = {}; }; }; Will show me: str(se)