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Everything posted by Ilias38rus

  1. Hi i making something and with your agreement would like to use your hijack system, if you could send me code, which i can use for hijack _x (without all visual effects), i would be realy grateful.
  2. I mean, to create like riffle squad in vehicle
  3. How to get group of units created by the command https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicleCrew ? (for set them waypoints).
  4. /* lua = _x; selectWeapon (handgunweapon lua); or selectWeapon str (handgunweapon lua); or lua = handgunweapon _x; selectWeapon (lua); or lua = handgunweapon _x; selectWeapon str (lua); Do not working, why? */ How to get the weapon muzzleName?
  5. Holy crab, of couse that was first what i tied, and did it like 5 times, it did not worked, did now and it worked (looks like before something was wron in script, i fixed it but did nor repeded tryes), thanks for trying to help
  6. i not need to swith to ugl, i need from and }forEach units group player; i don't need for sure , i have all i need to identificate weapon, just imagine what it's with ugl, ai selected ugl, and tell how to order unit to switch back to riffle, please
  7. Ilias38rus

    Custom commands

    Yeah, thank you , What is the expression mean?
  8. Just please all i need is command to get thing (what i can use for selectwepon for change ai weapon from ugl on rifle) this is all, i do not need all the { if !( isPlayer _x ) then { _unit = _x; { }; _unit addAction [ "Select UGL", { _unit = _this select 0; _unit selectWeapon ( _this select 3 select 0 ); }, [ _muzzle ]]; }forEach units group player;
  9. If i'm getting precise script error, i'm fixing it, if i'm getting script error, but do not understanding it i'm writing the error, if i'm getting some wrong working, i'm writing what wrong, if is nothing working (nothing happening), i have nothing to write, is it difficult?
  10. what's wrong? if (_x == B_officer_F) then { _pa = [_x addaction ["Set commander","obgects\sobjectshqaddc.sqf","_x"]]; _x setVariable [_pa]; }; sobjectshqaddc.sqf _la1 = []; _la2 = []; _la1 = [_this select 0]; aobgectshqu = aobgectshqu + _la1; _la2 = [(_this select 0) getVariable "_pa";]; (_this select 0) removeaction str (_la2);
  11. Ilias38rus

    Custom commands

    How to make the command executing some skript and move there some variable like: ["Request fiteteam", [2], "", -5, [["", "i=1;execVM 'ar\sar.sqf';"]], "1", "1"],
  12. Ilias38rus


    Got it, prety sad, stange how is than "Did you see something" worked in Arma 2?
  13. Ilias38rus


    How to define in radio message (description.ext) some active variable like string ?
  14. Nope, sorry do not working Need command for Ai to change ugl on primarywapon
  15. Jus calm will say this is small pies of script, i need help with understanding how " Saving values in object's personal space " working, all variables are defined and _pa is aray with number, which id of the action, not the command
  16. I need only objects of the class, all objects in the class
  17. Ilias38rus

    New CTI going to be born.

    After 3 days from start few skreenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047696785/screenshots
  18. I afraid no, it working for camenbase .
  19. Ilias38rus


    Realy no one have answer?