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Everything posted by Ilias38rus

  1. Ilias38rus

    Checking help.

    Variables: local|skript local, type, main section, 2-ndary section, meaning, special catigory, spesial category. Examples: lahd - Local array helicopter delivering, shd - skript helicopter delivering, _slo - skript local object, _lv - local value, varhdtpw - value actives requests helicopter delivering transport prise west. debug console [p0,[["B_Heli_Transport_01_F"],["B_Slingload_Cargo_01_F"],["B_quadbike_01_F","B_quadbike_01_F"],"",false]] call shd; //[|'position'|,||[["|'transport'|"],["|'container'|"],["|'vehicles'|"],"|'infantry'|",|'board infantry in container?'|]||`first chopper,||[["|'transport'|"],["|'container'|"],["|'vehicles'|"],"|'infantry'|",|'board infantry in container?'|]||`second chopper] call shd; init.sqf ahd = []; shd = { switch (playerside) do { //creating value meaning; case blufor: { _slo = "B_Slingload_01_Cargo_F"; }; case opfor; { _slo = "O_Slingload_01_Cargo_F"; }; }; _lv = 1; //for identificate which chopper `2; _slp = _this select 0; slghd = creategroup west; n = 0; //just number (test) for "n" from 1 to count _this do { //after 1-st ('position') do 'how much is there';; _la = format (_this select %1,_lv); //marking current array; _lv1 = 0; _lst4 = true; _lst = true; _lst1 = true; _loc = 0; while (_lst) do { //creating unique id of the helicopter; if ((ahd find _lv1) != -1) then { _lv1 = _lv1 + 1; } else { ahd append _lv1; _lst = false; }; }; format (sthdd%1,_lv1) = false; //creating 'dropping' trigger state for the chopper; _lo = createVehicle [(_la select 0) select 0, _slp, [], 0, "FLY"]; createvehiclecrew _lo; If ((count _la select 0) > 1) then { _lo1 = createVehicle [(_la select 0) select 1, _slp, [], 0, "FLY"]; while (_lst4) do { _lo1 setpos getpos _lo; sleep 0.5; }; }; if (!isnull (_la select 1)) then { //`1; _loc = createVehicle [_la select 1, _slp, [], 0, "FLY"]; _lo setSlingLoad _loc; while (_lst1) do { //checking for drop; if (alive crew _lo) then { //if not alive stoping ckecing; if (format (sthdd%1,_lv1)) then { _lo setslingload objnull; }; if (isnull getSlingLoad _lo) then { _lst4 = false; _lst1 = false; if (!isnull (_la select 2)) then { _lp = getpos _loc; _lp1 = getposatl _loc; { createvehicle [_x, _lp, [], 0, "NONE"]; if ((_lp1 select 3) > 4) then { _x call KK_fnc_paraDrop; }; sleep 0.5; } foreach (_la select 2); }; }; } else { _lst1 = false; }; }; } else { //'1 if is container - cargo in container, if no container: ; if (!isnull (_la select 2)) then { if (!(_lo canslingload _la select 2)) then { _loc = createVehicle [_slo, _slp, [], 0, "FLY"]; while (_lst1) do { if (alive crew _lo) then { if (format (sthdd%1,_lv1)) then { _lo setslingload objnull; }; if (isnull getSlingLoad _lo) then { _lst4 = false; _lst1 = false; _lp = getpos _loc; _lp1 = getposatl _loc; deletevehicle _loc; { createvehicle [_x, _lp, [], 0, "NONE"]; if ((_lp1 select 3) > 100) then { _x call KK_fnc_paraDrop; }; sleep 0.5; } foreach (_la select 2); }; } else { _lst1 = false; }; }; } else { _loc = createVehicle [(_la select 2) select 0, _slp, [], 0, "FLY"]; while (_lst1) do { if (alive crew _lo) then { if (format (sthdd%1,_lv1)) then { _lo setslingload objnull; _lst1 = true; }; if (isnull getSlingLoad _lo) then { _lst4 = false; _lp = getpos _loc; _lp1 = getposatl _loc; if ((_lp1 select 3) > 100) then { _loc call KK_fnc_paraDrop; }; if (count (_la select 2) > 1) then { { createvehicle [_x, _lp, [], 0, "NONE"]; if ((_lp1 select 3) > 100) then { _x call KK_fnc_paraDrop; sleep 0.5; } foreach (_la select 2 set [0,objnull]); }; }; } else { _lst1 = false; }; }; }; _lo setSlingLoad _loc; }; }; if (!isnull (_la select 3)) then { //infantry have personal section with own checks for container; format (sthdhid%1,_lv1) = false; format (sthdcid%1,_lv1) = false; _lg = [_slp, side player, _la select 3] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; if (_la select 4) then { { if ((_loc emptyPositions "cargo") > 0) then { _x moveInCargo _loc; } else { _x moveInCargo _lo; }; } foreach units _lg; } else { { _x moveInCargo _lo; } foreach units _lg; }; _lg joing group player; _lst2 = true; _lst3 = false; while (lst2 or _lst3) do { //forgot to add checking for presents of infantry in vehicle, will do later; if (format (sthdhid%1,_lv1)) then { { if ((vehicle _x) == _lo) then { [_lo,_x,130] execVM "eject.sqf"; }; } foreach units _lg; _lst2 = false; }; if (_la select 4) then { _lst3 = true; if (format (sthdcid%1,_lv1)) then { { if ((vehicle _x) == _loc) then { [_loc,_x,130] execVM "eject.sqf"; }; } foreach units _lg; _lst3 = false; }; }; }; }; crew _lo joing slghd; //`each chopper` crew joining `group`; [playerside,hq] commandchat "Transport identification: " + str (_lv1); if (_lv == count _this) then { //if the chopper last then `group` joing to player (`for have deliverieng infantry before transports`); slghd joing group player; }; _lv = _lv + 1; //`2; }; };
  2. Ilias38rus

    Checking help.

    No one can help? This is prety nice assets delivering script, if someone could help me make it work, it can be used by some much mission's makers.
  3. Ilias38rus

    Checking help.

    Nothing, if i gives any, i'm writing
  4. Ilias38rus

    Checking help.

    Still do not working, looks like system do not understanding shd as code at all.
  5. Ilias38rus

    Checking help.

    Yep, thanks
  6. And how to make the if like 'if in marker area' or 'if in trigger area'?
  7. Yeah, got the idea, thanks.
  8. Can someone send me a code for get someon's gear for load it to another unit (Need for player taking place of the unit).
  9. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    Cool, will look in it, big thanks, you did some thing which will present in all my missions )
  10. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    Where can it be found?
  11. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    Holy crab, thank you :bounce3: How did you do that? (have no idea how it's working, if it's too long can do not answer, thank you)
  12. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    description.ext showHUD [true,true,false,false,true,true,true,true]; showHUD '[' encorded instead of '=' , description.ext showHUD = [true,true,false,false,true,true,true,true]; no hud at all
  13. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    Do anyone know how to do that?
  14. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    I readed every symvol about the commands and all i got is ability to disable all hud, arrays are rejecting by game and in the arrays is not present personal place for only the ui anyway
  15. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    I knew all you sended me already, but i have no idea how to disable only bullets counting
  16. Ilias38rus

    Disabling bullets counting UI

    I alredy knew about the command before 1-st message
  17. Hi everyone, i'm ilia and i'm creating new warfare mission. Realistic, fresh, warfare gameplay. Whole mission additionals using authentic Arma 3 systems (e.g 2D editor assets such as triggers, GUI window's, interaction...) as part because of it the mission is ultra light and almost at all do not taking FPS. Other part of the reason is very logical, light and small skripting After or even with out reading a small FAQ any player even with out any knowerage of skripting or skils with Arma 3 editing can set up the mission how he want. Mission supports absolutely any map which ever will be made for Arma 3 (And for any new map can be setted up acording previous line). Same, mission supporting (I think) any mod and expanding Arma 3 list's assets (e.g. Weapons, Veshicles, Units) can be added and setted up in mission according previous, previous line (same as excluded present). Plus will be other version, anyway easy configurable, but without settings folder (Lighter), and i'll provide support with personalization the mission and creating personalized versions (Lighest). Some additionals (Fully enaable, disaable, deletable, only few examples ) ) CIV interaction, R3F Logistic... This is not all and not even close to it, i just wanted to show some conseption, that is very aythetical to game it self, fully standalone warfare mission for anyone, very ligh and incomparably customizable. (+working with any addon or map) If you would like to joing in developing of the progect just wright to me with title "Mission": ILIAS.BORT@yandex.ru I will be pleasure any help. If you have questions or idea's, you can post it here.
  18. Ilias38rus

    New CTI going to be born.

    https://yadi.sk/d/zoFNllyAj8uHf, https://yadi.sk/d/wnEHly-bjBDai , do not combine folders, replace, advising to have USAF and LCAC mods