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  1. Still having this issue, not got anywhere with it unfortunately. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Tried this, doesn't seem to make a difference.
  3. Hi, I've been messing around trying to connect a headless client to my server. I have everything set up, however when starting the HC, it connects to the server but then gives the error "CRC packet mismatch of client and server" in the RPT. Not sure whats causing this, wondered if anyone has any ideas. Thanks.
  4. Basically my server has a possible issue with not allowing players to connect. For most people, they can connect to the server fine in any way, however some people are unable to direct connect or join through friends/invites, and the server shows as not responding. Some people with this issue are able to go onto the internet tab in the server browser, clear their filter and then the server will show and they can connect, despite not being able to direct connect. This only works for some people, others are still not able to join at all. Really not sure what could be causing this as it seems to affect people randomly and for some people that have had this issue it just stopped happening and let them connect again after a random amount of time. I've never had this issue in the past and I have been able to connect fine myself so I can't really get many details unfortunately. Server is running on a dedicated server, made sure all ports are forwarded etc. Basically using an identical setup (with config files for everything) to a server that was running on a different dedi and didn't have any of these issues, which is why I'm not really sure what to do. Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the information guys, helps a lot. One thing I would like to ask though pedeathtrian if you wouldn't mind, would you track/save the current xp and lifetime xp separately? As i'm wanting the player to start each level at 0/whatever xp, I imagine it will be easier to keep track of current xp and reset it to 0 each time the player levels up.
  6. So I'm trying to design a leveling/xp system for an MP game mode, and i'm having issues figuring out how to do a scaling xp requirement for the next level, and also some general questions as i'm sure I could be doing this in a more optimal way. What i'm trying to do is similar to most games, you have a certain amount of experience to reach the next level, and the amount of experience required to level up increases slightly each time you level up, so level 2 = 100xp, level 3 = 150xp, level 5 = 225xp for example. The part I'm not sure with is actually figuring out how to calculate the amount of experience required for the next level, based on your own level. The amount of experience the player receives for different actions such as killing a player will be the same regardless of the level as well. When creating this system its also worth mentioning that stats will save to a database, or to the players profile, so at the moment I am saving the players total experience, and the players level. This is my first question I guess, I'm currently going with saving the players total experience/level, but i'm wondering if I should instead reset the experience to 0 as the level increases, as I imagine it would be easier that way? So far I have a script which is called to add experience to the player, and I'm currently checking if the player levels up in the same script. This is where my main issue is, as i'm unsure of what sort of calculation I should use to figure out the xp requirement for the next level, based on the players current level. I will also be displaying the experience on something like a progress bar so something like 1200/1500xp. I don't see this being difficult if the players current experience is reset to 0 each time they level up, but if its not reset to 0 and the only var is total experience I can see it being more complicated, which Is why I asked about it in the first place. Any help/feedback would be appreciated, thanks.
  7. Edit: Nevermind, got it working perfectly and just had a simple error as I made a mistake. I was wondering however, does using 'in' not work as I also tried it and got the error : Error if: Type Number, expected Bool. _items = ["arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","srifle_GM6_F"]; base_weapons_transformed = [base_weapons,2,false] call fn_transformArray; { if (_x in base_weapons_transformed select 0) then {whatever}; } forEach _items; Thanks again for sharing anyway, it works perfectly :D
  8. Thanks very much, ill try this when I get chance later :)
  9. Hi, im basically trying to figure how to search through an array, its pretty simple I think but Im fairly new to scripting and cant really figure it out. I have an array which contains a classnames/prices for weapons. base_weapons = [ ["arifle_MXC_F",100], ["arifle_MX_F",200], ["arifle_MX_GL_F",300], ["arifle_MX_SW_F",400], ["arifle_MXM_F",500], ["LMG_Mk200_F",600], ["srifle_GM6_F",700] ]; I then have another script where I want to search if any of the items in the _items array are in the base_weapons array (and the price in the base_weapons is irrelevent here). _items = ["arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","srifle_GM6_F"]; { if (_x in base_weapons) then {whatever}; } forEach _items This is where the issue is I think, I know that I need to only search the first classname section of the elements in the base_weapons array, so I was thinking something like (_x in (base_weapons select 0)), but if I understand correctly this would only search in ["arifle_MXC_F",100] so it wouldnt work, but I want to check the classnames in _items against all the classnames in base_weapons. Maybe trying it in the wrong way im not sure. Sorry if this isn't explained well, and thanks in advance.