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Everything posted by mcknight_14

  1. mcknight_14

    [WIP] Airfield Logistics

    I am having the same issue. Did exactly what the directions said. What am I doing wrong, can you be more detailed?
  2. mcknight_14

    C2 -Command And Control

    BOOM! That's it. I knew it was something simple considering the rest of the mod was working fine. Thank you kind sir.
  3. mcknight_14

    C2 -Command And Control

    I checked and I am not running it in Dev. I don't know I guess I will not use it until it gets fixed which bums me out because it looks great.(Great work btw) When you get into game what is suppose to happen when you select a unit and press left control. Are the 3D placements suppose to pop up? When I press L Ctrl-L Shift or L Cntrl-L Alt nothing happens, and I have checked the key bindings to make sure they are right.
  4. mcknight_14

    C2 -Command And Control

    I could be doing something wrong and I am sure it's a simple solution but I can't figure it out. All I have installed is C2 and CBA (Most current version). All aspects of the mod work fine except 3D HUD mode. I can't seem to get it to come up. Do you have to do something to get this to work? Please help would love to keep this mod in my collection.