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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. vilas@o2.pl

    France General

    because commies want state-less nation-less world - USSR , also commies wanted force ones to pay for others - it is commie behaviour and thinking ------ caling this guy Belgian - lol, yea, typical Belgian (damn, again browser logged me via email)
  2. if voting was today - newest poll: new government party 44 % (few percent more than they get), previous gov 17% (few percent less), left wing (not met parliament barrier) even less (damn logged by browser again with wrong account - sory)
  3. vilas@o2.pl

    France General

    http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/11/paris-muslims-screaming-allahu-akbar-murder-at-least-35-take-100-hostages http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/11/death-toll-now-60-in-paris-jihad-massacre
  4. with cenzorship people should be very aware to not drawn child during bath for nazi comments - there is penal code if someone would wrote "kill all Jews" - we can put him to prison, we should not do cenzorship to stop comments against Jews for example we can put to prison people who call to kill someone
  5. http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1041267,title,Sedziowie-jezdza-gorzej-niz-politycy,wid,17796543,wiadomosc.html "lol" 2 two thirds of road law violences among people with immunity are ... judges judges are group said to be the most breaking traffic laws also judges are committing much more road traffic offences than usual people , they cross red light much often than average person, data from Polish police which published this report to journalists + our new president said to organize referendum about 3 important things also connected with privatization - still ruling (elections in 2 months and they will loose totally ) party will vote to reject presidential plans, they say that referendums are against democracy and they will try to block in law referendum
  6. https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/isis-jihadist-uses-11-year-old-sex-slave-as-a-human-shield-by-strapping-her-to-the-bonnet-of-his-car/ http://investmentwatchblog.com/sweden-media-and-government-covering-up-ikea-terror-attack-at-least-one-victim-beheaded/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/sweden-ikea-witness-asylum-seeker-had-cut-at-least-one-head-off-the-attack-was-a-terrorist-act/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/calais-muslim-refugees-threaten-british-politician-and-film-team/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/uk-muslim-teachers-face-jail-for-beating-10-year-old-boy-with-stick-for-wrongly-reciting-the-koran/ http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/596367/ISIS-Islamic-State-sex-menu-children-Iraq-Syria first he denied that 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo was comited by islamists, now he calls information about death punishment in Arab countries a media fake, while we all know that gays are being executed for being gay, apostates are being executed, about lying in Islam to cover Islam : http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/011-taqiyya.htm http://www.pch24.pl/panstwo-islamskie-w-polsce--czeczeni-chca-rzadzic-osrodkiem-dla-uchodzcow,36407,i.html http://pikio.pl/uchodzcy-o-polskim-osrodku-tu-jest-panstwo-islamskie/ Chechen refugees in refugee camp beaten Georgian (orthodox Christians) and Ukrainian refugees (also Christians) to force Sharia on territory of my country lol: http://www.polskatimes.pl/artykul/5839293,jacek-s-czyli-ismail-slo-z-isis-polak-wzial-udzial-w-zamachu-samobojczym-na-rafinerie-w-iraku,id,t.html?cookie=1 Polish convert to islam commited suicide attack and killed 11 people , he emigrated in 2005 to Germany where he converted to Islam and joined ISIS and killed 11 people another guy from my country (refugee, which get citizenship) fights for ISIS and says to journalist he will come to kill all infidels http://wpolityce.pl/media/261412-polak-dzihadysta-ujawnia-plany-isis-nawroccie-sie-poki-jest-jeszcze-czas-poki-nie-przyszlismy-do-waszych-domow-wywiad-gadowskiego-w-abc over 30 kids of immigrants were taken from school in Belgium to be moved from secular school system to religious quoranic school system: http://ndie.pl/belgia-trzydziescioro-dzieci-wypisanych-ze-szkoly-aby-byc-szkolonymi-przez-fundamentalistow/ http://www.sfora.pl/swiat/Szokujaca-zbrodnia-islamistow-z-ISIS-W-ramach-cwiczen-wysadzili-niemowle-a78820 i do not remember posted already or not, islamists blown up in the air... small child meanwhile Turkey says that biggest threat is not ISIS but... Kurdistan :o http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,50352,title,Dzihadystyczne-lwiatka-jak-Panstwo-Islamskie-robi-dzieciom-pranie-mozgu,wid,17739148,wiadomosc.html ISIS train small kids to fight and because of immigration flow our budget has to be spend on monitoring 200 suspicious muslims in my country: http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,8771,title,Polskie-sluzby-monitoruja-200-osob-Maja-zwiazek-z-Panstwem-Islamskim,wid,17734110,wiadomosc.html Polish intel says that ca. 10 Polish citizen converted to Islam and joined ISIS after emigrating to west and there meeting islamic brainwashing btw. why muslim refugees go to Europe (secular) and NOT go to islamic countries in Middle East ? WHY ? why Saudi Arabia, Iran etc. do not take those refugees which later cause troubles here ? + Kurds accuse ISIS of usage of chemical weapons: http://www.tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-ze-swiata,2/kurdowie-oskarzaja-panstwo-islamskie-o-uzycie-broni-chemicznej,561146.html http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/isis-zaprezentowalo-mape-swojego-imperium-w-tych-krajach-chce-przejac-wladze-do-2020/7q9l4m ISIS published map they plan to take Europe in 2020, comment under articles say that Europe should not allow Muslims enter European soil and everyone who wants sharia should be physically eliminated http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/islamic-state-bombers-already-in-britain-ready-for-lone-wolf-attacks-1206203 Indian press informs about lone-wolf bombers that may hit in UK
  7. those links simply show from different countries real islam : death sentences for apostasy, for converting to Christianity, for "adultery", for homosexualism, and opposite to your lies (taqiyya ?) "we do not kill such people" (and denying Charlie Hebodo massacre reason plus 9/11 reaspnons - noone can deny that such terror acts were commited by islamists and they are not "zionist fake operations", i agree that there are NWO zionists who want to destroy world but those things are not fakes, this is religious fanatism) another ISIS news; http://www.polskatimes.pl/artykul/5570246,isis-handluje-niewolnicami-jak-beczkami-ropy-onz-dotarla-do-dokumentu-zawierajacego-cennik,id,t.html?cookie=1 UN report about slave trade in Islamic Caliphate http://wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/rekrutacja-isis-dziecko-z-karabinem-i-granatem/66hd0z ISIS tries to recruit children from cradle http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3192024/Join-ISIS-washing-machine-Jihadis-trying-lure-Brits-join-promise-fridges-domestic-appliances-offer-money-bring-children.html cannot post due to gore - ISIS blow up in the air 10 apostates using bomb in ground (they put man together and fueled bomb) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3191293/Convicted-murderer-using-Facebook-contact-ISIS-fighters-criminals-inside-one-Australia-s-secure-prisons.html any news: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/isis/index.html maybe decade and whole world will be on war with Islam as new middle-ages approach our civilized world https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/ex-pakistani-intel-director-wants-to-turn-delhi-and-mumbai-into-hiroshima-and-nagasaki/ India-Pakistan gets hot https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/uk-muslim-teachers-face-jail-for-beating-10-year-old-boy-with-stick-for-wrongly-reciting-the-koran/ in Bangladesh another atheist was murdered for atheism and his blog was deleted from internet by Bangladeshi officials : http://www.euroislam.pl/index.php/2015/08/w-bangladeszu-zabija-sie-blogerow/ and another bloger killed for being atheists and writing about atheism : http://www.euroislam.pl/index.php/2015/08/religia-opium-dla-intelektualistow/ when you want people to not hate islam than stop killing apostates, converts to Christianity, stop blocking women rights, stop abuse animal rights, stop killing LGTB , stop dividing in law Muslims and non-Muslims (sharia law divides rights of muslim versus non muslim like property right, kill right etc) stop blocking food, stop baning music, movies etc. infidel , gay, apostate has the same rights to live and freedom as muslim , do your immam like it ? woman has right to education, 12 y.o. cannot have husband, do your immam likes it ? being lesbian or gay is not crime, killing such person is crime - do you understand it ? being apostate or converting to Christianity or Buddism is not a crime, do you understand it ? one book is not holier than other book, such as for example novel, book about technology etc. do you understand it ? -------- edit: http://www.christianpost.com/news/syrian-christians-flee-asylum-in-sweden-amid-harassment-from-muslims-who-force-them-to-hide-their-crosses-141795/ Sweden - muslim "refugees" abuse Chrisitan refugees forcing on them sharia
  8. https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11707604_475079672666562_5103816624985049726_n.jpg?oh=332d8aed0ecfec613329c2dcf8a76705&oe=563612C4 European values madness : a man had burglary, 2 guys broke into his house threatening him and his wife, he killed assaulters, and ... he is sentenced for 10 years + he has to pay 15 000 pln compensation to family of one bandit who assaulted him paranoia bandits who attacked his house had fake gun (airsoft ? they not tell in article) to look like real gun and terrorize him and his family (they broke into his apartment where he was with his family), he used knife and killed both of bandits , instead of getting hero-medal , this guy is sentenced plus must pay compensation to family of bandits, where do we live :/
  9. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/05/sudan-woman-given-death-penalty-apostasy-20145159264775754.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Persecution_of_Ex-Muslims http://time.com/3969035/asia-bibi-death-sentence-stayed-appeal-pakistan/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3151878/Ashiq-Masih-husband-Christian-Pakistani-call-centre-worker-Asia-Bibi-sentenced-death-blasphemy-drinking-Muslim-s-cup-gives-emotional-interview.html http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-33283261 https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-theresa-may-mp-ex-muslim-atheists-face-death-in-pakistan-cancel-deportation-on-tuesday-5th-august-allow-asylum?recruiter=77304211&utm_campaign=twitter_link_action_box&utm_medium=twitter http://www.ihrc.org.uk/activities/press-releases/11232-press-release-deportation-possible-death-sentence-for-pakistani-rights-campaigner etc etc etc http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/07/iran-executes-men-homosexuality-charges http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2561670/Couple-stoned-death-adultery-mob-led-womans-husband-brothers.html http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/brunei-sharia-penal-code-gay-stoning https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/02/24/here-are-the-10-countries-where-homosexuality-may-be-punished-by-death/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/saudiarabia/11431509/Saudi-Arabia-court-gives-death-penalty-to-man-who-renounced-his-Muslim-faith.html http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/560329/Man-gets-death-sentence-for-apostasy-in-Saudi-Arabia-after-ripping-up-Koran http://www.christiantoday.com/article/saudi.blogger.raif.badawi.could.face.death.sentence/49065.htm http://freethoughtnation.com/ex-muslim-fear-of-hell-and-death-penalty-for-apostasy-kept-me-from-leaving-islam/ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2015/02/24/saudi-court-imposes-death-penalty-on-apostate-who-ripped-up-quran/ http://news.yahoo.com/mauritania-issues-first-apostasy-death-sentence-050936161.html !!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/05/01/64-percent-of-muslims-in-egypt-and-pakistan-support-the-death-penalty-for-leaving-islam/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahman_%28convert%29 http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sudan-woman-appeals-death-sentence-for-converting-to-christianity/ http://www.rt.com/news/159176-sudan-court-woman-christianity/ http://www.loc.gov/law/help/apostasy/ http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Iran,-a-Muslim-who-converted-to-Christianity-risks-the-death-penalty-26899.html http://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/mar/20/afghanistan.islam http://www.quora.com/If-you-covert-from-Islam-to-Christianity-in-Saudi-Arabia-would-you-get-executed http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/02/22/iran-court-convicts-christian-pastor-convert-to-death/
  10. "From 9/11 being the inside job till the recent Charlie Hebdo fake government organised crap. " denying terrorism is something hard to name in words that can be used on forum, THERE WAS NO FAKE INSIDE JOB - THERE IS RELIGIOUS FANATISM it is islam that is ideology of terror, hate, religious racism (dividing people on 2 kinds which one has rights, other not), it is islam that cause terrorism, religious middleages, we had middleages 600 years ago, we do not need middleages , it is islam that kills LGTB, it is islam that kills apostates, atheists like for example me, cause i am atheist and apostate from those stupid ideas of "life after life, heaven, hell and obey priest", it is islam that denies women education, it is islam that punishes what we call normality but the same time allows sell as slave-wife small girl, and there is nothing wrong with sex in media, porn , metal music, beacon, wine, islam tries to revert history to middle-ages with silly beliefs of life after life, creature called god and etc. sex is normal and nothing wrong, including oral, anal etc. islam is leading in terror acts, fighting "infidels" , jihad idiots who want to force sharia , demand to ban things which are "haram" it is islam that denies democracy, voting, keeping society in medieval almost feudal structure of monarchy, it is islam that kills for bikini and sunbathing, it is islam that calls music and dancing "haram" , it is immams that say that earth is flat and earthquakes are caused by women wearing jeans wear/denim clothes, those are immams that say that DNA should not been used in forensic, religions itself are silly, islam fights for those sill things with terror, jihad etc. islam is similar to church in 1200 AD, the same cancer who tries to stop education, freedom etc. it is not me who is brainwashed, i do not follow idea of priest who say that i must do cause someone wrote book 1400 years ago and there is creature sitting on the cloud that offers 72 virgins for killing non believers http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2968192/A-quarter-British-Muslims-sympathy-motives-Charlie-Hebdo-attack-Paris-new-survey-reveals.html http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/411452/french-muslim-students-refused-honor-moment-silence-charlie-hebdo-attack-brendan how can anyone tell that someone is brainwashed, when he believes himself that "there is a book written 1400 years ago and i have to follow that book" well than why not follow such book? : http://www.usborne.com/images/covers/eng/max_covers/lb_cats_and_kittens.jpg this is also book maybe it tells how to live, buahahaha how can anyone say about brainwashing when he believes that there is life after death and there are angels, demons, 72 virgins and there is need to kill anyone who doesn't follow this fairy tale ? than maybe fans of Pepsi should kill fans of Coca Cola, fans of cats should kill fans of dogs forcing them to keep cats instead of dog, fans of pasta should kill fans of potatoes forcing them to eat pasta etc. maybe there was no dinosaurs ? what is sense to follow book written by someone over 1000 years ago, omg what proof does anyone on existence of god, immams say that earth is flat, that earthquakes are caused because women wear denim trousers, and that DNA cannot be used in forensic, yeaaah the only crap is oranized by immams who want to ruin modern civilization and revert history to middle ages, taking people right to education but replacing it with religion which orders to believe in things which are not proven by science, how can anyone base all on book written 1400 years ago is for me ridiculous, Ghost-busters movie is comedy, some people take such things seriously and declare jihad... eh... eternal life instead of pork and bikini, yeaaa... if god existed children would not be dying on cancer - that ends for me any irrational discussions about gods, prophets and etc. real brainwashing, cause real brainwashing is religion system , any religion, from ancient Egypt telling that Pharaoh decide if sun gonna shine or not ,by crusaders and Holy Inqusition till Islam and by Judaism (cause Talmud says that non-Jews are animals, do not have any right other than to be slave, Talmud says that Jew can cheat non-Jew, and that non-Jews are slaves to work hard for Jews without payment, this is what Talmud says ), religions do the same what Hitler did - dividing people on group that has rights and group that has no rights, Hitler was making this on basis of birth, religions also do similar cause if someone is born in Muslim family and he say he doesn't believe and he becomes apostate - he may be murdered, he is persecuted etc. plus religions tell to force others to follow - religions are like cancer that spreads and destroy, you do not watch news, you prefer immam ? and who is brainwashed , do you support killing LGTB ? do you support killing apostates and atheists ? if you would answer yes - there is no place for you in modern civilised society , unless you tell truth due to taqyyia ( http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/011-taqiyya.htm), if you would watch all news you would throw away religion and become apostate seeing how much evil was done with allah-akbar shouting murderers http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/Myths-of-Islam.htm I am not brainwashed, i do not believe in any god, any angels, any satans, any virgins in any heavens, any life after life till it won't be proven by scientists and well documented by science, i graduated technical university not religious school, if you say people FALSELY accuse Islam of violence - let apostates, LGTB from Muslim countries will answer how it is , also maybe women with faces burned by acid could answer, and maybe some Christians living there plus people attacked for not obeying Sharia or people sentenced to death for apostasy let speak, woman stoned to death for "adultery" which we call sunbathing I am apostate and i will always be against such things like Islam is what you would say to apostates murdered due to Sharia? in islamic countries people like me are being killed because some idiots believe in one book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam such civilization should not be allowed in Europe and i hope it will fall in other places cause it is impossible to force people to believe in such illusion like god, there is no place for middleages in 2015
  11. so you claim that this news is fake ? http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1356,title,Irak-dzihadysci-rozstrzelali-300-osob-z-komisji-wyborczej,wid,17765511,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=115609 althought it is not news from muslimissue.com or religionofpeace.com
  12. http://img.wiocha.pl/images/3/2/32d99de5a1bc5990beab15235dafd5fb.jpg woman with 1 leg (second leg lost) has refused of social care cause state has no money, http://www.fakt.pl/warszawa/poeta-spi-w-samochodzie,artykuly,560239.html this man sleeps in car cause from small social care he is not able to pay rent for apartment (he is ill on cancer, he has 550 PLN benefit) but... they want to bring 2600 imigrants which: http://img.wiocha.pl/images/7/0/709f5053f446f89143a026983186addb.jpg in Italy protest cause "food is too monotonous and they want different food" http://img3.demotywatoryfb.pl//uploads/201508/1439152553_il7mae_600.jpg they throw away clothes given to them for free cause clothes are not fashionable, meanwhile immam says: http://img.wiocha.pl/images/e/a/eab2f43b624af691c13a6cd4598610b6.jpg "word Islam means surrendering to god, talking about peace is nonsense, muslim must surrender to god's will, you cannot talk about peace cause prophet says about jihad " quote from Anjem Choudary said in interview "Christians are our enemies" http://dorzeczy.pl/id,5575/Choudary-Chrzescijanie-to-nasi-wrogowie.html he is also happy that cartoonists were killed in France and he is not arrested in UK ---- http://img4.demotywatoryfb.pl//uploads/201508/1439026078_alssrw_600.jpg Denmark to change law - if immigrant doesn't integrate he has to move out, i do not know if it is true
  13. they murdered 300 people today in Iraq murdered people were ... working in voting comisions, why ? because sharia bans voting, so they killed people working for democracy
  14. i have one and the same email since decade or more than decade i was using it before and now, just now i was asked to restore password
  15. can i report bug here ? after forum renewal program asked to restore password after restoring password my nick changed, i have reseted posts and ... cannot reach old messages my account is like new account
  16. in Poland ZUS (State Insurance/Retired Agency) send letters to many many people with foreseen pension height people have foreseen pension (at retired age) ca 200-300 Euro (i have 1250 PLN/ 297 Euro prognosis for 2045) this is insane , that so much taxes wasted and they foresee retirement pension as 200-300 euro in 2045 (if salary will be the same and person will work all time at today's salary) they foresee pension to be 30% of last-decade salary of person , which is ridiculous in our conditions (prices almost like in western europe) edit: I meant of course GROSS sume, not after taxation but before (with taxes) after taxation is is much lower
  17. plus his name is one of most popular names in this country apart from Nowak, Kowalski, Wisniewski, according to police stats ca. 40 000 people have such name which is 1 permile of society has this name , so probably people with similar first name and surname among 40 000 people you can find 500 Andrews + as said, noone is responsible for his grandfathers (unless uses criminal profits like commie children who use family relations as only basis for their career in state administration without skills) noone of people living on the earth (as we yet do not travel in time) has possibility to choose grandfathers ;)
  18. https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/west-papua-the-small-island-where-15-of-its-population-have-been-tortured-and-killed-by-muslim-occupiers/ http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/fbi-middle-eastern-males-approaching-family-members-of-military-personnel http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/islamic-state-in-west-africa-slits-the-throats-of-16-christian-fishermen https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/australian-security-agencies-disrupted-six-terrorist-attacks-in-10-months/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/florida-cuban-muslim-convert-wanted-to-plant-nighttime-bomb-and-cut-the-enemies-head/ http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/muslim-cleric-caliphate-will-bring-down-the-u-s-eliminate-west-entirely http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/new-york-muslim-who-tried-to-join-islamic-state-said-its-murders-were-justified-because-the-victims-were-not-muslims http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/uk-muslim-bought-enough-ricin-to-kill-1400-people-faces-light-sentence-no-evidence-that-he-was-planning-any-sort-of-terrorist-attack http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/idaho-muslim-wanted-to-detonate-bomb-at-park-during-july-4-celebration http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/miami-muslim-wanted-to-shoot-people-in-stadium-to-create-chaos-in-city
  19. https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/netherlands-50-70-of-former-muslim-asylum-seekers-live-permanently-on-welfare/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/muslim-got-swedish-citizenship-and-immediately-raped-a-woman-because-he-could-no-longer-be-deported/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/uk-distressed-and-impoverished-refugee-fraudster-had-92000/ https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/uk-jihadi-letter-sent-to-soldiers-family-sparks-police-social-media-warning/ http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/polish-police-monitoring-200-jihadis-many-entered-country-as-refugees https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/07/27/sweden-christian-asylum-seekers-hounded-out-of-immigrant-housing-by-muslims/ http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/guardian-media-coverage-of-terrorism-leads-to-further-violence http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/serbia-professor-of-sharia-law-leads-islamic-state-recruitment http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/uk-muslims-threaten-to-slaughter-soldiers-wives-and-families http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/uk-muslim-schools-accused-of-anti-christian-chanting http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/somali-jihad-martyrdom-bomber-held-german-citizenship http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/canada-muslims-planned-to-infiltrate-synagogue-murder-jews http://10news.dk/?p=1374#comments http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/eyewitness-on-lesbos-syrian-refugees-not-impoverished-hungry-or-thirsty http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/07/saudi-official-calls-on-international-community-to-criminalize-criticism-of-islam --------------- back on economy: http://wpolityce.pl/gospodarka/261294-niestety-polscy-rolnicy-beda-musieli-zaplacic-660-mln-zl-kar Polish farmers must pay 162 000 000 € fines for producing too much milk , as said before, EU =USSR2, they tell farmers how much cows, milk, pigs they can have, no free market but Brussels decide how much milk can cow give in which country
  20. new toys: http://s11.postimg.org/u4t7xuwgj/Beznazwy_2.jpg curently tested ------- lol, i have reseted account, 3 posts, join date since new forum , name = email ;)
  21. as i said few times, cancer treatment is not refunded but sex change is , http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,139758,title,14-letni-Maks-choruje-na-bialaczke-szpikowa-NFZ-nie-refunduje-jego-leku,wid,17747844,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=11556f this boy will die due to lack of refunds for his cancer treatment but man who want to be "woman" will get sex change surgery refunded, immigrants shouting allah akbar will get free house, shame that only Czech president and Orban have balls in EU , great European values, man with boobs over child with cancer, criminals in prisons like hotels, people who want to behead us on benefits from our high taxes Czech president said to immigrants "noone ivited you, you must obey our laws or go away" http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1356,title,Na-Wegrzech-rozpoczeto-oficjalnie-budowe-muru-majacego-powstrzymac-imigrantow,wid,17747937,wiadomosc.html Hungary builds a wall to stop islamists flow to Hungary from former Yugoslavian area
  22. http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1329,title,USA-sprzedaly-Kurdow-Grozba-powstania-i-wojny-domowej-we-wschodniej-Turcji,wid,17741862,wiadomosc.html Kurds say they were betrayed by USA and USA sold them , meanwhile as said above - Erdogan daughter helps ISIS