I hope it's fine to post this here because I wasn't sure in which section I should post it but today I did noticed the following on BI careers page:
<ROLE> = Gameplay programmer, 3D artist, sound artist, environment artist and lead artist.
Link for one of the positions.
There are 5 open positions for this new game and, at least for me, it's the first time I read about it. More interesting is that it's a VR game, something I didn't expect BI to explore right now but I am excited because I think that VR is awesome (I had a DK2 and I will get a Vive or Rift a couple of months after both are released). Also, it isn't clear if it's a new IP or not right, only that it's one of their IPs? I ask because English isn't my main language and maybe I am not reading right.
So, what do you guys think about it?