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Posts posted by en3x

  1. Hey is group management still scripted solution?


    It appears that lots of coop public server benefit from this feature.


    Right now you can't scroll up (it teleports you back on bottom) with slider through people names on different

    invade and annex server.(they aren't modded, all  vannila assets).Only arrow keys work.

    • Like 1

  2. rev 137959


    pilot camera improvements

     - improved controls when camera is lcoked

     - supported laser designator

     - pilotCameraRotX and pilotCameraRotY anim sources

     - new script commands: getPilotCameraPosition, getPilotCameraDirection, getPilotCameraRotation, getPilotCameraTarget, hasPilotCamera, setPilotCameraDirection, setPilotCameraRotation, setPilotCameraTarget


    Good news everyone!


    On the similar note, how big is step between current manual locking to target to continuously "locked"* view which we can

    still move up down left and right.


    *Locked in sense of tracking point of aim without your input with ability to move point of aim at any given moment.


    Here is example footage linky


    There has been some confusion regarding changes in deployment while prone. 
    First of all, that was false changelog entry, it made it in changelog, but never in development branch itself. I apologize for confusion.
    Why are we even thinking about it?
    Developer that originally made whole deployment possible feels it can be further enhanced, however at this point this is in experimental phase and may not happen at all. Feelings here will of course also have an impact in case we will consider changes to current mechanics.
    I also would like to ensure you that it is lower priority and main focus is indeed on other, more pressing, tasks. 



    I'm still confused - is it false as it shouldn't be on changelog (because it isn't in game), or is it worded incorrectly, if so how?


    I'm glad for trying further experimentation and feasibility experiments to extend bipod system.


    There are couple of issues with them like deploying bipods moves your view

    however it should accomodate bipods and your hands not your view.


    The other is angles detection algorithm - there is always room for improvements.


    And height of bipods - right now legs snap on the surface - would be great if we could raise them ourselfs to get ideal position,

    height at given surface.Perhaps even move them around.

    • Like 2

  4. I think this feature should be request for for mod maker not for vannila game.

    Because I haven't heard anyone requesting such thing.Among others, is not

    something that military sandbox needs like watering down.I know, I know about

    options leaves everybody happy but still needs developer attention which he

    could use to fix something more needed.


    Ferryman you are very reasonable guy, don't let criticism get to you personal,

    I only disagree with idea.And that's what makes us human.

  5.  Dont worry Alwarren, you hang out here long enough and you'll go around the dial  from the 'epitome of fanboi' to 'full blown hater' multiple times -consider it a BI steam achievement.


     the thing is, there just arent that many good stories to tell - like you said how that series Battlestar Galatica (never seen) went down or something similar with the show "Lost" -starts by offering tons of compelling "wtf's" and then just lazily never answers or gets so hokey into the realm  of *cough Matrix 2* "keymasters" and "11 dimensions" that you just end up throwing your remote at the cat lamenting 20 hours+ life that were actually lost.


     Interestings plotlines that arent cliche are extremely hard to make -especially by computer programmers constrained by deadlines, budgets and the need (or want) to go mainstream casual. There are however other ways to make gimmick-less stories compelling some being 'gritty, intense, shocking. personal dramas' or others being (as i prefer) new gameplay mechanics which let the player create their own story with a wartime, loose narrative backdrop.


    Another problem is feeback. I used to be called fanboi because i thought it important to let the development team know they were on the right track, not to stroke their delicate egos. Many people here dont say jack unless to gripe, creating the impression that either 'we are never happy' or are so split in opinions that they minds well ignore our opinions and go listen on steam or reddit or wherever the fuck they got the impression that SP campaigns dont matter.


     Personally I liked the concept of adding the warfare to Red Harvest though seeming 95% hated it on release. After the fact though i did see quite a few people also appreciate it but it was few and far between. The idea of adding more command to player was cool imo, tho a 100% rip of Warfare without more story specific customazation came across as a cheap port. Id love to see a whole new approach, something akin to a mix of Rydygiers Hetman and SaOk's WLA in terms of watching a real war unfold -and actually know what squads are doing what where and possibly why. Add in a sort of a Career mode with a world full of stats including squads performance, command performance, medals, promotions, demotions, and yes even The Hague -twould be awesome and provide endless gameplay.


    That is very intriguing scenario that would really connect me to Singleplayer missions - being part of the war, another gear in a bigger machine.And watching war unveil as a soldier,

    would be interesting premise.Sure that was survive and adapt but it was more over the place.

  6. Arma 3 use a 15 years old motor. For that reason the level of refinement is very big. Enfusion, will work as good after some time. Compare the the first games of PS3 and the last games and you will see a big upgrade with the same hardware.


    While game engines is 15 years old, so it's cryengine or unreal.


    The way game engines evolve is through iteration, refactoring system or perhaps coding new features in.

    All that still builds on top of existing engine.Some things get rewritten some things left unchanged but

    the point is that 15 years old progress is not thrown out of the window is just replaced, modified, or

    left as it was.


    The problem with arma seem to be that some core systems weren't optimized, refactored good enough.

    Being decoupling render, multithreading more systems that benefits from that.Some systems were poorly

    implemented like animation system which really really needs refactoring.Backend interaction needs work

    where action menu is still feature based on first arma game and remains unchanged.midrange textures

    need more work.


    Hopefully for next iteration of arma engine programmers and engineers look into engine development

    and future better and work on core features and systems that really matter.

  7.  the movement and performance is superior, even in its early stage. 


    I still think that squad and arma 3 are completely different genres.


    You don't see stance adjust in movement for squad or looking independently around.Neither to lower your

    rifle, use combat pace, and different movement speed.Neither does it contain fatigue system.


    As squad is modern newly built game I would expect for performance to be better.

  8. Well, in that case it makes sense. But that's a bummer; I wish we had illuminating rounds, at least on mortars. :(

    Yep.Because signaling flares are commonly used in survival situation or in emergency for public use.

    Armies on the other hand have less of a need for signal flares (they have radios.)

    However illumination rounds and illumination flares are commonly used.

    Which brings me to the next point -"flares" shouldn't be named simply "flares" but rather "Signal flares".

  9. Tweaked the recoils but left the off centre proxy muzzle attachments?

    Left the top proxy still too far forwards, and looks out of place with anything different from the stock scopes and sights?

    5 minutes too long for this to be fixed?


    Hmm without knowing their schedule and priority list is impossible to say.


    We should post couple of pictures about the proxy offset.

    • Like 1

  10. + avoid hundreds of combined work hours to create complete new animation set for everything and it's dog.

    + avoid creating complete new sets for all the uniforms to fit female form.

    This is hardly a "omg PR/  SJW " issue. It's a workload issue.


    Ever since I saw Star citizen model of female that can get in male uniforms - so the body it's

    essentially the same, so there is no need to redo all the uniforms.

  11. Taken all this onboard sitting down as designer what assets would you pick and why..


    Civilians (what civilian variety can we have?Excluding woman because of lot of work due to technical issues)


    Boats (transport boats in particular - able to transport from tanks to lighter vehicles


    Distinct RPGs (due to copy cat amount of reskins this would help in terms of variety)


    Distinct per faction turrets (opened up turrets - counterpart of remotely operated)


    Distinct mortars


    Strike out:


    Particular rifles (in case is not feesable within the timeframe)


    Headgear (there is lot variety here already)


    UAV (already existing set is there, they are are rarely used since they are specialized)

  12. Having played first mission alone and all the rest in multiplayer I can see one thing clearly.

    The systems around campaign were designed around coop and only coop in mind.The fact

    that they considered pulling solo away just proves me that.


    So that is my problem - More resources should be allocated to treat SP and MP equally.

    If that would mean that I would have to wait further (similar to arma 3 campaign) I would

    accept that.


    Despite the fact that this expansion is supposedly being worked alongside marksmen dlc

    and heli, but based on situation I suspect that only tanoa was in production during that time

    for the apex.

  13. This again?  Why this again, why always this again.  As stated above its a server option so the people in multiplayer have the option to turn it off, if you play on a server that does not have it disabled then consider contacting an administrator and requesting it, alternatively find a server that does have it disabled.   If none do then perhaps that says more about the MP comunnity than the single players that like it.


    For a few reasons : D You have been here around for a while.Because people are very passionate about their choice of whether

    first or third person, and because if you feel tired of discussion you can choose to no partake.

  14. My little add on to conversation.Last night I connected for the first time on Tanoa on Invade and annex game mode which is

    coop with over 50 people.Since I'm tank nut I wanted to grab Marshall/Slammer and go play alongside infantry.Well too bad

    because Area Operation was on the island.15 minutes later AO spawns on mainland.When AO ended myself and crewmate

    ended up discussion how much sucks that we can't get to the island with next objective because we don't have transport option.

    Shortly after that I disconnected.


    Transport and logistic in backbone or lifeline of any army.The fact that tanoa is island with plenty of islands solidify importance of

    transport.So instead of making another pair of UAV which if I may say are very specialized, a transport boat for vehicles would see

    more use than already existing uav set.

    • Like 1

  15. Feedback:


    Customization of "Rank names" under members tab


    Most of clans and communities use their own class or hierarchy system.

    (which means that ranks 7, rank 6 is not accurate.)

    It would be beneficial if Ranks could be customized to admin liking.




    "Rank 7" Unit Admin of community/clan could rename it to "Founder"

    "Rank 6" to "Officers" and on and on.

  16. it was useless in way how it was 'poisoned' by invalid votes ...

    it's of course useful when implemented / utilized properly ...

    as I said, at some point it will come back


    Funny enough older tracker was used for years and I only heard about fake votes now.

    Connecting vote per account should solve that issue as mentioned.

  17. voting system was/is useless in terms of abuse , same as comment and posting spam ...

    that applies until the service is tied with Bohemia Account

    and the account verifies game ownership (you own the game, you can vote, report, comment, if you don't own it, you can read-only)


    Voting was also useful because it helped in some way for you guys to show how much interest is in

    firing from vehicle, slingloading, advanced flight model which were oustanding and well developed engine systems.

  18. I support that thinking.


    Arma 3 game mechanics and its content like SP should lean and build on legacy of what made

    arma successful as franchise not try to appeal to everyone.As as well thoughts like  let's make

    game for a niche audience which attracts lots of public attention and due to that change deciding to

    revise game and target that new incoming audience.At that point you should go ahead and call it

    different game.


    However making game accessible should mean replacing action menu, revise and rework

    animation system, commanding system etc.But of course its easier to make accessible

    campaign then spend months of work on action menu or any other system that would really

    make an impactful difference on a player.


    This might be my opinion but a casual new player that saw this game be popular and bought

    it for that reason probably play multiplayer games (KTOH, life, BR) and doubt he really cares about

    latest SP campaign.

    • Like 1

  19. i personally don't mind the lack of realism there but i like the idea of tweaking the size.


    maybe having it go bigger the further away it is to simulate the decrease of accuracy with increase of distance. although it's tricky since then it gets more in your face. maybe combined with increased transparency.


    just brain storming here.


    Discussion is great as do are concerns.


    Main concern would be user stating that he can't find when and where someone directed tactical ping.
