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About wonderingpony

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    Just a pony wondering about

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    Alberta, Canada
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    Los of things

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  1. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    This means Tanoa, etc. If you do not have it, no big deal I am not expecting everyone to have the terrains and DLC for Arma.
  2. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    Why do you even post on this thread if you do not like what I am asking. It's a simple set of questions to gauge the community. If you don't want to take the survey don't. I'd rather you not sit here and say how bad the survey is and complain about the email thing. I fixed it, so what's the issue? The annoying thing was that it was on there. I didn't know how to change it, then I figured it out. Arma ID's are not intrusive either. Every time you log into a server it is recorded, along with your name. The point of that is to look into bans. I ask if you were banned before, if you say no and you were banned at some point, then you are left out of the event. If you can't play fairly and can't answer honestly, then this is not the place for you. The point of the event is laid out for you in the first post. The point is teamwork and fun for everyone around. I can't make something complicated without knowing a tiny bit about the Arma community. I'm a working man logging 15 hours a day. Just want some general questions is all! Thanks for the luck
  3. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    Fixed. No longer require email. Kinda Annoying. However this is not the only place I made a post.
  4. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    Saving this space
  5. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    The documentation is not completed yet. However I will give a little info on it. The point of the survey is to find out who is interested in what so the missions and documentation can be tailored to the mass. I will edit my original post.
  6. wonderingpony

    Special Arma Exhibition (SAEX)

    At SAEX we are asking for the community to answer a survey so we can gauge opinions and to see if completing the yearly event is feasible. SURVEY ***GROUP OWNERS/LEADERS PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR GROUP PATCH, FLAG AND POTENTIALLY MODS IN THE EVENT*** NONE OF YOUR INFORMATION GATHERED WILL BE SOLD TO THIRD PARTIES OR USED IN ANYWAY THAT MAKES IT PUBLIC. Thank you Special Arma Exhibition "SEAX is about clans and Communities getting together to “Strut their stuff” and be able to recruit new members and advance their skills SAEX is for groups and players who want to engage in realistic, complicated, competitive and fun war games. Scoring is based not on kills only, but on group productivity and teamwork. Missions are built the same for every group, however Artificial Intelligence (AI) will never be placed in the same area. Events are built specifically, and only played once. Each group gains score on training, patrolling, anti tank, etc missions. The score attained in each of these missions goes towards the event cue. A minimum score is required in order for a group to progress to the event stage. Events are carried out on random terrains. Every terrain in Arma is not required to play. This includes ADDON terrains bought from the Steam store. If all the players in the group do not have the addons required, they will be assigned to a specific area. These areas include default terrains and MOD terrains."