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Everything posted by morgoth

  1. morgoth

    EricJ Release thread

    I prefer arma3 deploy system. furthermore, I can check whether my weapon is resting or not only with HUD above ammo count. so it isn't that necessary ability but its icon always twinkling out when I am just standing near cover. I don't mean It should be thrown away, but at least you can make people select they will use this or not simply
  2. morgoth

    EricJ Release thread

    well what about giving the on/off function for TMR Autorest?
  3. morgoth

    EricJ Release thread

    well, I was light machine gunner when I serviced in rok army so I do know how it feel. I just thought addons should show the reality whatever BIS do in their weapon. actually we don't give shit what BIS do, don't we? of course, grab the rifle and move around in the field require a lot of energy even with small guns in long term. but at least, we can see the difference in speed of exhausting. ACE3 addon make difference that speed as weight of gears. so no matter what I got m240 or M4 of this weapon pack, I can see no differences in mobility and stamina. as ACE set, all the weapons' weight of this pack is setted as 3~4kg. some weapon should get twice value as they setted already. anyway, I do appreciate your works. I just want to use this addon for really long time. and I always thought this part is little tiny flack for making this addon as 100 perfect. anyway, thank you for hearing my opinion. I do appreciate it. ---------- Post added at 03:16 ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 ---------- oh and could you delete the weapon deployment ability? ARMA3 mark dlc provide that ability already as you know
  4. morgoth

    EricJ Release thread

    as you know, ace3 show weight of gears. but no matter I choose weapons differently every time, the weight of my gears almost doesn't change. like when I select m240, I am still like I am playing around with small rifle.
  5. morgoth

    EricJ Release thread

    well, when I checked weapons of EricJ weapon packs, I found all of them have same weight and unnormally light value. is it only my problem or bug?