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About TransytF

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  1. TransytF

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Well, I think when BI says "something we've never done before", it doesn't necessarily mean the terrain. Only the look of the terrain doesn't change game play. The basic rules of fire fighting are no difference whether you are in tropical islands or in the desert or in the snow. So I think if we expect something new, we'd better not seek it from the island.
  2. TransytF

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    No, I don't think BI would bring real world disput into the game. The sovereignty of the disputed islands haven't been solved between China and Japan. Fighting on these islands against China will definitely angers a billion people (well I guess by no means would BI make US side an opfor). I guess BI will make an fictional story on non-disputed islands so no one feels affended.