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3.JgKp James

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About 3.JgKp James

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  1. Hello torndeco, as a clan we are relying heavily on your extDB2, at the moment we are in the process of changing to extDB3. Thank you a lot for your efforts and time, we appreciate it, be assured! If you need a supporting hand on the sqf helper functions, I would be more than willing to assist you. For example, I'm already using my own helper functions to extract from a query with several nested arrays the desired output and to check for each query the error code and return error message if there was an error detected. Greetings [3.JgKp]James
  2. Thank you so much Gatsu....search the whole internet for several hours and really nothing worked out so far. Neither steamports nor update arma nor any of the hundred tipps. But closing steam.exe, starting the dedicated server and than restarting steam works perfectly