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About Nach

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. you have #include "x.sqf" or "x.hpp" // into your init.sqf?
  2. _inventory = nearestObjects [player,["Land_Cargo20_military_green_F" ],300]; { _x addAction ["OpenArsenal","x.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"] ; } foreach _inventory
  3. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    waitUntil { (currentWaypoint (_waypoint1 select 0)) > (_waypoint1 select 1) }; // it ' a trigger wait statement of the passage {unassignvehicle _x;moveout _x;} foreach (units _group); // you assign your group to out
  4. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    can you send you script please I m french it s so difficult to explain
  5. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    oki into editor how many squad you have I start for three. Into the editor create 3 groups . There are a ledader by squad double click on this init box . write in first>>> alpha = group this; 2nde >>> bravo = group this; 3rd >>> charlie = groups this; There are a selection of waypoint select and place a waypoint script double click on this there are a initbox onactivation write this script {unassignvehicle _x;moveout _x;} foreach (units alpha); {unassignvehicle _x;moveout _x;} foreach (units bravo); {unassignvehicle _x;moveout _x;} foreach (units charlie);
  6. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    oki exemple _soldat1 createunit [_pos, _groupe1,"this moveInDriver _camion;"]; _soldat2 createunit [_pos, _groupe2,"this moveInCargo _camion;"]; _soldat3 createunit [_pos, _groupe2,"this moveInCargo _camion;"]; _soldat4 createunit [_pos, _groupe2,"this moveInCargo _camion;"]; _wp1 = _groupe1 addWaypoint [_targetpos, 1]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; waitUntil { (currentWaypoint (_wp1 select 0)) > (_wp1 select 1) }; or make a scriptwaynpoint into eden on activation >> { unassignvehicle _x; moveout _x; } foreach (units _groupe2); you can change by groupename and waypoint name into the editor for _group && _wp1 delete the seven first write (lignes) of my script write into initbox leader group >> yourgroupename = group this; It juste a question oki I write English by;)) ty Google traduction ;)
  7. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    Tu es français? Il veulent qu ils sortent tous en même temps
  8. Nach

    How can I sync up groups

    {Obliquité _x} unités foreach (mygroup)
  9. what 's the revive use into your mission? BIS ?
  10. createunit _soldier Soldier = _soldier Publicvariable "soldat" Mon addaction {soldat etc ...
  11. No variable exactely
  12. This addAction["teleport",{player setPos getMarkerPos "marker_nimitz"}]; no variable function into an script addaction thanks to KK to tell me that ;)
  13. yes it s right , remotexec normaly if you input an addaction into object init box there a no matter for JIP . All clients read addaction . maybe destruction object in game
  14. sorry, into onplayerRespawn.sqf and init.sqf [player addaction ["<t color='#004EFF'>Teleporter soldier</t>", {_pos = getMarkerPos "marker_nimitz",player setpos _pos },[], 1, false, true,"","alive _target and (getposatl player distance getposatl flagteleport) <10"]] call bis_fnc_mp;
  15. [player addaction ["<t color='#004EFF'>Teleporter soldier</t>", {_pos = getMarkerPos "marker_nimitz",player setpos _pos },[], 1, false, true,"","alive _target and (getposatl player distance getposatl flagteleport) <10"]] call bis_fnc_mp; create into mission folder OnplayerRespawn.sqf ( input this script) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Script name your flag in editor >> flagteleport >>init box : this allowdamage false; (for no destruction of the flag , flag dammage adios addaction) good edition by;))