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Posts posted by regiregi22

  1. Hi I have recently been rescripting you're mission to fit the needs of my community, I am curious though about this one issue. We have been unhappy with the performance of our ai, so we installed some ai mods on are server: Asr_ai, GL5. We noticed that the mods had little change, or did not act as they normally do when not played with Liberation.


    So to investigate, I opened the liberation folder and found that liberation does have it's own ai skill scripts in the mission. I am curious if this can be deleted to allow optimal performance for our ai mods, or is there another way around this issue?


    Any reply is helpful Thank you in advance.


    Dude Ride


    What are the things that seems abnormal to you while using ASR? Not that I have examined it at the detail, but I have noticed obvious behaviours like machingunners using supression while in cover.

  2. Hello again. Is somebody has already install ASR AI mod ? Tried, but nothing happends. But seems it`s installed. :c Should i edit something ? Or does it fit at all, or no chance to do it ? But want to try new experience. I just download it, and put it in my server folder.


    Just download ASR and load it as you'd do with any other addon. Load it both on the server and the clients.


    Don't expect nothing "to happen", as it will just change the combat behaviuour of the AI.

  3. No sir :( . The stuck markers return upon re-enabling 


    Add its classname to classnames_extension.sqf under the air_vehicles_extension section. Price accordingly eg: ["melb_heli_idontknowthe_classname",0,0,12]   

    There's very helpful commentary in the sqf file itself (thanks for that zbug by the way!)

    Those are the lines to be added. Be careful the last line of the array doesn't have a coma, otherwise the mission wouldn't work:















    Is it possible to make the mission ACE3 compatible ? 


    It is already, we use it. But you will have to edit the mission if other than ACE3 default settings are desired (e.g. advanced medical system enabled).




    Also (I've just read the code again) for random attacks (not counters) you need at least 20 humans players and 20 fps on your server. Maybe that 20 players limit could be lowered by the CSAT aggressivity parameter, so you could get constantly hammered by CSAT battlegroups with only 5 human players to defend if that's really what you want ? :P


    Asking for it to be added as a parameter would be too much, so I will be glad if you could confirm me that only changing line 19 in "\scripts\server\battlegroup\random_battlegroups.sqf" file would do the trick. Thanks :-)


    • Like 1

  4. I've done a complete RHS conversion. I removed all CSAT and militia units and replaced them with Russian MSV and eastern independent units. I changed the NATO units to USMC units. One issue I've ran into is a few vehicles I added to the purchasable vehicles extension (not RHS assets) can't be recycled and they don't show up on the map either.  Do I need to reference these vehicles in another sqf file other than classnames_extension.sqf? Vehicle names "exa_rg31_mk19" and "exa_rg31_m2".


    Would you be so kind of uploading it? So to avoid to do the same redundant work.


    In the meanwhile, I am working in an Iron front version. Could be interesting to see Liberation from a WWII point of view. Stay tuned.

  5. Hello zbug, how are you doing?


    I will be very interested in doing a full RHS version, only including elements from this addon. But I would like to wait for the 1.0 version, so to not have to review the code again and again. Is it expected to change some code from the 0.921 version to the 1.0 version in relation to the classnames files?


    Anyway, I have a question for you regarding enemy attacks. From time to time, we receive attacks to our bases, but they are very sporadic. We feel that we would like to have more enemy pressure, not so regarding reinforcements when we are attacking a town (this amount feels just right), but:

    -Increased amount and frecuency of enemy attacks to our bases

    -Increased amount of enemy patrols. It is quite difficult to encounter them while traveling.


    I have revised the code but it is still not clear to me where to tune-up those numbers. Are they related to the parameter CSAT aggresivity?


    Thank you very much,

    Best regards

  6. Hello folks!

    I would like to share with you some work I've been doing lately. I am a big fan of mortars and artillery in general, so I have been quite pleased with the addition of the ACE3 Mk6 module and the 82mm mortar range table. It got even more interesting with the addon made by ruPal (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30042) which adds support for some artillery units from RHS.

    I got tired of having to calculate all the intermediate values and corrections due to enviromental factors  (temperature, humidity....), so why not having the computer make it for me?

    So, I introduced the range table's values in an Excel sheet and all the calculus necessary to interpolate the results to make the process as fast, effective and precise as possible. All you need to do is input the proper values in the RED text boxes, and you'll get the results in the GREEN text boxes. The other cells show the corrections to be applied, just for the sake of curiosity. So when you are called to fire for effect, it's a matter of seconds to calculate and deliver those rounds on target. Just take care of writing the headwind or tailwind value as positive or negative signed.

    It contains the tables for the Mk6, M252 and M119. I am planning in adding the russian stuff at a later stage, if requested. Being an Excel file, it can be used in tablets, mobile phones or anything compatible!


    Artillery pieces included:

    -2b14 Podnos
    -D30 BK-6M
    -D30 BK-13




    Best regards




    • Like 6

  7. P.S. Before anyone asks again, vanilla vehicles and weapons are hosed and frankly if/until BI releases their full configs to the community, they will stay that way. Personally I don't care b/c I don't play Arma for the fantasy setting anyway (hence RHS, CUP, etc.).


    So let me make it clear. Sorry if I had to make you explain it once again.

    I use both Vanilla and RHS armored vehicles (along with ACE3). AFAK RHS already has RAM on it, so actually that makes it incompatible with vanilla weapons and armoured vehicles. So for it to work fine, you only have to use Vanilla assets with Vanilla assets, and the same with RHS assets. Not mixing them. That's easy to grasp.

    But what about adding RAM on top of that? As it is stated on its Armaholic page:

    "Who is it for? Anybody, but it's especially recommended to those who use both RHS and other mod or stock content together"

    What I understand from this is that @RAM addon would give Vanilla assets the required modifications to make them compatible with RHS.

    What I don't really get is the meaning of the paragraph I quoted from you. Am I able to properly mix RHS and vanilla assets if adding @RAM on top of that?


  8. Thank you, will try it with HC (never tried it until now, all missions I've done had only a few IA units).


    After some hours playing it, the people I play with noticed there's no reward or interest in trying to recover not-armed vehicles and helicopters, like transport trucks or some big helis. It's easier for them to destroy and re-spawn them, or just leave them on the battlefield. Even more if they are damaged, while the point there should be to force them to carry a repair vehicle to it. It's like we have an infinite source of them. Could be very interesting to add another ammo-like number, but it could be named spare parts for example, or whatever. Only the very basic vehicles like quads are totally free. That would aid in people caring about their vehicles!

    On another side of things, I noticed you already had french and german translations. Contact me if you want the spanish one to be done.


    Best regards

  9. Since some days running this excellent mission on a dedicated server, I would like to restart it. The problem is that I would like to be able to save the current progress, so that after the restart we could continue conquering the whole map. Is it possible in any way?


  10. Q: So Spartan what have you been up to, you have been rather quiet?

    A: Well I have been working on refining my ballistics to V3, this takes into effect a whole new level of calculation based on BI info (if you scour the forums you should get an accurate picture of what this entails). On top of that I am working very closely with a mod team on a very very secret project and on a firearm that I have absolutely fallen in love with, in fact I plan on purchasing one in RL very soon.

    Could you please point us to the thread?

    Thanks for the hard work, keep it going!
