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About dzirecml

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  1. dzirecml

    DSS: The Mod

    Booted this up and gave it a go...lots of issues. Some issues I saw : Loot spawning above ground, sometimes unable to access Mashed the keyboard until I found out the 'H' key was the one I needed to eat/drink. Zombies and cars predictably spawn on roads (and fall from the sky as they do) Many zombies spawned frozen in place. Found a Fully loaded and fueled Pawnee at the main airport (lol wut). I'm guessing you intended this to be a framework that other mission designers build upon and flesh out, as the mod by itself cannot hold someone's attention for longer than 30 minutes.
  2. dzirecml

    [60 TvT] Battle Grid

    Longtime Planetside player here, good to see some Planetside references. This gamemode looks to have alot of potential. I run a community of around 40 arma players that would be happy to help you test, if needed. Just a quick question: Have you considered limiting what is available in Virtual Arsenal? Some weapons and thermal optics can be pretty overpowered for PvP.
  3. I'm currently working on converting one of my missions from AGM to ACE3 compatibility. There's a few key objects that are used as objectives that need to be able to be dragged/carried and loaded into vehicles. Previously, I had used the AGM system to accomplish this: "[this, false] call AGM_Drag_fnc_makeDraggable;" I poked around and found this: https ://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/documentation/framework/carry-drag.md but I'm not too sure how to assign this config value to an object. Does ACE3 have a similar function?