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About Fetzen

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hello, here is what happened: i was playing online unmodded, everything was working well for the last few hours. While sitting in the chopper on the way to the landingzone a note pops up, saying something about BE server having issues and requesting me to relaunch the game "agree" "disagree"... so i think what the hell... and agree. while i launched the game the next time a lso some message about Battleeye issue popped up, but i ignored it. The game started anyway but when i was joining the server there was the same message again, which asked me to restart the game. this time i disagreed. screen froze. i quit the game. now it doesnt do aything anymore. what i get is 2 windows: first one: arma 3.exe application error. The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000009a) second: arma 3 has quit in unusual manner. exit code 0xc000009a/ -1073741670. time running 1.37seconds. game was started with following parameters. so what now? :( ---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:51 ---------- alright maybe i was impatient everything is working again now....
  2. i already tried the condition:"this && !alive leader mygroup;" and a few similar constructs. i think the problem might be that this unit does not exist when the trigger fires for the first time? i tried to put "waituntil{!alive leader mygroup};" in the onact field after the spawn and thought it would make the trigger remain active until the group dies... also no success.
  3. Fetzen

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    my units dont seem to be using weapons from the environment. am i missing something?
  4. I have a trigger that spawns a group through a script, under certain conditions. i want the trigger to be blocked until that group is dead. i thought it would be straight forward using a "waituntil{!alive leader group}" kind of thing to the trigger onact oder deact fields but none of that works. something very similar has been described here, but i dont get it going.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?102398-Detecting-when-a-spawned-unit-is-dead any ideas? trigger should remain useless until a previously spawned group is dead.....
  5. Fetzen

    ADV Zeus Script

    Yes, i think it might have done the job! added units and changed the zeus player in the demo mission a few times and so far no breakdown :) will keep you posted if something happens again. im now dealing with learning how to spawn units with sqf files... not sure why im failing there... Thanks a lot for the help. love it
  6. Hi there, im trying scripting since yesterday. i so far only spawned units from a trigger init in the editor, now i try with the sqf files.... I tried in different ways but i still am not able to spawn units through a script. i have a .sqf file named "spawnwest.sqf". I just want to make it spwan a group of friendly units around the location of the trigger, when the player enters the area. Trigger set to detect bluefor and fire repeatedly... Trigger fires, thats not the problem^^ The triggers onAct says: "nul = [] execVM "spawnwest.sqf"; hint " spawn triggered countereast";" and i do get the hint in the spawnwest.sqf i have these lines: " _grp = createGroup west; _grp = [getPos _this, WEST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_ReconSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; sleep 1; " where is my mistake? i do this in arma 3 btw, not sure if im right here, but i thought its somewhat the same?
  7. that was a useful hint :D thank you very much indeed
  8. hm no its in the root folder.... but good to know that i can create subfolders. didnt think about that yet.
  9. Hello im a new to this, there is hopefully a simple solution to my issue: im trying around for the first time with spawns from scripts. There are obviously examples everywhere and i have done it with triggers, so regarding the script part i guess i can figure that out. my problem is that when i trigger the event in the game preview, i get the error that it cant find the Whateverthescriptnameis.sqf what am i doing wrong? thanks for helping out i launch from a proximity trigger with this line currently "dum = [] execVM "spawneastgroup1.sqf";" and that is the name of the file....
  10. Fetzen

    ADV Zeus Script

    Actually it now happened with the unchanged fresh demo mission at the second time i opened it in preview.... i noticed that the message that i get assigned as zeus does not pop up anymore. could it be that there is some sort of interference with mods? i have MCC running too and a few others (maps and units mostly)
  11. Fetzen

    ADV Zeus Script

    Hi and thanks for the quick reply. no im only working on the mission in the editor so far and test it in the preview mode and there is only one folder that contains all the files. so i mean reloading your original version of the mission file, not a running mission. i tried another time: i again deleted everything and copied your test mission. started it, worked fine. added units and it still worked fine. added a new single unit named it zeus, deleted the old unit named zeus and the script did not work anymore when i started the preview. I had not saved any changes up to here and reloaded the original file in the editor. SO from there i am starting up again the unchanged version of the test mission in the preview, but the script does not do as it did a few clicks ago. so even if i did something wrong by changing the zeus unit (which i dont think?) th eversion i load in theend should be the working original. I dont really understand why it wouldnt work then....
  12. Hello, im new to this stuff so please be forgiving. So far i havent got any script runing and i tried the easy ones, but also its my first day of working with these files. Everyone seems to find this easy.... so please help me out here... did i understand correctly that the code can be pasted into the init.sqf? for a start i would like this effect all over the map quite simply. i have the following code in the init.sqf otherwise it is empty: 0=[ [ [0,0],[20000,20000]],1,[0,0], "blue", 0.6,"east"] spawn ........ i dont understand exactly what the starting position is for so i chose [0,0] because i thought that is the buttom left corner of the map... next the size is [20000,20000], i use AlRayak and that has 20kmx20km. so all over the map i presumed... refresh at 1 second... i tried to use the [10,5,30] as well as [10,5,0] no effect... east and west i both tried. so when ive got this going i would like to know how the other thing here works, i guess thats possible using this in the init of a trigger in the editor?: as mentioned i got nothing really working so far (although some scripts showed some effects, but not workable). i must be doing something wrong in principle edit: the version in the trigger works fine with all parameters. really nice. just would like how to include this in the init.sqf of my maps or potentially add this function to triggered spawns sqf files. maybe in similar ways as was described above. i would find recon troups great that could cover a certain area and would announce enemy movement on the map and maybe even announce the grid in the side channel. edit2: i would also appreciate if anyone had an idea how to combine this with a proximity trigger so it only works if a unit (of a certain side) is in reach of that other trigger. Maybe like a radar station.... and how to make this visible only to one side
  13. Fetzen

    ADV Zeus Script

    Hi im new to editing and the game itself but im quite hooked already. Looking forward to build a few great battlefields for private use for a start. Havent done much scripting so far and have so far only tried around with the init fields inside the units, but as thats rather limited and unhandy, ill give the scripting a go. This one here is a good reason to start as i would love to have all units recruitable, including those that respawn. I tried to get it directly working in my map, but that seemed to fail, so i tried the included test mission. While it seems to work there initially it does not work anymore after i add units to the map. Again: delivered mission with the few units in it - no problem. add a unit to the map (no save) it does not anymore. And even when i then reload the original map (even though i had not really changed it) it does not work there anymore. I deleted the test mission, insstalled it again. It did the same thing. Worked - added unit - does not work anymore.... Why might that be? or are there any other solutions to make all units editable with zeus?