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Everything posted by serena

  1. serena

    Problem with Random Select

    Sorry, my fault. It is because calling code executes before target function get initialized. This code fixes problem: // in init.sqf if (true) then { private _vrn = "AddWeaponWithAmmo"; private _wpd = [ ["hlc_rifle_RU556", "hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR"], ["hlc_rifle_G36E1", "hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36"], ["hlc_rifle_awcovert_BL", "hlc_5rnd_300WM_FMJ_AWM"]]; { if (local _x and {not isNil {_x getVariable _vrn}}) then { selectRandom _wpd params ["_wpn", "_amm"]; _x addWeaponCargoGlobal [_wpn, 1]; _x addMagazineCargoGlobal [_amm, 5]; _x setVariable [_vrn, nil, true] } } forEach entities "" }; // in cargo box init field this setVariable ["AddWeaponWithAmmo", true] * code tested, all works as expected
  2. serena

    Problem with Random Select

    Based on killzone_kid code: // in init.sqf AddRandomWeaponWithAmmo = { if (local _this) then { if (isNil {WeaponsTable395867}) then { WeaponsTable395867 = [ ["hlc_rifle_RU556", "hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR"], ["hlc_rifle_G36E1", "hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36"], ["hlc_rifle_awcovert_BL", "hlc_5rnd_300WM_FMJ_AWM"]]}; (selectRandom WeaponsTable395867) params ["_weapon", "_ammo"]; _this addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weapon, 1]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal [_ammo, 5]; }; }; // in cargo box init field this call AddRandomWeaponWithAmmo; * error fixed
  3. serena

    Problem with Random Select

    Look at the selectRandom command: private _randomElement = selectRandom ["A", "B", "C"];
  4. serena

    One-way Teleporting

    player addAction ["Jump Forward 1km", {player setPos (player getPos [1000, getDir player])}];
  5. You're right, it somehow works, and thank heavens for that. Not our job to understand the varieties of sturgeon freshness (C)
  6. For me it is there all terrible like a death, does not matter formatted or not. Anyway, it is clear from the code: updating state of parent task entails cyclic update task state of each children. And no magic behind :)
  7. copyToClipboard str BIS_fnc_taskCreate // then BIS_fnc_taskSetState, BIS_fnc_setTask, BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal, BIS_fnc_taskVar
  8. This is how to BIS_fnc_SetTaskState updates children state: // ... { // ... { [_x,nil,nil,nil,_state,nil,false] call bis_fnc_setTask; }; } foreach _children;
  9. It is original formatting: But problem is not in bad format. Problem is whole API include all BIS_fnc_TaskXXX functions is just a trash :)
  10. Guys, what you think about this code: _prevData = []; for "_index" from 0 to 11 do { _prevData pushBack ( (if ((missionNamespace getVariable [format["%1.%2",_taskVar,_index], ["","",[],[],[objNull,false],-1,"","","","CREATED","Default",false] select _index]) isEqualType []) then {+(missionNamespace getVariable [format["%1.%2",_taskVar,_index], ["","",[],[],[objNull,false],-1,"","","","CREATED","Default",false] select _index])} else {(missionNamespace getVariable [format["%1.%2",_taskVar,_index], ["","",[],[],[objNull,false],-1,"","","","CREATED","Default",false] select _index])}));}; And do you want to know where this code from?
  11. Because at the moment it is the game behavior. It makes sense to create a ticket to correct this behavior in the next patch.
  12. Thank you, Larrow. I need to be corrected in previous post: the only reason to use isEqualTo, when comparing numbers, is slightly better performance. It is important :)
  13. The only reason to use isEqualTo (* in case we comparing numbers) - slightly better performance. Test results: Code Cycles Time 0 == 0 10000 0.0018 ms 0 == 1 10000 0.0019 ms 0 isEqualTo 0 10000 0.0014 ms 0 isEqualTo 1 10000 0.0015 ms
  14. Where I can read about different behavior between isEqualTo and == in multiplayer, or it is just a rumors?
  15. To be very clear, I just want to indicate the fact that this statement is not true: "it doesn't work because you forgot semicolons and a few other things". And this is not true too: "You also need to use isEqualTo instead of ==". And the fact that this code works. It is quite another matter if someone likes a semicolon everywhere where it can be put - this is a matter of taste. But tastes differ :)
  16. Just created mission with two markers, named: rand_ally1 and rand_ally2. Then in debug console: {if (_x find "rand_ally" == 0) then {_x setMarkerAlpha 0}} forEach allMapMarkers; // markers disappeared {if (_x find "rand_ally" == 0) then {_x setMarkerAlpha 1}} forEach allMapMarkers; // markers visible again What's wrong? UPD: Experimented with tasks. Making parent task "succeeded" manually does not change states of child tasks.
  17. Lou_Montana note from biki page says: Succeeding parent task will automatically succeed childs, whatever their taskState was set to. (I.E. If a task is set as a child to another, it will be completed when its parent is complete.. no matter if the child task really was or not) If nothing helps, as temporary workaround, you can create trigger with activation statement: taskState "Find Michael Connors" == "Succeeded", where manually finalize child tasks. Also, // Try replace // "rand_ally1" setMarkerAlpha 1; // "rand_ally2" setMarkerAlpha 1; // ... // "rand_allyN" setMarkerAlpha 1; // With: {if (_x find "rand_ally" == 0) then {_x setMarkerAlpha 1}} forEach allMapMarkers;
  18. Sorry guys, I could not resist XD
  19. In our case throw is a right choice, because we do not want to repair something. We need to instantly kill broken script, before it can damage something else, and inform user about error. Right. Script corrected to reflect this.
  20. Since we can not expect that someone will use try/catch in entry points, it is better simply to remove throw command. Updated: code in init.sqf: ABC = 2; XYZ = switch (ABC) do { case 1: {"Hello"}; case 2: {"World"}; default {throw "Error!!!"}; }; // Result: XYZ = "World", no errors ABC = 3; XYZ = switch (ABC) do { case 1: {"Hello"}; case 2: {"World"}; default {throw "Error!!!"}; }; //Result: XYZ = nil, script terminated with error message: 16:46:02 Error Unhandled exception: "Error!!!" And this is what we need - script termination with a clear error message.
  21. How to replace copy-paste with primitive logic and make your code shorter: SpawnGroupAndBoardVehicle = { params ["_vehicle", "_location", "_side", "_unitTypes", "_unitSeats"]; private _group = createGroup _side; { private _class = switch (_x) do { case "SQUADLEADER": {"O_Soldier_TL_F"}; case "RIFLEMAN": {"O_Soldier_F"}; case "ENGINEER": {"O_engineer_F"}; case "MEDIC": {"O_medic_F"}; default {throw (format ["Unknown unit type: %1", _x])}; }; [_group, _class, _location, _x] call YI_fnc_spawnAiUnit; } forEach _unitTypes; { private _seat = _unitSeats param [_forEachIndex, "CARGO"]; switch (_seat) do { case "DRIVER": {_x moveinDriver _vehicle}; case "GUNNER": {_x moveinGunner _vehicle}; case "COMMANDER": {_x moveinCommander _vehicle}; case "CARGO": {_x moveinCargo _vehicle}; default {throw (format ["Unknown unit seat: %1", _seat])}; } } forEach (units _group); _group; }; //==============Tigris private _tigSquad = [_tigris, _spawnLoc, EAST, ["SQUADLEADER","RIFLEMAN","ENGINEER"], ["COMMANDER", "GUNNER", "DRIVER"]] call SpawnGroupAndBoardVehicle; //==============Marid private _mSquad = [_marid, _spawnLoc, EAST, ["SQUADLEADER", "MEDIC", "ENGINEER","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN","RIFLEMAN"], ["COMMANDER", "CARGO", "CARGO", "GUNNER", "DRIVER"]] call SpawnGroupAndBoardVehicle; * code is not debugged * fixed switch default behavior, thanks killzone_kid
  22. If you're going to abuse copy-paste - hair grow on your palms XD private _origin = [05115, 04940]; private _count = 0; while {_count < 10} do { private _bomb = _ord createVehicle (_origin getPos [_count * 10.0, _azimuth]); _count = _count + 1; sleep _gap; };
  23. serena

    Health UI

    You can use this as starting point: // Parameters: Position, Scale, Enabled, Text CreateDisplayControl = { params ["_pos", "_scl", "_enb", "_txt"]; disableSerialization; private _ctl = (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1]; //_ctl ctrlAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown", Fn_Mnu_OnClickItem]; _ctl ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format [ "<img align='center' size='%2' color='%1' image='%3'/><br/><t align='center' size='%2' color='%1' shadow='2' shadowColor='#0000ff' shadowOffset='0.06'>%4</t>", ["#66ffffff", "#ffffffff"] select _enb, 1, "Libs\Menu\dot.paa", _txt]); _ctl ctrlSetPosition _pos; _ctl ctrlSetScale _scl; _ctl ctrlEnable _enb; _ctl ctrlCommit 0; _ctl }; // Usage: // private _control = [[0.4, 0.5, 0.2, 0.15], 1.0, true, "Hello, World!"] call CreateDisplayControl;
  24. Who not just: tz_util_isAdmin = { (getPlayerUID player) in uidListA}; Or, even: private _playerIsAdmin = (getPlayerUID player) in uidListA;
  25. Copy-paste from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/typeOf if (typeOf vehicle player == "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F") then {hint "Player is in AH-9 Pawnee"};