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Posts posted by venthorror

  1. Since there was some discussion about the custom FOV sliders for flying in jets.


    Would it be possible to have padlock view for locked-on targets?

    Now i know many Flight sim people know what I'm talking about...

    It is a very useful feature. Where you lock your camera to the target you are hunting, just as you would when using TrackIr.

    This would bring a TrackIr-like experience to the non TrackIr users.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, Alwarren said:

    I understand the concern of the KotH crowd was that planes become overpowering when they have "too many" targetting aids, but in how far is it balancing then if you take away capabilities that even planes in 2017 have?


    Balancing is what ruined many games. It is a double-edged sword. Modern games are being balanced to the point of boredom.

    Please focus on making Vanilla Arma as best as it can be, and let communities (no matter how large or small they are) balance the game to their liking.

    It is my opinion that game should be more enjoyable and not dumbed down.


    Not directly related to sensors, but it can fit into this category:

    Since jets are getting a big overhaul, will Flight instruments get some necessary attention too?

    Feedback ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123158


    • Like 2

  3. Greetings.

    Congratulations on the update, and steam workshop release.


    It is impossible to express the joy of having fully operational spo-15 radar.

    I mean, even the prop ground radar is being detected.    10/10

    I don't know about other people but I'm having a lot of fun just discovering new RHS stuff in the editor.


    Is there any documentation on using tank FCS and tanks in general?  Wiki is a bit outdated and sometimes I'm not sure if I'm doing things properly...

    T- 72 works fine. I use laser range finder and aim with the lowered Strich (chevrons) to compensate for the ballistics.

    In T-90 Those markings get lowered but i only hit the target if I'm using the static arrow instead of lowered chevrons...


    Now before complaining or making a new ticket i want to make sure that the problem is not on my side, because in SIM games 95% of the "problems" i encountered were due to my lack of knowledge and documentation.



  4. Greetings.


    Love the objectives and map design.

    After the update weapon damage is somewhat satisfying, but i think it should be increased even more.

    Increased ADS transition speed does add to the smoothness of the gameplay. :icon14:

    Desync is still there even with low ping.


    First i configured controls to match my Arma 3 configuration. (mouse sensitivity, aiming deadzone etc)

    It proved to be a bad idea.


    Now, i know this is exactly what you guys want to hear but, once i stopped playing the game like arma, I started winning.

    Malden map looks fantastic, especially those cypress trees. Can't wait to see it in Arma3.


    Best of luck with this project guys.

    • Like 2

  5. In my opinion fully functional (I don't mean fully interactive) cockpit is a must for the jets DLC.
    Working waypoint indicator and Heading indicator. Contrary to the current toy like Flight instruments we have in CAS. A-143 Buzzard especially.


    Zero visibility landing, ILS approach.

    Also, I would love to see new (optional) AFM for jets. With angle of attack and G-loads.

    I know a lot of people would like to see big heavy cargo planes. But I would love to see air superiority fighters. (a lot of them)
    IMO: A small terrain compared to fast jets is not really an issue. :)

  6. Since airplanes are the current focus and new jets DLC is coming:


    Would it be possible to have working cockpit instruments on those airplanes we already have?

    For example Altimeter on A-143 Buzzard.

    Having that said. I would love to see all Instruments in current and new jets fully operational.


    It is only the question of implementing something already existent.

    For example waypoint indicator is working in helicopters but not in CAS.


    Best regards


  7. Great, the update is here!


    The new fixed desert shadows are looking good.

    Here are some issues that I have noticed.






    The ground (dirt) texture looks wrong, Self shading on buildings (objects) is still too blank.

    I have no idea how difficult it is to do (fix) this, but in my opinion the overall color scheme should shift towards the original Chernarus. (or use Dayz standalone as reference...)


    My apologies if it is a known issue already, but since Takistan could be fixed so can Chernarus.


    Good job and best regards,


  8. This seems to be an old bug:

    On P47 Thunderbolt the rear of the airplane is raised when it should be on the ground. (wheel should be on the ground)

    It drops down when the player starts the engine, but is bugged when the plane is parked.

    Also P47 Thunderbolt machinegun (Browning m2x8) is bugged in first person. It looks like its fireing to the left, but its fine in 3rd person so it might be the crosshair not the machinegun.

  9. Hello.

    Very nice mod massi.

    I apologize if this issue has been reported before. (I did a search and did not find any posts relating to this problem)

    PSO sniper scope has inaccurate reticles, while PSO (non sniper) scope is accurate. Using it for finding man-sized targets

    is impossible due to wrong scale. Also, it is currently possible to change zeroing with PSO Sniper scope on SVD Dragunov.

    I think that Dragunov should be locked at 300m or 200m. (research needed)

    Having zeroing on it defeats the purpose of bullet drop compensation.


    correct PSO (non-sniper)

    200m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00001_zpscgrir75u.jpg

    400m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00002_zpssniljcdc.jpg

    600m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00003_zpsrvg2olyd.jpg

    incorrect PSO sniper scope

    200m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00008_zpsxf3zqh2j.jpg

    400m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00006_zpsumk5ccmm.jpg

    600m http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t459/ebanmao/2015-04-25_00005_zps4a7ufywz.jpg

    Measurement scale works together with reticles so resizing only measurement scale would not work. It is about 68% smaller than it should be.
