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About Torhec

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    Karate, French army, Virtual military simulation

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  1. Feature proposal I really appreciate the African variant of CSAT units, but only two of them are available in the Editor (under Men (history)). As a modder and mission maker, I think it could be better to have all the units of the African CSAT under CSAT >> Men (african). And it could be really cool to have them in both Eden and Zeus! The base class is: O_A_soldier_base_F Units classes are: O_A_medic_F O_A_officer_F O_A_soldier_A_F O_A_soldier_AA_F O_A_soldier_AR_F O_A_soldier_AT_F O_A_soldier_F O_A_soldier_GL_F O_A_soldier_LAT_F O_A_soldier_M_F O_A_soldier_SL_F O_A_soldier_TL_F Another cool addition would be to add a universal class (hidden in editor like all other universal classes, which could be used for custom zeus missions and in missions with respawn inventory enabled): O_A_soldier_universal_F
  2. Ah yes I had completely forgotten the use of the dollar sign! Thank you very much to you both! :D
  3. Hi! I need help one more time, I'm trying to make a mission available in various languages with a stringtable but I don't know how to use it in a communication menu. I have the following code in my description.ext file: class CfgCommunicationMenu { class assaultSquadOrder { text = localize "STR_action_radio_assault"; submenu = ""; expression = "0 = [] execVM 'events\assaultordered.sqf';"; icon = "\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\call_ca.paa"; cursor = ""; enable = "1"; removeAfterExpressionCall = 1; }; }; And I have this in my stringtable: <Key ID="STR_action_radio_assault"> <Original>Launch the assault</Original> <English>Launch the assault</English> <French>Lancer l'assaut</French> </Key> In-game I can see in the communication menu "localize "STR_action_radio_assault"", but I want to see "Launch the assault" (or its translation). So please, how can I get the stringtable working in the communication menu? Thank you in advance.
  4. I prefer to use multiple .sqf files because I'm making a very huge mission with tones of scripts so it's better to make separations' date=' and using only the init in order to execute other scripts. But thank you for this answer that works, even if it's not what I'm looking for! It's often the most stupid mistakes that are hard to find ;) Thank you so much!
  5. Hi everybody! I'm having troubles with the sideChat. I want to make a simple dialogue between two units, called police_player and police_driver_car_start, but something goes wrong. In the init field of each unit I put "group this setGroupId ["Police captain"];" and "group this setGroupId ["Passenger"];". First I used triggers with delays and "true" in the condition field, but some sentences weren't said :confused:. So I decided to do it in a simple dialogue.sqf script (executed on the init.sqf) but still having the same problem :mad:. Here is the code: /* Dialogue script by Hector Corral ------------------ Between player and characters */ // Dialogue in the car sleep 5; police_player sideChat "I can't believe it..."; sleep 3; police_driver_car_start sideChat "What captain?"; sleep 3; police_player "That they succeed to capture the president."; sleep 5; police_driver_car_start sideChat "Yes it's really surprising when you see all the security in the site."; sleep 8; police_player "Those terrorists must be terrifically well equipped."; sleep 20; police_driver_car_start sideChat "And why NATO peacekeepers did not intervene?"; sleep 8; police_player "This is simply not their role, they are just here to protect the population, not to prevent coups d'état."; Thank you in advance.
  6. Torhec

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    I was really impressed by the quality of your work. I do not see how one could do better, keep it up! :ok:
  7. Hi! The problem isn't from your script, if it doesn't work it's simply because you don't have .sqf files. You see init.sqf & script.sqf but in the "type" column there is "Text Document". So you really have init.sqf.txt & script.sqf.txt, that's why your script doesn't work. :eek: So to solve your problem, just do a right click on your files, then go to Properties and there on the top of the first tab change init.sqf.txt by init.sqf, and do it also for the script. Then in the type column you will see "SQF File" (or something like this). I hope it helps you! :)