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Posts posted by AzZaMaTr0n

  1. 10 hours ago, BrewerOfBohemia said:

    I finished the campaign, really liked it, all those dialogs were great. I just have three objections.


    1) While playing as the civilian at the start of the campaign, you step on invisible landmine. I understand this is scripted in order to ensure you die.

    2) The bobcat drove through the roadblock without actually pushing any vehicles. I mean it kinda warped through.

    3) While defending the village from AAF as an injured civilian/FIA I encountered a sleeping man in a building. Looked quite strange considering half of the city got hit by an airstrike and is currently under attack. 


    HAHA I saw that too when I was playing! xD Got a screenshot as well lmao  in my opinion i found this quite funny and this shouldn't be removed. THIS was one hard mission...C63603AF52604BAEE00EC07165332BE2A2298408

  2. Spoiler


    Wow. Just finished the campaign and the whole time I was enjoying it every bit. The part where it switches between CSAT and CTRG made me... Idek that was amazing. The whole campaign is pretty much finished but I saw some Arma3 placeholders which kinda ruined the immersion but not really, its early access after all. Also, the way you piece together the history of Oreokastro was well done and It was so satisfying after finally finding out how everything came to be.


    However, the survivor mission where you're wounded and trying to escape was hard af  and ittook me atleast 5 times to finally complete it. 


    I loved the little memories and the way you switch from the beautiful, bright past into the dark, rainy present was amazing, like watching a movie. I honestly believe this is the best campaign ive played in any game for a while. 


    I really got captivated by SSG Adams, and how he is presented as being helpful and kinda made me sad he died.



    so basically what im trying to say is, the campaign is amazing and i honestly have no clue how to improve it. Well done BI.



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  3. So the new EDEN update was released and I was happy. After launching Arma, I had realised that the font had changed. I liked it at first but It looks disgusting when it says the ammo and gun name. The Main Menu font is nice but everything else is just horrible. Is there a way to revert font without falling back on version 1.54?


    Post your opinions and whether or not you guys want the font to be changed. :D




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