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Everything posted by ue30oli

  1. Hi, are Mods like Blastcore A3, Blastcore Phoenix, JSRS3-DragonFyre, CBA_A3 Servermods or does only the Client need it to download ? So i mean, do i have to upload this Mods to my Server or does the Player just need the Mods on his PC ? Thx, Oli
  2. Hi, i have a problem with coding it write and cant fix it out. i just want to save the player kills and load it at the begin and show it the player in globalchat. so i modified this scripts... loadAccount.sqf //ADD STATS THAT NEED TO BE LOADED HERE. ["playerkills"] call fn_LoadStat; //=========================================================================== //END statsLoaded = 1; player globalChat format ["Stats loaded..."]; saveFuncs.sqf fn_SaveStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = _this select 1; profileNameSpace setVariable [_varName + serverID,_varValue]; }; fn_LoadStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = profileNameSpace getVariable (_varName + serverID); if(isNil "_varValue") exitWith {}; [_varName,_varValue] call fn_SetStat; }; //=========================================================================== //ADD VARIABLES TO THIS ARRAY THAT NEED SPECIAL SCRIPTING TO LOAD specialVarLoads = [ "playerkills" ]; //THIS FUNCTIONS HANDLES HOW STATS ARE LOADED fn_SetStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = _this select 1; if(isNil '_varValue') exitWith {}; if(_varName in specialVarLoads) then { if(_varName == 'playerkills') then {player globalChat format "Your Kills ", playerkills}; } else { call compile format ["%1 = %2",_varName,_varValue]; }; }; //================================================================================================================================================================================================== saveFuncsLoaded = true; and saveLoop.sql //ADD STATS YOU WANT TO CONTINUOUSLY SAVE, HERE waitUntil {!isNil "statsLoaded"}; while {true} do { sleep 1; ["playerkills", profileNameSpace getVariable "var_kills"] call fn_SaveStat; }; and init it all with... init.sqf enableSaving [FALSE,FALSE]; //ADD THIS TO YOUR MISSION'S INIT FILE waitUntil {time > 0}; execVM "statSave\saveFuncs.sqf"; waitUntil {!isNil "saveFuncsLoaded"}; if(isServer) then { _serverHasID = profileNameSpace getVariable ["ss_ServerID",nil]; if(isNil "_serverHasID") then { _serverID = str(round((random(100000)) + random 10000)); profileNameSpace setVariable ["SS_ServerID",_serverID]; }; serverID = profileNameSpace getVariable "ss_ServerID"; publicVariable "serverID"; }; waitUntil {!isNil "serverID"}; if(!isDedicated) then { execVM "statSave\loadAccount.sqf"; execVM "statSave\saveLoop.sqf"; }; //======================================================================== iam just learning scripting but i cant fix the problem. any ideas ?
  3. ue30oli

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hi, i still have this if i try to join our server: Script \userconfig\dcg\sen_unitpools.sqf not found So, i think there is something i have to chang in the server but what i didnt understand... Can someone Help ?
  4. hey guys. really nice work but i have a big problem. how can i change the ultra settings ? i whant to change the mission difficult and cant find anything like ai shoting accuracy or something like this ? maybe someone can help me, thx.
  5. hey guy, i have a root server with windows 2012 running. i have open all the normal ports for armaserver but when i try to start the server i get this: Port 0 ? i dont understand it
  6. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    OH :( its not pervect jet. The ace menu is working fine but the virtuell ammobox menu looks like this. And this time i did start arma without any mods. I just used this virtuell ammobox script from armaholic LINK. So i still nee a little help :unsure:
  7. Hi guys, i have a bit of a problem with my ace menu. i cant use it anymore and if i take a look at the ace setting i get this ?! Any ideas why i dont have any menu options showing ? But its not only a ace menu problem... lokk at the virtual ammobox menu
  8. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    i tryed this: First try without any mods, and use only CBA and ACE3 and then 1. Reset keybinds again 2. Test using the "ACE Testing Map 1" mission 3. Try Self-interaction in that mission than Interact with another player or ammo box. and it works fine now ??? Thanx
  9. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    i redownloaded the mods multible times but still this problem.
  10. hi, i have a bit of a problem. i want to set the variable _Schiessbahnname but everything i try dont work. this is what it looks like but still not working. if (_Warden == R1L1) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L1T1,R1L1T2,R1L1T3,R1L1T4,R1L1T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L1";_Schiessbahnname = 1;}; if (_Warden == R1L2) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L2T1,R1L2T2,R1L2T3,R1L2T4,R1L2T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L2";_Schiessbahnname = 2;}; if (_Warden == R1L3) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L3T1,R1L3T2,R1L3T3,R1L3T4,R1L3T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L3";_Schiessbahnname = 3;}; if (_Warden == R1L4) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L4T1,R1L4T2,R1L4T3,R1L4T4,R1L4T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L4";_Schiessbahnname = 4;}; i want if _Warden is R1L1 then _Schiessbahnname is 1 and so on but how the *** do i have to write the code ??!! this is the orignal code and it works... if (_Warden == R1L1) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L1T1,R1L1T2,R1L1T3,R1L1T4,R1L1T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L1";}; if (_Warden == R1L2) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L2T1,R1L2T2,R1L2T3,R1L2T4,R1L2T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L2";}; if (_Warden == R1L3) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L3T1,R1L3T2,R1L3T3,R1L3T4,R1L3T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L3";}; if (_Warden == R1L4) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L4T1,R1L4T2,R1L4T3,R1L4T4,R1L4T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L4";}; i am thankfull for any help or tip
  11. ue30oli

    if variables

    thx it works... was a syntax error but a suipt one :) the code was ok
  12. ue30oli

    if variables

    Yes i did but its not working. the script is not running. i think i habe a syntax error but i dont know how i can write it right ???
  13. Deutscher Exile Server - KI Gegner und Patroullien auf ganzer Karte - KI besetzte Dörfer und Städte - deutsche Missionen spawnen - mehr Waffen und Fahrzeuge bei Händler und bei Missionen zu finden - Heli Abstütze und Kisten Abwürfe - Lotterie beim Office Trader mit tollen Gewinnen - Spieler Ranglisten auf Unserer Homepage - Admins sorgen für Ordnung Besucht uns auch auf www.ü30-gamer-community.de
  14. i tested it on my server. so i have start my arma 3 with mods like Blastcore A3, Blastcore Phoenix, JSRS3-DragonFyre, CBA_A3 and on the serverside there is no one of this mods startet. No i think that the mods are not working. So i think i nead at least the cba mod on my server running that the other mods are workiing ???
  15. If i want to join our Server i get this kick message from battleeye: I think i have to add something to the battleeye filters but i dont now what and where. any idea what the problem is with battleeye and this message ?
  16. ue30oli

    Battleeye Problem

    But this is in the script.log and i think i have to put something into my script.txt from battleeye to dont kick no more for this but i dont know how to do it.
  17. Thx for answer :) hmmm, i think it would be great if the opfor unit will just stop and just go back. My problem i thik is that i did the mission on a smale map and the opfor units spawn near by my base and they just start to drive or go right into my base. If they just die it woulded be so nice to see if we play the mission.
  18. Hi, i have a bit of a problem. I just whant to make a zone where no opfor unit is allowed to go. I did a mission with the alive moduls and it works great but i dont want the opfor come to my base. So is there a way to make a "safe zone" with a marker or trigger ? Thanks for help and sorry for my bad english.
  19. thak you ! so i just need to put the cba Mod and weapons , maps or unit mods on the server. whats about mods like ACE3 or ShackTac Fireteam HUD ? Thanks alot this is a great help for me because i dont need to upload so many mods on my server.