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About ue30oli

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    Private First Class
  1. Hi, i have a problem with coding it write and cant fix it out. i just want to save the player kills and load it at the begin and show it the player in globalchat. so i modified this scripts... loadAccount.sqf //ADD STATS THAT NEED TO BE LOADED HERE. ["playerkills"] call fn_LoadStat; //=========================================================================== //END statsLoaded = 1; player globalChat format ["Stats loaded..."]; saveFuncs.sqf fn_SaveStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = _this select 1; profileNameSpace setVariable [_varName + serverID,_varValue]; }; fn_LoadStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = profileNameSpace getVariable (_varName + serverID); if(isNil "_varValue") exitWith {}; [_varName,_varValue] call fn_SetStat; }; //=========================================================================== //ADD VARIABLES TO THIS ARRAY THAT NEED SPECIAL SCRIPTING TO LOAD specialVarLoads = [ "playerkills" ]; //THIS FUNCTIONS HANDLES HOW STATS ARE LOADED fn_SetStat = { _varName = _this select 0; _varValue = _this select 1; if(isNil '_varValue') exitWith {}; if(_varName in specialVarLoads) then { if(_varName == 'playerkills') then {player globalChat format "Your Kills ", playerkills}; } else { call compile format ["%1 = %2",_varName,_varValue]; }; }; //================================================================================================================================================================================================== saveFuncsLoaded = true; and saveLoop.sql //ADD STATS YOU WANT TO CONTINUOUSLY SAVE, HERE waitUntil {!isNil "statsLoaded"}; while {true} do { sleep 1; ["playerkills", profileNameSpace getVariable "var_kills"] call fn_SaveStat; }; and init it all with... init.sqf enableSaving [FALSE,FALSE]; //ADD THIS TO YOUR MISSION'S INIT FILE waitUntil {time > 0}; execVM "statSave\saveFuncs.sqf"; waitUntil {!isNil "saveFuncsLoaded"}; if(isServer) then { _serverHasID = profileNameSpace getVariable ["ss_ServerID",nil]; if(isNil "_serverHasID") then { _serverID = str(round((random(100000)) + random 10000)); profileNameSpace setVariable ["SS_ServerID",_serverID]; }; serverID = profileNameSpace getVariable "ss_ServerID"; publicVariable "serverID"; }; waitUntil {!isNil "serverID"}; if(!isDedicated) then { execVM "statSave\loadAccount.sqf"; execVM "statSave\saveLoop.sqf"; }; //======================================================================== iam just learning scripting but i cant fix the problem. any ideas ?
  2. ue30oli

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hi, i still have this if i try to join our server: Script \userconfig\dcg\sen_unitpools.sqf not found So, i think there is something i have to chang in the server but what i didnt understand... Can someone Help ?
  3. hey guys. really nice work but i have a big problem. how can i change the ultra settings ? i whant to change the mission difficult and cant find anything like ai shoting accuracy or something like this ? maybe someone can help me, thx.
  4. hey guy, i have a root server with windows 2012 running. i have open all the normal ports for armaserver but when i try to start the server i get this: Port 0 ? i dont understand it
  5. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    OH :( its not pervect jet. The ace menu is working fine but the virtuell ammobox menu looks like this. And this time i did start arma without any mods. I just used this virtuell ammobox script from armaholic LINK. So i still nee a little help :unsure:
  6. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    i tryed this: First try without any mods, and use only CBA and ACE3 and then 1. Reset keybinds again 2. Test using the "ACE Testing Map 1" mission 3. Try Self-interaction in that mission than Interact with another player or ammo box. and it works fine now ??? Thanx
  7. ue30oli

    Mod-menus dont work

    i redownloaded the mods multible times but still this problem.
  8. Hi guys, i have a bit of a problem with my ace menu. i cant use it anymore and if i take a look at the ace setting i get this ?! Any ideas why i dont have any menu options showing ? But its not only a ace menu problem... lokk at the virtual ammobox menu
  9. ue30oli

    if variables

    thx it works... was a syntax error but a suipt one :) the code was ok
  10. ue30oli

    if variables

    Yes i did but its not working. the script is not running. i think i habe a syntax error but i dont know how i can write it right ???
  11. hi, i have a bit of a problem. i want to set the variable _Schiessbahnname but everything i try dont work. this is what it looks like but still not working. if (_Warden == R1L1) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L1T1,R1L1T2,R1L1T3,R1L1T4,R1L1T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L1";_Schiessbahnname = 1;}; if (_Warden == R1L2) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L2T1,R1L2T2,R1L2T3,R1L2T4,R1L2T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L2";_Schiessbahnname = 2;}; if (_Warden == R1L3) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L3T1,R1L3T2,R1L3T3,R1L3T4,R1L3T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L3";_Schiessbahnname = 3;}; if (_Warden == R1L4) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L4T1,R1L4T2,R1L4T3,R1L4T4,R1L4T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L4";_Schiessbahnname = 4;}; i want if _Warden is R1L1 then _Schiessbahnname is 1 and so on but how the *** do i have to write the code ??!! this is the orignal code and it works... if (_Warden == R1L1) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L1T1,R1L1T2,R1L1T3,R1L1T4,R1L1T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L1";}; if (_Warden == R1L2) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L2T1,R1L2T2,R1L2T3,R1L2T4,R1L2T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L2";}; if (_Warden == R1L3) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L3T1,R1L3T2,R1L3T3,R1L3T4,R1L3T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L3";}; if (_Warden == R1L4) then {_PopupTargets = [R1L4T1,R1L4T2,R1L4T3,R1L4T4,R1L4T5];_RangeActive = _Warden getVariable "BEARB_R1L4";}; i am thankfull for any help or tip
  12. Deutscher Exile Server - KI Gegner und Patroullien auf ganzer Karte - KI besetzte Dörfer und Städte - deutsche Missionen spawnen - mehr Waffen und Fahrzeuge bei Händler und bei Missionen zu finden - Heli Abstütze und Kisten Abwürfe - Lotterie beim Office Trader mit tollen Gewinnen - Spieler Ranglisten auf Unserer Homepage - Admins sorgen für Ordnung Besucht uns auch auf www.ü30-gamer-community.de
  13. i tested it on my server. so i have start my arma 3 with mods like Blastcore A3, Blastcore Phoenix, JSRS3-DragonFyre, CBA_A3 and on the serverside there is no one of this mods startet. No i think that the mods are not working. So i think i nead at least the cba mod on my server running that the other mods are workiing ???
  14. ue30oli

    Battleeye Problem

    But this is in the script.log and i think i have to put something into my script.txt from battleeye to dont kick no more for this but i dont know how to do it.
  15. If i want to join our Server i get this kick message from battleeye: I think i have to add something to the battleeye filters but i dont now what and where. any idea what the problem is with battleeye and this message ?