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Everything posted by donelsarjo

  1. donelsarjo

    DES Elevator

    DES Elevator Description: This is a small addon, that allows player to access roof tops and balconies. It is inspiered by Zooloo75's Acces Points script. Usage: Just go to a door of the five usable buildings and select "Go to roof" or "Go to balcony", then you will be teleported. Available buildings: Tanoa Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F Land_MultistoryBuilding_03_F Land_MultistoryBuilding_04_F Land_Shop_City_04_F Land_Shop_City_05_F Land_Hotel_02_F Land_Cathedral_01_F CUP Land_OrlHot Land_Mil_House Land_Mil_House_dam Land_A_MunicipalOffice Land_HouseB_Tenement Land_Mil_House_EP1 Land_Mil_House_dam_EP1 Land_Dum_istan2_01 Land_Dum_istan2_02 Land_Dum_istan2_03 Land_Dum_istan2_03a Land_Dum_istan2_04a Land_Dum_istan3_hromada Land_Dum_mesto3_istan Land_Dum_istan4 Land_Dum_istan4_big Land_Dum_istan4_big_inverse Land_Dum_istan4_detaily1 Land_Dum_istan4_inverse Video: Installation: just load the mod :P Requirements: Arma 3 Apex (Tanoa) Cup Terrain (optional) Notes: Should be MP compatible, key included. You can modify the addon as you like. Changelog: Download: LINK Github Stream Workshop
  2. donelsarjo

    respawn vehicle bugs

    If you hover over the code box with your mouse the is a tool tip explaining the variables passed to the code. _this select 0 is the old vehicle and _this select 1 is the newly spawned.(or the other way around) So try this code: _this select 0 addaction ["Open Virtual Arsenal", { ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }]; The thing is I don't know if the code is executed on each client. Just try it.
  3. donelsarjo

    respawn vehicle bugs

    "force respawn" means that the vehicle gets deleted right after the the mission starts and respawns immediately. There is one reason to use it: There is a possibility to add a code run on respawn. This code will only run if the object in fact respawns (yes, that sounds obvious), but at mission start the code is not run if "force respawn" is not selected, because it was only created and did not trigger the module.
  4. donelsarjo

    Positions in an array?

    OK now I get it. Your positions consist of a x- and a y-coordinate and the last entry is the size you want the marker to have. Then: _posArray = [[8675,10225,575],[13875,8400,400],[9425,4050,350]]; _size= (selectRandom _posArray) select 2; /* if you want to use the same position / _pos = selectRandom _posArray; / _size = _pos select 2; */ This fetches the third entry of your randomly selected position array. And now : // code (_markers select 1) setMarkerSize [_size, _size]; Hope I got your question right.
  5. donelsarjo

    Kill Unit in Trigger?

    Driver is a reserved keyword. Use something else.
  6. donelsarjo

    First Script a Lil Help

    getPosATL, sleep 0.5 at the end of the loop?
  7. donelsarjo

    Counting Units Percentage?

    Try WEST<- without quotation marks, sorry if my post was misleading , shouldn't have put it in quotaion marks. I thought you knew the required data type. What _x is would exceed the purpose the the thread I think. Try googling for "magic variables arma"
  8. donelsarjo

    Counting Units Percentage?

    Jupp you are right. I was thinking of TvT.
  9. donelsarjo

    Counting Units Percentage?

    Remaining units of side / all units from one side = percentage of remaining units of one side. Condition: {alive _x && {side _x == "side"}} count playableUnits / ("side" countSide playableUnits) < 0.3 // or 0.2 whatever you wantI think that's the right condition. Probably. Don't know . Try it. I'm drunk lol
  10. Simple solution: there is a slider in the unit's properties in the editor. Use it an try it.
  11. In simple terms, no. The headless client is usually filtered by !hasInterface && !isServer. All the scripts for the HC won't work. You can start a ArmaServer (steam -> tools -> Arma server ) via the -client parameter and let it connect to your locally hosted game. Then you can do stuff from an other computer
  12. donelsarjo

    Apex Tanoa Missions

    They are encrypted atm. So you have to wait for bis to "release" them.
  13. donelsarjo

    postEffect in loop

    Why not use waitUntil ?
  14. _dog = selectRandom ((allUnits - allPlayers) select {getVariable ["dog", false]});Should work, try it.
  15. donelsarjo

    Protest Animation

    null = [] spawn {sleep 1; disableSerialization; call BIS_fnc_animViewer;}; Look for your self.
  16. This is a great idea! I hope to see the sp campaign remade as a MP coop campaign. I would suggest to make a similar respawn (redrawn positions unlocked next to objective if condition fulfilled) and revive (maybe revive only with medic box ) system as present in the apex campaign. Also I would like to see the new slotting screen, looking like an old document with a nice font. The enemy scaling according to the player count would also be great in terms of difficulty. I am really looking forward to see the campaign integrated. I would be glad to help. Puhh the first mission of the soviet campaign already look problematic with the shooting range. Needs some clever task management .
  17. donelsarjo

    AI pathfinding Tanoa - Old ruins

    Hahaha the first entry in your rocket science link : "How to Overcome Laziness (with Pictures) - wikiHow" Hahaha,made my day :)
  18. donelsarjo

    cutText to systemChat?!?

    Wouldn't it be more performant to add a getin eh to the coppers, instead of looping through stuff every 0.1 seconds? I made something similar: https://github.com/DonElSarjo/fata_4_public.fata/blob/master/fnc/fn_respawnTickets.sqf Have a look
  19. If you used lightAttachObject, you can only try to attach a Chemlight to it and spawn a refreshing cycle.
  20. You have to differentiate between the animations a unit does by it self, which I don't think can be altered easily and the animations you can make a unit do by using playMoveNow/switchMove/playMove or something similar. These can be affected by the script command I have send you.
  21. This is the only thing I found . I didn't work with it so no guarantee. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAnimSpeedCoef
  22. Bis Forum Post : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192346-woah-woah-woah-bi-trying-to-sneak-one-in/?p=3058266 You can also look up the function via function viewer in-game. I Don't know about your custom animation but you can certainly find a fitting animation (probably hammering on a keyboard animation) in the anim-viewer. To disable interaction you can set a variable to false on interruption and spawn a sleep to set it true again after a certain amount of time. Look at the parameters of the function.
  23. donelsarjo

    Arma 3 Apex Linux Issues

    I think it has to look like this: -mod=\@ifa3lite\;\@cba_a3 And don't forget to lowercase. I used this to set up the server: https://gameservermanagers.com/lgsm/arma3server/ my start script looks like this:
  24. donelsarjo

    Zeus and other.

    I don't want to be rude, but is it that hard to type " Zeus Arma 3 tutorial " in YouTube?
  25. donelsarjo

    Zeus and other.

    Name the player and put the name in the owner field of the game master module. There is also an option to enable unofficial content.