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Everything posted by donelsarjo

  1. donelsarjo

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    @terox. The syntax is propably correct. It is a snippet out of a larger starting script.
  2. donelsarjo

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    # ARMA 3 Modules # add mods with relative paths: # mods/\@CBA_A3\; # or several mods as: # mods/\@CBA_A3\;mods/\@task_force_radio you forgot the "\" in front of "@" and ";" and why would you want to load the mods twice?
  3. donelsarjo

    MP levelling/xp system

    use ln(XP) to calculate the level. nope same difficulty if you check the function above. maybe KilledEH: level = floor (ln(xp)) if (currlevel != level) then currlevel = level call fn_fancyeffect else do other stuff if it would be so selfexplainatory we would have a lot more sa matras running around :P
  4. donelsarjo

    Teleport Script Question or Help.

    But if you put the code in an object's init delete /*...*/ , because comments like this throw errors there. It will be fine in an external script. No need for a "teleport.sqf".
  5. donelsarjo

    Teleport Script Question or Help.

    Make 2 poles via editor. Name them pole1 and pole2. You can put the code anywhere you like. Init.sqf, objects unit etc.
  6. donelsarjo

    Teleport Script Question or Help.

    pole1 addaction ["Teleport to pole 2", {_this select 1 setpos getpos pole2; /*maybe some fancy cutRsc stuff*/}]; pole2 addaction ["Teleport to pole 1", {_this select 1 setpos getpos pole1; /*maybe some fancy cutRsc stuff*/}];
  7. donelsarjo

    BIS_fnc_respawnTickets fail

    Private ["_tickets_blue", "_tickets_green"]; Should solve this problem. It seems like the variables are out of scope.
  8. Was this a question? Did it work?
  9. so i have tried it. condition : [thistrigger, veh1] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger; activation: _kauabanga = [ veh1] execVM "script.sqf"; script adjusted with: _vehicle = _this select 0; result -> nothing ai driving through the trigger doing the same as before. i u try it with other moving things it will propably work.
  10. /|\ | Bullshit. First one needs to know when you want the script to launch. Second you have to adjust the script so it gets something to work with : "_vehicle = _this select 0;" or something.Third poin: the script will do nothing because the AI driving the vehicle will just go on doing his stuff. but i can try it out for you.
  11. I had a lot of problem with stuff being defined twice . So a set some Respawn stuff in Eden directly and defined it in the description.ext, too. As soon as I used only one method it worked.
  12. Well, in some missions the used units are defined in a custom array so they can be replaced with the desired ones. You will often find this information in a readme file or in a comment of a script. So yes you have to go though all the stuff. But usually there are only 1-2 files to edit, if the mission is designed well. This will probably take less skills and time to do. Or maybe just contact the author and ask him where he stored the information of the units used.
  13. donelsarjo

    Unable to give Game Logics waypoints?

    discontiued feature in eden
  14. donelsarjo

    3d Editor show object IDs

    nope. discontiued
  15. donelsarjo

    Virtual Arsenal Addaction

    too lazy to google? "addaction arsenal" https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/170461-how-to-use-virtual-arsenal-like-the-virtual-ammobox-system/?p=2662764
  16. Well we have the gamemode "Devastation" running on Bystrica with RHS and ACE. You are welcome to join :) Just click through my signiture
  17. donelsarjo

    Write scripts within the game.

    Or just open the game in window mode o.O
  18. donelsarjo

    Problem importing old missions to Eden

    I only had the first problem, when I was trying to convert a mission with no unit selected as player. The second error is probably caused by a mod.
  19. you can get the object id (in the 2d editor) by hitting the ID button.
  20. works fine for me: example : Condition: !alive ([0,0,0] nearestObject 66576) On Act.: hint "lol"
  21. !alive ([0,0,0] nearestObject _yourObjectID) Should work
  22. I don't think you should do this via gui config. Just add the inventory open event handler. Get an array of the items equipped, search for the item you want to replace, delete it and add the new one.
  23. Spawn units on a headless client, cache units with scripts like zbe_chache/dac/eos/... or use ALiVE. This will only increase your fps, if it can chache units outside your draw distance. If you have a huge battle going on, u will be left with low fps. Nothing you can do about it.
  24. donelsarjo

    Trigger text & other questions

    Trigger activation: !alive veh1 || !alive veh2 || !alive veh3 || etc... But it would be much more performant to add a killed event handler to the vehicles. For the first part. I will answer the other one when I am sober again.
  25. donelsarjo

    All similar function

    then have a look at your random spawn script. there is propaby a line like this: _obj = "some_item" createVehicle _somePosition; you could add following to it: _obj = "some_item" createVehicle _somePosition; if (typeOf _obj isEqualTo "someThingUwant") then {[_obj,["Pick up", "script.sqf"]] remoteExecCall ["addaction", -2]} // or 0 instead of -2