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About mgm

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  1. I will share the 'fixed' code if and when I revisit this. seba let us know how you get on...
  2. I understand ruebe has provided working code in his PBO above, I will be happy to answer if you have any questions to me. I made my routePoints manually though, using onMapSingleClick and manual labour. Lines is blue is hopeless and rightly so as that was a super quick test of cutting edges by 30% - bad idea - bad result. Idea dropped. Lines in green is not elegant we agree on that but it 'does the job' for now and I deem green route "usable" quality. My limited project time would be better utilized if I work on non-existant functions/features (as opposed improving beauty of lines on map). There is a chance I might revisit the code and try to improve one day but not today :) BIS 'drawLine' function won't work for my requirements as the beauty of the final output is only one of the parameters and not the top one. drawLine is draw-once-lose-control-forever from what I read that's a no-go. In my project these lines I draw are bus routes and currently I am able to turn a given route to red color (i.e.: service disruption) at will as they are simply markers. Should you -or anyone else for that matter- provide working Arma 3 code for drawing update-able Arma 3 lines with better support for curves I will be happy to switchover otherwise I will leave it as is -- I'll just go back and provide more position points resulting in finer map output.
  3. a few screenshots showing 2 separate 'lines' on arma 3 map both created using createMarkerLocal command: http://imgur.com/a/ohSao green vs blue - there's a clear quality difference. it seems, the more points = the better quality. just like computer image pixelation concept.
  4. don't use drawLine, use createMarkerLocal so that you can modify it the way you like in the future ALSO you won't have the isssue you mentioned.
  5. mgm

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    Hi, I have been occasionally reading these forums in the past. I picked up scripting about 3 weeks ago and have been spending hours on these forums since then. I just signed up after giving up all hope on google search about a how to put a variable name in array name question. Anyway, just waiting for the ability to post threads so I can ask my question in A3 scripting section. Thanks for this great game by the way. Both A2 & A3.