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About EvilKittyCat

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    Private First Class
  1. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    I found a solution. Don't buy this game... end of thread.. thanks for the help you guys!
  2. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Didn't work.... I'm giving up.. Unless someone gives me some other advises...
  3. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Lower sound quality? No.. I'll try..
  4. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Ohh, grounded. Yeah it is grounded through the PSU. I am using a surge protection on the wall socket. I know for sure that is my headset. I've already tried speakers, and other people with similar issues have had the same headset as well. Turtle Beach Z60 is a headset I would like to keep for as long as possible, and I prefer to use that when I'm gaming.
  5. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Okay, sorry for the bump.. I did not know it was against the rules, but I am aware of it now. I have tried using speakers, and that worked fine. I am almost certain that my headset is causing this problem. I read a couple of other forums, and they had the exact same problem, and almost the exact same headset (Turtle Beach z60). The only difference was that he was using jack plugs, while I was using USB. He solved the problem later in the thread, but that it did not work for me. I don't think I have grounded my PC.. I have never heard of "grounding" a pc. I am not using a micboost.
  6. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Bump Bump Bump
  7. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Okay, well, I appreciate the help, thanks mate.
  8. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Well that's unfortunate. Is there an official forum I could visit, or is this the one?
  9. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    I tried to use the speakers, and it worked perfectly fine. I'll see if I can find another headset I can use. And my Turtle Beach headset is 100% USB. No jackplugs.
  10. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    The sound disappears in the main menu and in-game, not only in/near vehicles. So the issue should be described as "sound goes away at random times in-game". Now what? I can't even play this game, and I don't know what to do..
  11. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Nope, it's not a typo. I used to have ACRE installed for Arma 2 i44 mod, playing on a server with teamspeak. I don't use teamspeak now, but I can try to uninstall everything. I don't really think that ACRE for Arma 2 effects Arma 3. But you are actually right, I did have issues installing ACRE, as it couldn't connect to TS properly..
  12. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    No, I am not using any kind of mod for Arma 3. I have only installed ACRE for Arma 2. http://imgur.com/aC25L0M,dAXyFAl,T6oarhg#0 http://imgur.com/aC25L0M,dAXyFAl,T6oarhg#1 http://imgur.com/aC25L0M,dAXyFAl,T6oarhg#2 Thanks for replying!
  13. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Yes, I have in fact tried to plug it in to different USB ports, but to no avail. I could only hear the high pitched tone in the boot camp when getting into a vehicle in the boot camp. Now, whenever I enter a vehicle in for example multiplayer, the sound just goes away completely, and I have to either press ESC, or tap out of the game, and re enter it. And it's not only when I enter a vehicle, it's when I stand near it as well. I have tried to play around with the audio settings a little bit, but I haven't really accomplished anything with it. I'll post a few pictures of my settings just like you did. Maybe I have to change some settings or something, I'm not really a pro when it comes to audio and sounds... http://imgur.com/yUxfYD6,41ErQGy,Zn4BKta Thanks for your reply! :)
  14. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    I couldn't even find that option. My issue is identical to this one.. http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/810939351300842662/ IT doesn't make that high pitched sound anymore. Now the sound just keep bugging and muting itself, and I can sometimes fix it by pressing ESC. It's really annoying...
  15. EvilKittyCat

    Arma 3 sound bug

    So I just bought Arma 3, really excited and hyped. I joined Bootcamp, and when I entered the first vehicle in the game, a really high pitch toned noise comes out of the headset, and it hurts like hell. After driving around in circles, I could hear something that sounded like radio fuckup. I have googled this issue, and it seems like a problem that has been encountered by quite a few other people. I read a few forums on steam, but I found nothing that helped me. I am using a Turtle Beach headset. I tried to use my default speaker, and I couldn't hear any radio fuckup or high pitched tone at all, everything was normal. I prefer to use my turtle beach headset, and not my default speaker. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?