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About joscha999

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  1. @terox thx. for asking. 1. You pretty much have to trust our supporters to find the "black sheeps", but when a server is suspicious to us (or his bans are) we investigate uppon it and may remove all bans of that server and the server will be blocked. If a player gets wrongly banned he/she can ask us in the ticket systen, so that we investigate the ban. If it turns out the server does not have the sufficient avidence he'll be warned (or blocked depending on the amount of warnings he got) and the ban will be removed from our list aswell as your list. Even if that happens you can still let the player play on your server, with the "arma3.whl" file, it is the whitelist file and each GUID in it will be ignored. 2. That is so much planned but is a big logical work we try to get it out ASAP, but don't worry, bans that are not according to global problems (like rulebraking) don't get any points or just little. So just braking one servers rules and getting a ban does not mean the player is banned everywhere. 3. We do not at all use Temp-Bans we only use bans that are perm's. Hope i could answer your questions to your favor.
  2. Good evening Ladys and Gentelmen. I'm Joscha Germerott and the Head of IT from Playerindex aswell as one of its founders. Paradoxparadoxon or just Paradox and I completly whiped everything we had (ArmA-Banlist, Banfactory) to bring you a new and way better tool and even better a Web Interface. Features of the new Website (PlayerIndex.de): - Updated ID Converter -> You put a ID into it (GUID, PID, SteamID) and it gives you the converted ID aswell as all infos about Bans with detailed Server info. - Control Panel or the Web Interface -> Manage Servers page for you to add your Server, and possibly manage things or even ban players from within the Web Interface (but thats something for the future) -> Manage Bans page, a function long needed, you as server admin are now able to remove bans you made (e.g. when someone is wrongly banned) -> Something a little unexpected: A Edit Profile page, yep that does what it means to do. Features of the new Tool: Well its like the old one, but with more console, less windows and Linux support via Mono (Can't test it on mac but should work there aswell) Major differenz to the old tool (besides beeing console based now): You download it once, set it up via configs and thats it, it'll work and work without you even caring. We even got a auto update ready that downloads whats new and when finished will start the new version and that again without you even caring. When you configure it and put it into startup the tool will work without any help and run untill you tell it to stop. For the new people who don't know us or our tool yet: The tool uploads your bans to our Database to share it with all other conected servers. Due to this you will receive all bans wich are in out Database from all connected servers. Yea its a ban sync program to fuck up hackers. We even have a strong Support and a strong Filtering system: A handfull of supporters are avaiable for you at nearly all time for technical help aswell as help regarding bans. But how does our Filtering work you may ask? Let me tell you: When a new Server wants to be part of the database the admin/admins have to make an account on PlayerIndex.de, at first everyone who wants to add a server must add a TS, without we would not be able to reach the admins, next step is to add a ArmA3 server, wich will be send into the verification routine and will be checked by one of our supporters. To allready answer the question why I write you this post, instead of Paradox: He's not the best in english, not that I am but i'm way faster then him :) Hope you give us a try, we've got much planned for the future and hope you are with us. If you have any Questions or Comments feel free to ask. Visit us on PlayerIndex.de