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About inofix

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  1. First off I don't want to rip anything from your mission nor create a altis life server. I enjoy developing missions for arma 3 and get used to learn a lot of things from it. That's why I'm trying to take a look at your Mission file. I can respect that you don't want me to have it as a plain text, but I just can't resist to try it and get more knowledge about pbo en- and decryption.
  2. --------------------------- Load error --------------------------- An error has occured during file loading. The file seems to be corrupted or has unknown format. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Seems like it's not working with any pbo tool. I tried everything.
  3. It's not a sqm file, it's a whole mission pbo file.
  4. I think so. This is how it looks like: Tried multiple tools but I cannot get a readable text out of it.
  5. Hi there, is it possible to uncompress a compressed mission file? PBO Manager and all other tools do not work and I cannot really find any informations about it on google. There was a tool called PBO Decryptor 1.5 but somehow it's giving me a exception if i try to unpack the mission. Thanks, Inofix
  6. That's not what i need. I want after the completed if statement continues to start the loop again from the beginning, simlar to the this here: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_continue_statement.htm
  7. Example: while{true} do { _result = [] call fnc_IsAtBase; if(!_result) exitWith { }; if(_damage > 0) then { vehicle player setDamage (_damage - 0.1); _damage = damage vehicle player; Continue; // Continue loop from beginning again }; if(_fuel < 1) then { vehicle player setFuel (_fuel + 0.1); __fuel = fuel vehicle player; Continue; // Continue loop from beginning again }; // And more threads for ammo, color, and custom scripts };
  8. Hello, i'm currently struggling with the following: I have a while loop running and i need to continue/start from beginning at some point. Sadly i can't find any "continue" command in sqf, neither does Goto work and scopeName + breakOut/To. Is there any way i can continue my loop (like in C/C++) or start the loop again from the beginning without reloading the script?
  9. I will give this modification a try later.