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Everything posted by owenator111

  1. owenator111

    Feedback Thread

    I think they're trying to get players who enjoy the sorta middle ground between games like ARMA and Battlefield (like Insurgency). I only played around with ARMA 2 abit and that was mostly just in the scenario edit but I can say I didn't have much trouble picking up the game that could just be from experience from other games though. I do feel like one of the main problems Argo might face is performance. I think that's what really helped games like CSGO set off (Low bar of entry, doesn't cost much, almost anyone can run it) but we all know that ARMA hasn't really ever been known for it's smooth performance.
  2. owenator111

    What is your favourite game mode?

    I think my favourite hands down is Clash. I enjoy the getting a variety of close-long range combat and the options you have on how you approach each objective. It's got a good pace too, it's slow but the timer is low enough to push you to the objective but only having one respawn also encourages that you take your time. The down time between rounds is also nice since it gives you a chance to get acquainted with the map so you can choose where you want to attack from. I like the idea behind raid and it could just be the map itself but I didn't get as much enjoyment from it. I could almost say it's the most bland feeling(?). I just didn't feel like it did anything well but at the same time it's not like it was bad Link is the one I enjoyed the least and it's not terrible but I personally dislike it. The rounds are just too quick, I feel like if it were a tug of war type mode pushing to the enemies base almost like clash but without the downtime, less objectives/all objectives active and within a smaller arena (like it is now) it'd be more enjoyable and make the rounds a little longer.