Hi and thanks for your swift reply.Its for editing and being a total noob to scripting, all this info you provided I have no clue were to place it. I have placed a parachute landing target on the map which sits 64m ASL. Do I have to give it a name and or put the
posM1 = getMarkerPos "marker1";
veh1 = "ACE_Knicklicht_Object_W" createVehicle [posM1 select 0, (posM1 select 1) + 88, 0.1];
veh2 = "ACE_Knicklicht_Object_W" createVehicle [(posM1 select 0) - 50, posM1 select 1, 0.1];
veh3 = "ACE_Knicklicht_Object_W" createVehicle [(posM1 select 0) + 50, posM1 select 1, 0.1];
into its init slot? being 64ASL Im not sure what figures that are in there may need to be changed to accomdate this.
Do I have to set a marker and three other objects down? each being named veh1,veh2,veh3 and then only put the corresponding script line in each of the init files of those veh,s?