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About Keto

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  1. I just finished setting up freetrack and set the curves to a maximum of 120º on the yaw and that works perfectly when I'm running around, the trouble starts when I'm in a vehicle. When I turn my head (IRL) the head in game turns way past the 120º point (where it should stop turning) it then proceeds to start spinning really fast (as long as I'm still turning my head as well) towards the way I'm moving my head up to 1440º when it finally stops and locks. Are there any fixes for this because it's really annoying since it's super sensitive for some reason.
  2. Keto

    Latest Patch Broke My Game

    Try running it as an admin, this surprisingly worked for me and it might work for you. Fixed it a couple days ago but forgot about this post, I'll edit with my fix.
  3. I can't play anymore after latest patch. A friend and I were going to play some coop mission so we downloaded the required mods and when I tried to launch my Arma I got past the looading addons screen and then nothing happens. I tried disabling all mods and workshop mods in the launcher, deleted launch properties and still nothing. Reinstalled game and still not working. What could've caused this? Thanks in advance! EDIT: I fixed it by running it as an admin. Might or might not work for you, try it and see.
  4. Absolutely love it. It has some issues but for an alpha version it's really well done. Even though I have only played twice, due to personal and others real life issues, I had a lot of fun and definitely looking forward to the next session. Only the right side of the map (Altis) is done but it has a LOT of places to visit. Pros: You can do what you want, with consequences. It's up to you to decide the story, each time is different. Lots of places to visit. Really scary. From 1 to skeleton it's a spooky scary skeleton. Cons: Civilians are a bit buggy, crawling and crouching randomly, funny to see but it distracts a bit from the gameplay. Sitting script is not working yet. Makes the game unplayable. (sarcasm) Can take some time to set everything up correctly, but real life plays a big role in this issue.