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About Whiskey_Panic

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  1. Whiskey_Panic

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Oh my god... I can't believe I forgot that. Thank you so much though, I'm very excited to try this out!
  2. Whiskey_Panic

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I can't get this mod to work. I downloaded the Escalation version, placed the '&RHSUSF' and '&RHSAFRF' folders into my Steam Arma III folder, copied the 'rhsafrf.bikey' into the Arma III Keys folder. I added '-&RHSAFRF -&RHSUSF' to my Arma III launch options. When I go to load any mission reliant on RHS (whether I attempt to play it through singleplayer scenarios, or multiplayer lan), I get this error message: "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.rhs_c_troops, RHS_A2_AirImport, RHS_A2_CarsImport, rhsusf_c_troops" The list of file names changes depending on the mission I try to play, listing between 1 and 11 missing files. If I delete '-&RHSAFRF -&RHSUSF' from my launch option I get the exact same error message. I don't believe I have it improperly formated because I have other options in there (such as -nosplash -skipintro) and that works. I also tried rearranging the launch option so -&RHSUSF was before -&RHSAFRF, just in case, but that didn't do anything. I'm not sure how to fix this, obviously, and I couldn't find any help on Google. Does anyone know what the problem is? NOTE: Apparently placing the 'At' symbol counts as trying to post a link, and you have to be a member for a day to post a link, so I have replaced it with the &.