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Posts posted by JuanCholo

  1. How do you begin adding Custom Cars?

    Custom Guns?

    How do you add things like if you were to make something for altis life like a hitman system, add in custom crops to harvest so on?

    I am willing to learn because i am somewhat young and this stuff interests me for the future.

  2. Hi !

    I had the same problem with addon builder.

    Try with PBOProject.

    I would also strongly suggest you use PboProject for packing - AddonBuilder saw all these errors, but it let them pass, and let you make a pbo and think that it might actually work, only to be disappointed in-game.

    PboProject would just have laughed, stopped immediately, told you where the problems are and refused to go any further until you fixed them... Which is a little harsh, maybe, but saves you time and frustration in the long run...


    I got to, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/pboProject , and i download everything that is needed. At the top it says "The self installer ensures that this tool is integrated with other Mikero PboTools. It is not designed for manual installation." Where is the self installer? I cant find a link.

  3. Folders image - you have two "groundtexture sets" - correct folder - good so far.

    Layers.cfg - You define 2 surfaces - they refer via the correct path to the two groundtexture rvmats - still good so far.

    cfgClutter.hpp - 4 clutter types defined - looks OK again.

    cfgSurfaces.hpp - Now suddenly "Beach" has disappeared and we have "Forest" instead - which refers to "Forest*" groundtexture files which aren't present at all.

    (Also - the probability parameters for the grass character add up to 1.1 - that'll cause clutter problems - 1.0 maximum)

    config.cpp... This is Huge! - Unless you want to customise all these parameters you'd be better off inheriting from Altis or Stratis and just changing what you need... still, on a (very brief) glance thru...

    12. class BiA_Michigan - "BiA" is "Bohemia Interactive Australia" - this class entry should read "A2_Map_Michigan"

    2648. worldName = "\LifeModMap\michiganwrp.wrp"; - drop the leading"\" from this path.

    2654. mapSize = 2048;

    But... on line...

    2678. offsetY = 8192; - which should be your mapsize in meters too - which is it? 2048 or 8192?

    ... that's all the obvious flaws I spotted on a quick glance through, but since the config is 3086 lines long, it's not easy to check thoroughly...

    grass_green.rvmat & beach.rvmat - both "Stage" texture paths refer to the "_nopx" texture - "Stage 2" should path to the relevant "_co" texture file.

    I would also strongly suggest you use PboProject for packing - AddonBuilder saw all these errors, but it let them pass, and let you make a pbo and think that it might actually work, only to be disappointed in-game.

    PboProject would just have laughed, stopped immediately, told you where the problems are and refused to go any further until you fixed them... Which is a little harsh, maybe, but saves you time and frustration in the long run...


    Thank you for all the help, when i find time i will correct these and see how it comes out!

  4. I sent my map through the addon builder and then i get the pbo, i throw it in a addons folder in a folder i made called @michigan and then i load it up in arma 3 and i cant find it in the editor or anything. What am i doing wrong? Here are all my files and what not.

    Folders - 3 Images













