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Everything posted by zbug

  1. It does help, great find :) I'll put the fix in the next version Edit: reading the link you provided I don't understand why you kept "hands" and "legs" in the bodyparts list? It seems a single hit into the hands and legs can make the player unconscious when it's not supposed to (only when the overall or "" damage gets over 0.9) The way I understand it, for one bullet that only hits the hand, the EH will fire two times, one with the bodypart "hands" and one with the bodypart "". You shouldn't go unconscious when your "hand" damage is 1.0 but your overall (or "") damage is maybe 0.3
  2. Hey dude, glad to see you here :) I understand that enemies often spawn in your face and you would like them to spawn sooner? That's a recurrent question and it doesn't have an easy answer. If ennemies spawned quicker, that means flying over hostiles sectors with a chopper or jet fighter might cause unwanted spawns and a lot of lag and framerate drops. The only way I've found so far to avoid that is to wait for a while before triggering the spawn if you enter an hostile sector with only a few guys. With 10+ blufor units the hostiles will spawn almost immediately. It's always a question of gameplay vs performance and I'm more concerned about performance than gameplay at the moment :P Maybe I'll be able to change it later thanks to possible optimizations, but maybe not. I didn't look into that, maybe later. If you do want any additional script or mod right now you can always modify the mission ;)
  3. v0.904 is out Changelog: - CSAT will be more aggressive, especially when the alert level is very high, - Sectors will take a full minute to reset, so having all the BLUFOR units wiped before respawning inside a sector area won't trigger a reset anymore, - New option to choose your revive settings (no revive, only medics, anyone with a FAK, anyone with a medkit), - New option to get a passive ammo income instead of ammo crate spawns, - Tentative fix for the sectors that wouldn't activate properly.
  4. You mean the issue was still there after you restarted the server? Are you using server side mods? Did you modify classnames.sqf in any way? I'm still struggling to understand why other servers have this issue when we never had any problems on ours, and why the rpt logs always show nothing wrong :( And it's likely that finding the way to reproduce this issue will be 99% of the effort needed to have it fixed. The rpt spam about objects not being found is nothing to worry about, and has already been reported to Bohemia numerous times ;) To liberate any sector the only condition is to clean the enemy (or at least clean them enough to have the few remaining hostiles surrender) The healing issue is likely an Arma 3 bug, there's nothing in the mission that would affect the vanilla healing mechanics Edit: well I did find something in the code that could explain the sector activation issue, only if your server had some very good performance and could complete a createUnit call in less than one frame. Anyways, it might fix the problem, might not. I'll run proper tests and publish a version with the potential fix tonight.
  5. Thanks for the bug report and the elements you provided. That particular bug has already happened on several servers, but it's the first time I have that much info to investigate. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to reproduce the issue. Using your savegame I was able to activate Zeloran Base correctly. Do you still have the bug after a server restart? Are you using headless clients? That's really the most frustrating part of the job, because once I can reproduce it, it will be corrected in a few minutes. But figuring out what's wrong is the tough part. And of course it never happened on our own server, that would be too easy :(
  6. Thanks for your feedback At the moment the game will only save vehicles when they are near a FOB (250 meters, or two times the build/recycle range). I've been hesitating to save everything, but we're always littering the map with disposable transport vehicles and having to do something about them would be a pain. Also that FOB bug you had before v0.903b has the unfortunate side-effect of messing with the vehicles being saved, and we lost a few captured goodies to that bug too. It should be working now, unless there's another issue I'm not aware of, but so far it looks fine. And if you're hosting your own server (or shutting down your dedicated server after each play session), just know that the game will only save every 60 seconds, so you should make sure to wait at least that amount of time with your vehicles parked near a FOB before you shut down. The ammo boxes will spawn in the military bases you control and they'll be spotted on the map (another thing being fixed in 0.903b). You'll also get a few hostile ammo boxes when you attack military bases (not secondary FOBs), and those are not spotted on the map. The crates look like this: http://i.imgur.com/aBn52rv.jpg (green for NATO and yellow for CSAT) Hopefully we'll get more control on the scripted AI behaviour at some point. The guy doing the C2 command & control mod seemed to have some insider info about it, but no news so far.
  7. Thanks for your feedback :) - I'll put an option to replace the crate spawns with an ammo income over time, but it will obviously yield less than getting the crates yourself - Spotting prisonners on the map would make it way too easy to find them. I'll try to think about something else - I'll do my best with the AI commands but sometimes Arma is just being Arma. For example the AIs getting stuck in danger mode is something no one can truly fix besides Bohemia. - I was thinking about giving AI drivers a custom damage handler so they can't damage themselves (the civilians already have it). That won't solve the flipping issues, but tanks shouldn't be able to flip in the first place. Remote repair feels like something that could be exploited too easily without a tight set of rules
  8. Frontschwein's answer is correct, however the better way to do that is to modify the default values for the parameters in ui/mission_params.hpp ;) I'll look into it while trying not to break the sector management scripts :p Noted here 1- Yep I can do that as a mission option 2- No, the mission itself already enforces its own AI difficulty profile that the server, headless clients and regular clients are all using
  9. Hotfix is up, thanks for your help in tackling the issue. If your savegame has been affected by this bug it will be corrected automatically, you just have to start your server with the new version. In case you're interested in scripting and odd bugs, here's what happened:
  10. And now I have a savegame with the problem, looking into it. When it's corrected I'll patch your stuff so you can keep your current savegames.
  11. Thanks for the logs and info. Could you please upload the savegame from your server? It's named <profile>.vars.Arma3Profile
  12. Could you please provide your client and server logs (rpt files) ? Are you using mods, or a modified version of the mission ?
  13. The commander UI is the next roadmap item, until then you can use Zeus from the commander slot :)
  14. v0.903a is up, small hotfix correcting a few bugs: - prisonners were getting killed by blufor AI units, - unloading ammo boxes had a chance to cause an explosion (tentative fix), - nato ammo boxes weren't spotted on the map Next new feature will be a proper squad management UI, to replace or delete your AIs
  15. v0.903 is up, grab it here Only small tweaks and fixes in this version, nothing major
  16. Well, bad news. Using your classnames.sqf I have activated both Molos Airfield and Gatolia Powerplant a dozen times without any issues :( The corrupted savegame is strange, too, it hardly ever happens either in local tests or on our server. In fact we didn't have a single one during 9 months of play So, yeah. I have no idea what's going on here, and no idea where to look. If you want me to look into your issues any further, I will need the server logs and the full sources of your version, otherwise I'm afraid there isn't much I can do :( Edit: I didn't try with the newest RHS release that came out yesterday, in case you're using it on your server
  17. @rob3para: I can't reproduce your issue :( That would help if you could send me the classnames.sqf your server is using So far russian soldiers, shilkas and bmps have been spawning just fine, no issue with sector activation either
  18. Yep, I did manage to connect in the end, no worries ;) Looks like I have a new bug related to RHS to investigate In gameplay_constants.sqf: GRLIB_sector_size = 1000; GRLIB_capture_size = 250; GRLIB_radiotower_size = 2500;
  19. I did a tour of public servers yesterday, and if you're the admin of such a server then please make sure your server enforces mods signatures. It's a terrible experience when you join a server that looks and smells like vanilla and suddenly your PC is struggling to write megabytes of rpt errors about missing weapons, items and vehicles :(
  20. That means the object is bigger than 50 meters side to side. Wow :p I'll raise the maximum size to 60 meters and hope it's enough...
  21. For those having issues with adding RHS vehicles to the mission, I will try to do the same tonight and see what happens ;) Also while savegame issues have been extremely rare, I do recommend to backup the server's .vars.profile once in a while. Tetsel does and he's very glad today, even though the issue he had makes no sense at all...
  22. I'm not managing the Armaholic mirror but the person who does is usually very quick to update ;)
  23. v0.902 is out, grab it here. List of changes on trello. Most important changes: - Elite vehicles are now randomly linked to military bases, you must control the base to build the vehicle, - The UI will tell you when no more sectors can activate, and where you should go to find a fight, - Hostile military bases will now spawn ammo crates instead of giving you an ammo reward out of thin air, - It's now possible to load those crates in a variety of vehicles such as transport trucks or large helicopters. If you encounter issues you can revert to v0.901 Known issue: the "sector attacked" notification may break and say "FOB" instead, I'm looking into it. Curiously enough the new UI timer will show the correct sector name. Oh and yeah, tonight we did this http://i.imgur.com/tjnV6Tp.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xMIbWcQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Z1iIB5W.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xbbfBlW.jpg @Mariocornetto: make sure that the server has RHS loaded, and check the server rpts for errors
  24. Yep, and it's a feature The spawning system has to deal with a lot of simultaneous problems: - stuff needs to spawn when the players want to attack a sector, - stuff should not spawn when players wander into a sector by mistake, - server performance should be preserved, and AIs are very expensive. If hostiles were spawned faster, it would raise the chances of spawning stuff by mistake just because your helicopter has flown over something for a few seconds. And that would have consequences on your framerate and overall game experience. To solve the problem, the system uses player count. If you enter a sector with 30 soldiers there's a good chance you really mean business, and hostiles will spawn in a few seconds. However if you come with only 2 or 3 dudes, the system will basically ask "are you sure you want to do that" again and again, and it will take about a minute to decide that since you've been here for a while with nothing to do, surely you want things to shoot at ;) It's really a question of balancing gameplay versus performance, as poor performance always means poor gameplay. That system has been tweaked a lot already and now most people are happy with it, but I guess it will be impossible to make it perfect unless one day Arma 3 can handle 500 AIs without issue
  25. Until v0.902 comes out you should avoid taking your prisonners above 750 meters. Air vehicles below 750 meters won't cause issues. Now that's a pretty specific bug :p (Thanks Tetsel)