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Posts posted by Marduk1813

  1. Thanks for the release - what a great addition to the game! Just downloaded the mod, went into the editor, placed a VAS and fired a few rockets. Feels meaty and powerfull as fuck. Haven't found any major bugs, only thing I have to mention is the insane fast reload time. Seems like it doesn't take longer then reloading a magazine, which is a little bit weird since it looks like that it isn't easy to reload that beast even with 2 persons. (Same prob with the Carl Gustav if you ask me.) I think the reloading should take longer. But I also have to admit I got no real idea how this things work in reality.


    You can see a part of a reload around 2:33.


  2. Sounds decent. Can't wait to get hands on the Sig's and give those a try. It's a weapon-family I never used before. 


    MG3 after the G36s is great. Combined with G3s and 416s finally outstanding BW-weapons. I'm hoping for the Hk121 and Mg4 soonish. Also looking forward to the ACRs! Thanks for the update, Toadie. And thanks for supporting Blastcore Tracers, also a recommendable mod which my clan and me are using in our current setup. 

  3. As far as trees go, I am only using Arma 3 vanilla assets (I mentioned this before earlier in the thread please read  ;)). I do plan on adding structures, and in fact already have on the version I am working on. I made a post on this question also, so please check it out.


    I saw those posts. What I failed to communicate was that this previous entry was meant as a "+1" kind of post. Anyway, thanks for your reply! Your intention to only use A3-assets is one which will probably avoid many errors and save nervs. Realy a shame that there are no good northern assets.

  4. Looking realy impressing so far. But I think the terrain realy needs some other kind of trees, since the actual ones are looking way to mediterran. In general it realy reminds me of the Battlefield 3 map Alborz Mountains, which I love. According to pictures, this area got a similar vibe to Alaska, I would love to have a mission there. I hope you are planning to add some structures, because fighting in this wilderness will be a pain. :)


    Oh, and is there any chance to see a full winter-version of that map one day - in the case you finish the actual version of course?

  5. I don't see why one would add the MG36, an inherently flawed system that was never actually adopted by any force, or indeed sold in any numbers, ...

    Well, the MG36 was in A2, probably for some reason. I've got the feeling it's somehow a popular gun since you can find it in many actual shooters where many people use it. Creating one shouldn't be to difficult if you already got a G36K, but I don't want to beat a dead horse.

  6. In my opinion, he should just create the G36's we had in A2 - so a G36K with the integrated scope, a G36K with RIS, and a G36C, would like to see them all with AG36-variants, and maybe a MG36 (so basically a G36K with drum-mags, long barrel and bipod) - and 95% of the players which are using HLC-mods will be happy to finally have a decent G36-mod. Of course I would also like to see camo or several sf-variants, but not for the sake of keeping Toadie busy with unecessary work. This mod will fill a very big gap in the actual A3-Mod-Armory, as did the SAWs, and I am very curious about a G36 on the HLC-quality-level. Highly appreciate the amount of work Toadie is spending into the mods, which always has been worth waiting for. Also I'm glad to hear that a future project will be the ACR's, another weapon-family which isn't represented in A3 in any decent way yet and which I appreciate as a alternative to the M4.

    Thanks to Toadie and HLC-team for improving my A3-experience in that massive way they did.

  7. I would love to use lasers ,but you might know the A3 doesn't support visible lasers (i still don't get why the BIS didn't used whole vbs2 laser tech which been borrowed from vbs2)

    only IR laser and flashlight can be used + there's another problem - that you can't switch between IR laser and Flashlight , most of modern laser units does have a flashlight with visible and IR laser too

    this can't be done in A3 at the moment > http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4770 , http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16445 and http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4771

    about Mk23 maybe , i will look into that

    Yeah, I was just thinking about a IR-Lasers how they work in A3, not even about normal las-pointers. Any chance to get a attachment for that? I would love it.

  8. Thanks for the update and for the mod! I'm using the pistol pack since I started to play modded A3 and I could always trust in this sidearms. There is just one request I wan't to make. Is there any way to add a laserpointer to the mod? I realy enjoy it that there are some hq-attachments to customize the pistols (especially the USP's), and a laserpointer would be simply awesome. It looks like the Insight X2 got a laserpointer under the flashlight, is it working somehow?

    Also... I know, it's just a modified USP, but are there any plans for a SOCOM Mk23? Thanks again for your pack and your updates.

  9. Hey,

    if you are interested in the upcoming HLC-plans, check Toadies post here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172850-Toadie-s-SmallArms-and-Animations-for-Arma3/page109

    And there you will find a very impressive to-do list, which contains every weapon a arma-fan can imagine. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ntyv14BqYyhabzDfBgnmEfnKlIk3exvM8WDOlU5Qv_g/edit#gid=0

    A HLC-pistol-pack doesn't excist so far, but there are other fine pistol-packs out. In the list you can see many planned pistols, and other guns which explains the ammo-files you found. Dunno if you know but the next HLC-mod will be a Minimi-pack, and the release should be soon!

  10. Speaking of, The mid-res is almost done. Feeding pawls and the rest of the feed linkage was a nightmare to get through due to the entire thing running on wizardry and bullshit.


    Pieces Left- Ammo Boxes, 'Standard" Gas Block, Full Length Barrel, Mk.46 Fluted Barrel , Heatshield, Mk.46 Top Rail, A2 Birdcage brake, Original model FN muzzle brake, Trigger, Bullets and Links, E2 Solid Stock, Para stock, "Finalised" PIP Stock(lighter-looking). Optional stuff I MIGHT do- prototype Rear and front sights (FAL-based), Original Tubular Stock.

    Honestly, not that much, darn close to baking the bad boy and starting on the texture. Then it's just... animation and configuring in game.

    Can't explain how much I am waiting for this mod, since I saw this guns in your list. Can't wait to get my hands on a Mk46/48 made by you.

    I hope that doesn't sound demanding or so, but do you have plans what you will work on when the Minimi-pack is finished? What will be the next gun-pack? Realy hope it will be the SCAR's, G36's or WW2 guns. But whatever it will be, I guess I will realy enjoy it.

  11. Thanks for your offer but I'm not sure you're tuff enough for this kind of assignment.

    Just kidding ;-) Of course we'll contact you, once it's going Alpha or Beta.

    And maybe on Somewhere In Siberia you want to try a different approach: Ever tried to man the ancient tower with a sniper? Or going in silent? I know from a secure source reinforces are only sent after the alarm went off.

    Any further observations you and your team have, sent me a PM! I'm always excited to hear about players experiences in our missions.

    Hey there, I am one of the squad-mates of Maj-12. We played the mission yesterday, we managed it to finish the first objective, but haven't played any further so far. We will defintly play it more in the future to explore more weird stuff. Thirsk is a great map, especially for a mission of that kind. Another map you might want to use fore a similar feeling and with a similiar vibe could be Caribou Frontier. As a stalker-fan, I'm realy in love with the atmosphere you are creating here. When played the mission, I was thrilled all the time an had this feeling every stalker-fan knows from a new, unknown location, mixed with some memories of MW1.

    Strange what some music can create - I hope to find much more of that stuff! Also the gameplay feels good so far, the first objective was cool. But when playing it, I noticed one in my opinion very big mistake. We cleared the compound for 3 times with our 3-man-squad, and got 3 times wiped, what was weird because we are used to clear compounds, and we checked every corner. When playing it the third time, I was covering the right flank, and I noticed that there is a spawn-point inside of the compound. No surprise that we didn't have any chance with spawning AI in our back. I think I can see the idea behind it - get in, find the bomb, flee because of the reinforcements - the longer you need, the harder gets the fight - realy cool! But spawning them in your back in a area you just cleared is extreme unfair. I would move the spawn points into the woods around the compound, which would make much more sense for me. Thats where the reinforcement should come frome. And people will still have the chance to play the objective with the tactic they want. No idea if there are areas with a similar situation, but please note that this would be very frustrating for some people.

    My thoughts so far. Keep up the good work! Cant wait to find more Stalker/Mw1/whatever stuff!

  12. At least they sometimes find and hit the player in DayZ. I think.

    They do. I think the DayZ SA had much more content then H1Z1 when it was released. It's the first time now I am watching gameplay-footage and I am just shocked by the look. This is a little bit to much "retro-look"...

  13. Thanks much for this great mod! Me and my clan are highly appreciating this well done army-pack. I am working at my first mission at the moment and I am using the ISIS-forces, the Chedakis and the Ultranationalists. I also would like to thank you for being interested into the community's suggestions and adding the HLC-config.

    I registrated to the forum to report some glitches concerning the ISIS-units, the "PKM-Gunner", the "Grenadier", the "Driver" and the "Corpseman". The PKM-Gunner is wearing a shemag and a balaclava, the other 3 units are wearing a shemag and a kufyia. This combination is causing glitches, which are unnecessary.

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/546393553633768181/D48307E48E833B220CB0D2D5F4F73F58303B78B8/ PKM-Gunner

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/546393553633768456/9B11A8D75D091A8669857AE24125F57CF1C8C93E/ Driver

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/546393553633768597/B788C96A96B7B9321192699E835C12566BA7E173/ Grenadier

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/546393553640072820/C0F6F409559625C38367A40677BED49AF859E296/ Corpseman

    Would be very nice if you could remove the balaclava/ kufyia's to get rid of the glitches.

    Also, I know its called "OPFOR-pack", but I would be usefull if all armys could be used as all factions. I would like to let Chedakis fight against ISIS.
