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Posts posted by Marduk1813

  1. Yesterday they revealed the MP in a stream-event. If you want to see some gameplay, look


    Looks like a polished version of Hardline. The gamepace is way to fast and there is so much chaotic bullshit happening on the battlefield. Also, I thought they mentioned that Bf1 will be much more team focussed? I haven't seen much of that.


    The zeppelin, the dynamic destruction and the weather effetcs are cool though. And Snoop Lion just nails it.  :D



  2. Exactly that is explained in the previous posts on this topic.


    Nope. No one explained why WW1 isn't fitting for a shooter compared to other wars. Yes, WW1 was a insane evolution of a war and caused struggle all over world, but where is the difference to other modern wars like WW2, the Corean War, Vietnam or the Gulf Wars? All of them had countless victims, destroyed whole countries, introduced more brutal weapon technology and caused political issues which are still actual. Again, those games are no replacement for education - they should be played by mature players who already got knowledge about this times.    

  3. Played it in the 90's. Not sure I need to play it again.

    No.. to be more specific, I'm sure I don't need to play it again.


    It was good the first time around though. ;)


    It's defintly a game worth picking up and playing today. I bought the Doom 3 BFG Edition which contains Doom 1, 2 and 3, it got tons of gameplay. I'm halfway through Doom 2 now. A great experience with a unique pace and challenging levels. I will finish Doom 3 next and then maybe get Doom 4.  

  4. Just had to laugh when I saw this video. Looks like a flop in the making, just like Hardline. I was hoping for the rumor that they was going back to there roots(BF1942) so much for hoping. TG Apex is coming, along with a cpl other titles, the new http://store.steampowered.com/app/418460 looks better than this crap.


    Yeah, looks like this year Rising Storm 2 is the game to wait for. I also hope that Squad will have a good progress. 

  5. I want to report some minor clipping issues concerning the G3's and the M60's. I only used CBA and most of the NIA-mods. 






    The gloves are clipping through the handguard of the HK33A2 and the HKG3A3 (Widegrip). 




    The left hand is clipping into the handguard a bit. Here with the HK G3/SG1.




    The bipod of the M60 is casting a incorrect shadow when undeployed. The M60E4 is fine though.


    None of this issues is realy important though. I wouldn't mind if those won't get fixed. Just wanted to report them. 

  6. who cares about consoles? there is really no good games that Ive seen that would make me purchase a $400 USD console which is designed to break in a timespan of around 2 to 4 years... only good console exclusive was back in play station 3 and 2. most of the consoles users are children who had their parents buy them the device for their birthday or for Christmas. 


    Well, I do, because they adjust games to console needs more and more, and it affects PC-users that way that games are limited to the power of the consoles. Besides that console-gamers are a different community then PC-players with other, and probably more simple needs. It's a shame that Battlefield has become a console-first-series.  

  7. I honestly can´t begin to imagine how they would will sell this setting to the BF target audience. A WW1 can´t be as fast paced as a modern war game. They had bolt action rifles back then and the tanks were so slow people could walk faster. 


    I can only imagine a very arcadey and shockingly untrue representation of WW1 combat... Judging by the Trailer, this is exactly what they will deliver.....


    Especially when you keep in mind that XBOX appears to be the main platform for Battlefield now. The amount of XBOX advertising during the stream was disturbing... 

  8. Although I think The Great War is a good setting that has not been explored much in gaming, I really don't think this is the way to do it. WW1 was a pointless,senseless slaughter that ground down nations and people for years. Nothing good came from it, it's reasons for starting were fragile and it just continued in a terrible cascade effect across Europe and beyond. It's after effects can still be seen in some of the more recent regional conflicts in the Balkan states and the middle east where arbitrary boundaries were drawn by the "victors".


    Indeed, but you could say all those things about WWII, Vietnam or every other war. There are tons of games out there with this settings. Are they somehow more suitable for videogames, have they been less violent or cruel? No, they were much worser and insane in some ways, I get your point that trailers and games like those only give you a "polished" and "one-sided" point of view about a war. But on the other hand, this games should be played by adult and educated persons which got knowledge about this times.  

  9. So... This is it. Battlefield I (what a silly name...), and it takes place during World War I. 



    That's what we get after the shitfest Hardline. World War I, just like the first rumours said. I have to admit it is a bold step by DICE and EA, bringing this setting to a AAA-shooter. Looks like they understand that no one ever realy liked this Sci-Fi-setting they tried to establish with Titanfall and the last CoD's - Activision obviously didn't. Defintly a interesting idea, but I'm curious how they want to to combine the unlock, level-up and customization-system with that time period. The hosts mentioned they wanna bring the customization of the weapons to a new level after Bf4 and that the game will have many gadgets. This sounds a bit scary. Besides that they promised massive destruction and a big variety of different WWI-war zones.    


    Anyone who watched the stream? God, the talking at the beginning was so annoying. Why do they think they have to explain to the audience what Battlefield is all about? And why do they have to fuck up such trailers with those ugly dubstep-remixes of popular modern songs? Are there no more good soundtrack-composers with a bit of inspiration out there? What happend to all of them?!


    Edit: Release will be 21. October. 

  10. Well, I just released it. So it is possible. ...


    Okay. I always thought that it is limited to 200mb, thatswhy many people used Nexus Mods for modding Skyrim. It seems they changed that. 



    I'm not here to make friends.


    I noticed. You should respect some unwritten rules of a modding community though.



    I'm here because I like the mod.


    That's fine, and I appreciate you want to support the author and spread the mods. But that's the wrong way. 



    But since I've been asking for the past 6 month for a release of the complete pack as a single mod without receiving a single reply or reason why it's not done yet. I've chosen to take care of it myself.


    There are many mods out there which are not working in a way I like. This doesn't give one the right to do with it what you want, even if it might be for a good reason. I guess that the author is aware of this issue, but if he got other things in mind the user doesn't have many options besides respecting it.

    The probable reasons why you don't get an answer is that updating 14 HD weapon mods is pretty exhausting, even without a inbox which is spamed with tons of tiny bs-requests by a ungrateful community and a slow internet connection. I mean, just check out the last posts or the twitter account, it should give you an idea about the job. Also, with the Steam-collection and the all-in-one-mod on Armaholic there are more then enough workarounds.

    As I said: I don't wana piss you off while you are trying to support the NIA-stuff, but this is just overeager, and there are many modders which don't like such acts. 

    • Like 1

  11. Well, I just released it. So it is possible.





    I'm not that much into all of this licence-stuff, but I highly doubt that uplaoding things without the knowledge and the permission of the creator on whatever official mirror is legit or courteous. Sharing is the creators thing. If he is asking anyone to do it for him, thats fine. But to create a fait accompli and force him to add you on Steam won't make you many friends here...    

    • Like 3

  12. Why do something that is not in the army, and will not know it?

    Especially if there are a lot of weapons , which is in the army , but is not represented among the add-ons.

    When / if the AK-12 will be in the army in mass quantities when it is known for its appearance, what modifications are in service, then it would make sense to make an addon.


    Thankfully modders are not limited to weapons which are in service. 

    • Like 1

  13. I'm wondering if I am the only one: the game is actual a total mess for me. I have extreme long loading times and regular crashes. The game needs some minutes to start, and around 2 minutes to join a server. When a server is changing maps the game usally freezes or the server is experiencing the empty-map-bug. And of course, when I manage it to join a server the session will end soon. :rolleyes: 


    I remember the game worked well after release, the loading times were ok and I haven't experienced many crashes. I played the game for some days after release and then I haven't touched it for a while. I wanted to check it out in the last week, but it is unplayable at the moment. It also seems the player amount has gone down. At the moment there are only around 800 players online.


    And is there any server with a regular playerbase people can recommend?   

  14.  40 Minute Stream of new expansion Bannerlord today ...


     Only Apex comes close to my anticipation for this title


    Mount & Blade starts at 3:02:14. Man, it will be realy difficult to recreate the fascination of M&B1. Defintly a game I'm looking forward to. 

  15. It's actually comedy. But I thought it was great given Blue doesn't edit videos. But yeah, you can find the original video on the Squad page anyway. Pretty cool. It reminds me of how great it was to crawl in first person first thing back in the DayZ mod days.


    "February is the month of love for Squad."


