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Posts posted by Marduk1813

  1. Ubi won't drop the name of Tom Clancy. I think they own the rights to use the name, they bought it for 20 million dollars. Still sad to see how they use the name for games which got no connection to Clancy himself. Or does anyone know if the scenario is created by him?


    Why do people have problems with the controls of TD? So far the best 3. person shooter controls I ever saw, I haven't played many though. 

  2. Honestly, what did you expect? The release is 1 month out, it better be polished by now or it would end in disaster. I feel like the "beta" is more like a glorified demo, especially with all the gameplay restrictions in place.


    I played the R6 Siege Alpha and Beta, thatswhy I expected nothing. The more surprised I was when everything just went fine. And I agree that the term "Beta" is not correct in this case - it's a mix of a stresstest and promotion event. I doubt there will be any major changes in the current gameplay, it's way to late for that. 


    There will be another Beta around the 17.2. - whatever is the point of that. 

  3. Is anyone else playing the Beta of the so-called Tom Clancy Game "The Division"?


    I'm following the game since its reveal trailer in 2013. When I saw it first I was amazed, but then Ubisoft happend. Watchdogs got massively downgraded and was boring and cheap, the MP-focussed R6 Siege is disappointing, Far Cry 4 was copy&paste. No good signs for The Division, however I got a Beta-key via the NVIDIA-event. I preloaded the Beta, started to play yesterday and I spent around 10 hours in-a-row in the game. For me, the Beta convinced me to buy the game after release. I'd never expected such a well-done and innovative game by Ubisoft.


    • During the 10 hours I played 3 of my friends joined me. No one of us had a single-crash, so it's a very polished Beta. Never saw such a stable one before. Never had any issues to join the sessions of my friends.
    • No bugs, no falling-out-of-the-level, as good as no loading-screens. 
    • Tons of options you can use to edit the settings. That's not to be taken for granted in the days of "next-gen".
    • Controls and menus feel optimized for PCs, I did not have any of the classical port-issues. Movement, the cover-system, shooting, all feels good and smooth.
    • Technics are killer. The game isn't looking as good as in the reveal trailer, but is still gorgeous. NY is very atmospheric and interesting to explore, the darkzone is creepy. The animations are good, what impressed me most are the weapon models and the sounds.
    • The gameplay works, if you don't mind the RPG-elements. The AI isn't that impressive, but does their job. The levels itself aren't that complex - hallway, action-bubble, hallway, action-bubble, hallway, bossfight. Still fine for what it is. The amount of enemies adapt to the amount of players, even if it is still to easy sometimes.
    • The idea of the darkzone is cool. We played around 2 hours there. The AI here is very challenging (also spongy), the biggest issue here is that you can get enganged by players with far better weapons then you have. I hope that they are going to add some matchmaking for this.
    • Only thing I would mention: NY itself is a bit empty. Many things to see, stuff to loot and to collect, but a bit more interaction with the enviroment would be nice. But I also know that it is very difficult to realy fill a open-world without mindless collect-quests. 

    Overall, after the 10 hours I played I would say that this is a title which realy deserves the tag "triple A title", and those are the games I expect by comapnies like Ubisoft. A innovative gameplay-idea, great technics, and well ported from the consoles. Ubisoft got the ressources to hire stuff which can create such games, and it seems they did here. Never expected this after all of the disappointing titles in the last years. Those are games where I am ready to pay 60 bucks for. I'm curious to see what the rest of the weekend will bring.



    Oh, and of course I know that this is not the final game, and this is no final assessment. Just wan't to say: it's very promising.   

    • Like 3

  4. Battlestate released some more information about the game. Besides some pictures a short video about loot mechanics and the inventory got revealed.



    On the english facebook-page you can find three main FAQ's which are answering questions people asked about the general mechanics of the game, the pricemodel and similar stuff. Most important thing is that it will be a one-price-game. You can already preorder the game if you want to support the devs. See the FAQ's here:





    Information about preordering 

  5. Hey Toadie, I see that the HLC M60 pack on Steam includes the M60 and the M60E4, but the HLC M60 pack on WithSix has only the M60E4? Any chance you can put the M60 there as well? I try to get all the mods I use off WithSix, and I straight up don't trust Steam Workshop... and I really, really want to use that M60 :)


    We are using the M60 pack via PW6 aswell, and we got the M60 and the M60E4. 




    The MG42 is gone now. :(

    • Like 1

  6. Yeah, after 17 hours I think I can mostly agree with WAB. The basics are good, I had some realy epic sessions and the teamplay with random people is the best I ever saw in a videogame. Even loosing isn't that bad when you had some good actions in a squad which is working together. I haven't experienced much teamkilling yet, but no doubt this will always be a problem in a game of that kind. I died several times because I was struggling to shoot people I saw, I thought they were allies - turned out they were not. I try to check the map as much as possible now to avoid this.


    So far the game is only worth 35 bucks for people which are realy interested in the game itself and directly want to support it. Because of the degree of media popularity and of the price I expected far more content. I don't understand why the game lacks of basic functions like joining friends, joining as a party or a filter in the server-browser. I know it's still EA but if a game is released on Steam it wouldn't hurt to have such features. In maybe 6 months, with more content, the price will be justified.

  7. Just started a new mission where I wanted to test something. God, how much I hate the runners! The 2 pistol mags didn't last long, so this insane f***s chasing me. No way to get rid of those. With the @EM I climbed up a container, jumped over a long and high wall, raced through a valley, still I can't get rid of them.




    This guy is hunting me through whole Zaros, at some points 5 of his friends do the same. Health on 20, I'm just about to quit, then this happend:








    The script rsoftokz mentioned works just fine. Thanks for posting.

    • Like 4

  8. Well, just to clearify: I reported some weeks ago that all time I did a save the music skipped and the weather instantly changed. This realy fucked up the immersion. Seems like that is fixed so everything here is good now.


    If it happens again I report it.  :)


    the script is some pages ago but ....





    Thanks much for posting this. I know that the first post has already become pretty big, but maybe Haleks could edit this in the first post? It won't take long and then this post will be lost again, and there will be other people asking for this function... :ph34r:  

  10. Thanks, mate! No worries, I don't have the intention to share anything, I just wan't to modify the experience for me. I respect modders works and efforts and I highly appreciate the work by people like Haleks and you. Thanks also for the advices. I realy don't know much about editing, when I read the pages in the forum I couldn't realy follow. 


    Yeah, seems like the actual update broke many mods and missions and is delaying new mods... >.>

  11. Installed the mission, started a new game, behind the first hall I passed I found this.






    So you are working on adding RH stuff into the mission? Damn, giving it those pistols would defintly bring the mod/mission up to a new level. Im very unhappy when I have to use the vanilla stuff. I would love to edit the kind of weapons which appear in the game - I would like to replace the standard weapons with weapons from HLC and RH - but I got no clue how to do that. I saw how people posted about that in the Ravage-thread, I checked some pages but I haven't figured out what to do. 


    Also, you are playing this with your son? Ha, outstanding! I venerate my father but rather freezes hell then he would building a Arma mission for me.  :D

    • Like 1

  12. Yep, Ubisoft. Did anybody really think they wouldn´t introduce balance shattering microtransactions?


    Well, it isn't balance shattering to be fair. You can unlock operators with the mircotransactions, but you can also do that with the ingame currency. Besides that you can buy more of those horrible weapon camos (Whoever pays money for this ugly shit is clearly a victim. And shame on the creator.) and gun-packs.


    Of course this doesn't answer the question why ever there a such transactions in a full price game. But it seems we have to get used to it if the game is released by publishers like EA and Ubisoft. I mean, people already get used to it that they are releasing overhyped crap anyway, so...  -_-

  13. I just added this mod today to my collection and played for a few hours. It is simply awesome. Works well, give's you so much more ways to go! No longer running around fences until you find the stupid entrance of a compound. Thanks much, bad benson! I got no idea why such a feature isn't part of the vanilla game. BIA should pay you and then add you work to A3 instead of breaking half of the mods all 3 months... 

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