Many thanks MimirAesir, your recommendation works great!
I do have two more questions about the helicopter script that I was hoping someone could help me with:
Is there a list of what all of the parameters after _landingPosition = are? The .pdf that accompanies the mission details parameters 7 (avoid buildings), 10 (maximum slope of terrain), and 11 (avoid clutter) and MamirAesir detailed 2 (range) and 9 (avoid water). I assume some of the other parameters relate to altitude, forest, etc. but I'm not sure where to find the whole list.
My second question is how to avoid placing the LZ marker outside the bounds of the map? For objectives close to the edges of the map this script is sometimes marking an LZ that is off of the map and an error (from line 204 Zen_FindGroundPosition.sqf) is thrown. When this happens, how could I re-calculate the LZ again until I get a valid location?