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Everything posted by bbdavid

  1. This is a little hard to say in a title so let me explain: When i use this fix for mouse input lag: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/2/1693795812297015344/, i get a janky camera rotation with acceleration on and off but less when off though when i go into virtual reality, i have no such problem and makes believe in the theory the first-person playermodel is too large for the sky and/or rotation box, whatever the technical term is, or that it has to do with the object lock-on you see with the crosshair. I have a hard time believing that enabling triple buffering on the Nvidia control panel or whatever AMD equivalent since Arma doesn't use much of the GPU while enabling Vsync would help because the former is to try to circumvent frame loss without it so itd be worse than canceling out.