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Everything posted by Megiddo

  1. Great to hear that this effect is back with 1.2, it adds some punch to gunshots. Just wanted to thank you for this very nice, quite performance-friendly mod, works like a charm with dragonfyre lite. Keep up the good work :)
  2. Megiddo

    RH Pistol pack

    Great news...really looking forward to an update of your pistol pack, it simply is a must have since arma 2. maybe missed some news about it, but are you planning some .45 versions for glocks? Thank you, keep up the good work :)
  3. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    Congrats for the release, and thanks for this lite version. will give it a try keep up the good work :)
  4. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    That's for sure, this thread has quite a good life expectancy...now LJ, wether you decide this version to be final or not, the question that matters is to know if you are satisfied with it.
  5. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    two more things gathered during gameplay (rc5 feedback): - Don't know if this can be fixed, but the rain seems to sound the same Inside or outside the buildings (military or civilians). - as a jet/chopper pilot, in 1st person view, snaps sounds seem to exceed the volume of engines/weapons (hear incoming projectiles has a good gameplay value though). you may have already considered this for your tweaks. best regards
  6. Thanks for the updates Massi. Great stuff as always :)
  7. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Let's dream of a new "out of the box" engine for arma 4, with better sound mechanics...unless LJ is thinking of it for arma 3? ;)
  8. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    suspected that but was not sure...i'll do some more tests using RC5 as a new version and update the feedback if necessary.
  9. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi LJ, As you allowed it, thought it would be good to mix several opinions and feedbacks in the main thread. So, I'll stick to your changelog in order to be as accurate as possible, try to be objective, sort commentaries by checking if the sound : works/fixes problem/causes new issues/fits the mod, and finally give some "general feelings" at the end. If some RPTs are found, i'll try to isolate lines where dragonfyre is spotted and report them as an addendum. As a reminder, all tests were made using cba/dragonfyre only, with stereo headphones and 16 bits, 48000Hz dvd quality in windows settings. As a framework, i used all arma 3 original showcase missions, some "urban conquest" scenarios and the editor to recreate specific situations. Here we go: FIX: Explosions are hearable in MP now : not tested (only SP tests) FIX: Explosions dont have explosion sound anymore when being disarmed : i'd say fixed, tested all defusable mines and explosives, no parasite sound. FIX: Unexploded GP rounds caused explosion sound when disappear : fixed, no new issues, have thrown a bunch of M203/GP rounds with no parasite sounds. FIX: Envi sounds reworked and cleaned up/FIX: Envi SFX random selection : well fixed, tested forests, shores, cities on several time and weather conditions, no errors encountered, maybe the gusts of wind sometimes stopping in a steepy way, abruptly. fits the mod perfectly, sounds seem to trigger more often, with more diversity, wich makes the environment alive. great choice of samples for a mediterranean soundscape. FIX: Grenades no longer produce explosion sound on water surface : i'd say fixed, the sound seems to be located on the grenade, not on water surface. fits the mod, even if underwater and "terrestrial" explosions sound the same. maybe a "muffled" underwater sound should do the trick if possible. FIX: Most crispy/overdone explosions distant sounds/ADD: Added new explosions in CFG/TWEAK: Overall explosions volumes reduced/ADD: New sounds when Rockets/Missiles hit a vehicles/TWEAK: CFG distance values for exploding vehicles/TWEAK: Fuel explosions distance/ADD: New Explosion sounds for Shells and distances : well done, distant explosions seem more punchy with more diversity. Have toasted loads of vehicles/armoured from a distance, made aircrafts crashing, no errors or weird sounds encountered, distance effect is well-rendered, a good step forward compared to rc4. ADD: ReadMe File : could be usefull^^ ADD: Added environmental SFX/ADD: Added wind noises to trees/TWEAK: Increased wind loudness on heavy overcast/TWEAK: Tweaked environmental volumes : nice additions,work well and except the wind stopping abruptly sometimes (which could appear as natural for gusts of wind), haven't encountered errors or strange sounds on these. the environmental volumes are good, on heavy overcast rain and new wind effects are louder than birds and crickets, sound fair. ADD: Added small incoming sounds to bullethits/ADD: Added "Boiiing" effects to bullethits/ADD: Bullets hitting foliage and leaves are mostly whizz or hizz sounds/CHANGE: New Whizz/Hizz sounds/CHANGE: Bullethits got further updates/TWEAK: Wizz sounds for 9mm : work perfectly, volume level is very satisfying considering ricochets are "secondary impacts" with less ballistic velocity, these add a good variety to simulate volatility of bullethits. no strange sounds/errors encountered. ADD: New close snaps added/ADD: Added subsonic snaps and cracks for 9mm/ TWEAK: Overall soniccracks volume tweaks/CHANGE: Close snaps are sound more frightening/TWEAK: Tweaked all config values for better ingame volume management : HERE IS WHAT I CONSIDER, TRYING TO STAY OBJECTIVE, AS THE MAJOR FEEDBACK/ISSUE AFTER THE VARIOUS TESTS : the new snaps and cracks, the closest ones in particular, work very well. the sound sample itself is terrific. a slap to the ears as the bullet washes near your head, it's perfect. distant cracks are less audible, wich makes them more coherent. BUT, i'm pretty sure many testers will report this, unless you have a new "optional reduced volume snaps and cracks file" ready for final release, be prepared to hear again that they are waaaayyy too loud. As i fortunately have never been shot at to make a real life comparison, i'll try to develop some constructive arguments, only considering the general volume of other sounds, and the playability of the game : in small scenarios, like infantry showcase, the volume of the snaps and cracks is bearable, because very episodic, with very few projectiles flying towards you. you can always hear your gunshots and the ones from your mate who is 25 meters far from you. but as soon as there are more than a few soldiers involved, for example 5th and 10th showcases "combined assault" and "interarms operation", or "urban conquest" SP scenarios, with 20-30 soldiers, and 6-8 vehicles, so to say, common situations in SP and MP, your ears are starting to bleed and you nearly only hear close snaps and cracks, bypassing almost all the other effects, including the loudest ones. (in-game effects volume=100, windows general volume=15). this is what i feel...now, how do they fit to the mod and general gameplay? as i'm considering snaps and cracks in the game, they are "minor effects", just acting as a reminder to say "hey, get some cover fast", the main and major effects staying, as always, gunshots, cannon sounds, explosions. with the actual volume of snaps, this hierarchy, and the sense of gameplay, is totally unbalanced to me. think of it in these terms : without snaps, you can always play, you hear the gunshots. is the opposite true?...if you had to choose beetween those two, which one would you keep regarding gameplay?...that's only my humble opinion, that i hope constructive (you would say just put the damn snaps and cracks pbo in the bin and it's done, and you would be right). Take the time to see what the other testers say about that...but i think you should really consider a solid 60% volume reduction of all snaps and cracks effects. ADD: New weaponsounds/ADD: New sounds for M134/ADD: New Explosion sounds for Arty and distances//TWEAK: Overall weapon volume tweaks/CHANGE: Tweaked most weapons with new sounds : work like a charm, no errors registered, the samples are really good and the differences beetween 1st/3rd person gunshots are well rendered. the sounds of the "mobile parts" of the weapons fit very well with the gunshot and adds to the realism. a success. ADD: Ammo explosions while tanks are burning : this "ammo cookoff" effect fits very well with the original explosions. nothing to say except they are great. ADD: New Closure sounds for first person view/TWEAK: Reduced closure effect volumes : work well ADD: New sounds when Shell AP rounds hit a vehicle/ADD: New sounds when Shell HE rounds hit a vehicle/ADD: New sounds when 20-40mm AP rounds hit a vehicles/ADD: New sounds when 20-40mm HE rounds hit a vehicles/ ADD: New sounds when inside a vehicles and getting hit by above mentioned ammunitions/ ADD: New sounds when a round penetrates the vehicles hull causing overpressure/ADD: Four stages of overpressure depending on ammunition penetrating : work good, no errors encountered, good feeling about the type of shell hitting the vehicle/armored, especially the piercing ammunitions, maybe pushing a bit the volume of "non lethal" ammunitions to emphasize on the "shielding" of the vehicule. just noticed that the "lethal" shot taken while in 1st person view (onboard) does not trigger the catastrophic explosion sound. maybe this is intentional? barely noticed the different stages of overpressure (maybe died too fast^^) TWEAK: Overall vehicle volume tweaks : those volumes feel really good regarding gameplay : you hear vehicles coming/firing from a fair distance, as for choppers (love the sounds of those roaring beasts), same for aircrafts. we spoke about those last ones in the main thread, as i think you already know, i discovered that the sound entry handling the fly-by/jet wash effect is "enginelowout", saw it with the link i posted page 55 (confirmed by testing speed of sound and seeing this entry). . have you made some workarounds with those sounds? but that's a personal consideration...your jet engine sounds are great. TWEAK: AH9 Blackfoot gatling gun volume/CHANGE: Wind noises in Helicopters reduced/CHANGE: Helicopter stress sounds reduced : good tweaks, The blackfoot gun is audible from a fair distance, which is good for gameplay (always good to hear the cavalry coming), and as pilot, you know you unleash hell on enemies (great in 3rd person view). the balance beetween engine, wind sounds and stress sounds induces a good feeling. TWEAK: Overall Script cleaning and tweaks : Performance! i have to admit that the delay beetween the gunshot and the echo sound sometimes reaches a good second, on cpu intensive situations...think i can only blame my mid/high class PC for that...compared to rc4, though, the mod seems less "power-hungry" with the tweaks...and the fact that i only run cba and dragonfyre as mods. here again, a step forward. a "script-free" version is still planned? TWEAK: Reduced movement volume/CHANGE: Sounds for Injured/Moaning are back working : perfectly works, and great to hear again the player moaning when harassed or injured. it fits perfectly with the mod and this "awareness" of your movements and status adds to the general sound immersion. TWEAK: UGL sound distance : effective tweak, grenade launchers now seem to be audible from 75-100m, far less beyond this point, which is quite enough. RPTs concerning Dfyre found during the tests : only one : Conflicting addon JSRS2_Distance in 'dfyre_a_scripts\scripts\ammo_jsrs\', previous definition in 'dfyre_a_core\scripts\ammo_jsrs\' Final words : Except the snaps/cracks which i'm sure you'll take care of, and one or two tweaks here and there, the whole mod greatly deserves its final status. samples and balances are finely tuned, ambient sounds, guns, movements, vehicles, no errors, all in all the mod is a great overhaul compared to vanilla sounds. I can't judge of your work as i'm only a basic arma 3 player enjoying your mod, and sharing some thoughts on it. Anyways, i wish you and all the team the best for the final release, and for your future projects (arma 4 maybe?). Thank you, keep up the good work :) EDIT : with rc5 taken as a new version, all that is said stays valid i think, vehicle sounds (those "electric barrels Rolling" sounds on choppers weapons are definitely awesome) and distant big calibers impacts/exposion sounds seem even better, diversified, more clear and easy to spot, which adds to the gameplay value. no new issue to report from what i saw.
  10. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    same here, dl link is finally working. feedback incoming asap. Thank you sir Jarhead :)
  11. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Short night in sight :cool:
  12. Megiddo

    RH Acc pack

    Hi RH, Thanks for your work it's a great pack. Noticed that the acog ta648 is set to 300m by default with the aimpoint and 100m with the 6x magnification, should it be like that or is it the opposite?, besides, it resets to these values any time you switch your weapon. as others said, experiencing crashes any time you select accupoint on your weapon and close the arsenal. no problem with RHM4/acc boxes though. best regards
  13. Thanks a lot for your great work and quality stuff...the whole @mas file is a must have. Keep up the good work :)
  14. Megiddo

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Great work, top quality stuff. Thank you for this
  15. Megiddo

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Top quality stuff, thanks for sharing! Noticed that HK417 and Mk17 SCAR had no recoil in single shot, and getting these error messages : "No entry bin/config.bin/Cfgrecoils/recoil_single_Mk200" for Mk17 and "No entry bin/config.bin/Cfgrecoils/recoil_single_zafir" for HK417. it only happens when SMA is enabled. Keep up the good work :)
  16. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    You can still be proud for the huge, gratefull community which eagerly awaits each iteration of your mod, and, even if BI surely won't admit it, they also need talented modders to show the way. Keep up the good work :)
  17. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi LJ, Could this be: SOUNDFILE, VOLUME, PITCH, DISTANCE, PROBABILITY, Min DELAY, Mid DELAY, Max DELAY? found some info about cfgenvsounds (and other ones ;)) of arma 2 on this site : http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki/doku.php?id=arma2:sound hope this could help with your settings... best regards,
  18. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Interesting. In that case, was just wondering if it would be possible to make another set of sounds, specific to each air vehicle, which would be triggered over/in cunjunction with the first one as the air vehicle is near the player (from a 0 to 200m distance for example), and simulating a loud "fly-by" effect? just an humble idea thrown in the pot, as i totally ignore how the whole thing works... Anyways, thanks for your time and efforts.
  19. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Solid work LJ, changelog seems very promising! saw you worked on volume tweaks/air vehicles, including jets, just wanted to precise my last post about them : you caught well the reactor sounds, the fly-by feeling and the hearing distance, what about the volume regarding player position compared to the jet? growing as it approaches, a scream as it passes above your head, decreasing as it gains distance...seemed quite linear, let's say, in a 800-1000m radius from the player. Sure you got the idea. Thanks again making arma 3 better :)
  20. Megiddo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hi LJ, First of all, thank you for your great work and dedication to the arma community, much appreciated. Beyond what has been said about distant sounds/explosions/sonic cracks, my two pièces for your next update : - bullet hits : saw you were working on it, they are really good, what about some "boiiiing" or "wiiiizzzz" after hitting metallic/stone surfaces for example? sure you already thought about that. - Quad : the Rolling sounds are ok but it seems (imo) that the engine sound is almost inaudible...maybe just a volume adjustment. -jets sounds : Pump up the volume^^ the distance at which they are audible is good for gameplay, just need some more punch. Oh, i saw BI was looking for an audio programmer these days....:rolleyes: Keep up the good work!