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Everything posted by a2012v

  1. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier tell me? how to make the setting party short, medium, long, full Selection of the initial array of churches random amount 1/4 1/3 1/2 1-all marked on the map _color = "ColorRed"; _type = "hd_objective"; for a quick game.
  2. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I never saw the crashed helicopter. 1/10 very little chance I did something like this: File JRInit.sqf Line 3457 _chancewreck = 60 - (10 * RYD_JR_Difficulty); if ((random 100) < _chancewreck) then
  3. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Just ideas You need to be the first Is it possible to add AI group which examines the church in search of the remote. One after another. If the player has a radio he hears reports. Coordinates inspected the remote is not found. On the map marker appears. if the enemy will find your brother Place it in one of the fortresses You have to go there.
  4. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Pilgrimage_1.94.altis file JR_fnc.sqf Line 4335--4365 clearItemCargo _veh; clearWeaponCargo _veh; clearMagazineCargo _veh; _veh lock 3; "_veh lock 3;" correctly
  5. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rydygier Help to block the use of Alex and his team all the equipment? Only the air technique? Only the heavy military equipment?
  6. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    For me, lacking only the living partner that covers you from the hill while you scour the next village. Give COOP!!!
  7. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Why do not mined the approaches?
  8. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier How to silence my partner? a few meters away I hear him speak about the weather, but also when he is away from me at the distance of several kilometers. :)
  9. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Small copy of a great adventure. Pilgrimage-Stratis I made the following changes You are a doctor friend of yours engineer. The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles. The cost of repairs, and purchase information above. The corpse has a UAV terminal. Perhaps buy loot from civilians. Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them. https://yadi.sk/d/eq40OKl1qmvyb rydygier Thanks for the help!
  10. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    God grant you strength and knowledge. We believe in you. Locking the enemy vehicles from Alex? my opinion Pilgrimage and tanks are not compatible.
  11. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    this is just a dream!
  12. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    major-stiffy No, no, no. it s not COOP.
  13. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I made the following changes You are a doctor friend of yours engineer. The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles. The cost of repairs, and purchase information above. The corpse has a UAV terminal. Perhaps buy loot from civilians. landing by parachute (delete) anyone interested link https://yadi.sk/d/DmPDXdFAq5q2T It is very necessary COOP!!!
  14. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier I found here KilledMark.sqf 133. if (_side in [civilian,west]) then 134. { 135. _val = -10 - (random 10) 136. }
  15. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier How to make more aggressive civil? Now only the killing 11-19 people It is forcing them to take up arms. This half of the village. I want to 2-3. all I made the following changes You are a doctor friend of yours engineer. The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles. The cost of repairs, and purchase information above. The corpse has a UAV terminal. Perhaps buy loot from civilians. anyone interested?
  16. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Rather, as far as my modest possibilities allow. 4. I would avoid placing boxes on the roads, if you like scatter them far from the seller. Perhaps this way: cool That is why it is a secret place in a radius of 200 m. First I placed the box next to the player. Imagine 20,000 FF and empty. Ammo run out before the air seller regretted it. As long as you run and you check the seller can slip away. You can always say. Maybe someone else has found a place. Local people may well cash in on the stranger. Just deceiving him. P.S. Thank you learned to understand my "English"
  17. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The black market arms dealers. Purchase loot from civilians. test rydygier Purchase of equipment. Maybe make these changes. Adding your elegance.File PayForStuff.sqf File MainLoop.sqf Line _acTxt3 = "<t color='#d0a900'>Treasure! (20 000 ff)</t>"; _aID = _x addAction [_acTxt3, "PayForStuff.sqf", _x, 1, false, true, "", "(((player distance _target) < 8) and {(alive _target))"]; Any ideas.
  18. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier Something like this PayForStuff.sqf _unit = _this select 3; RYD_JR_FuelFund = RYD_JR_FuelFund - 20000; RYD_JR_FuelFundSpent = RYD_JR_FuelFundSpent + 20000; _chanceForGoodStuff = 50; _pos = _unit modelToWorld [1,1,0]; //_pos set [2,0.02]; _pos = [_pos,100,150,3,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; TitleText ["Something valuable, I hope...","PLAIN DOWN", 2]; _i = "PayStuff_" + (str _pos); _i = createMarker [_i,_pos]; _i setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _i setMarkerShape "ICON"; _i setMarkerType "mil_triangle"; _i setMarkerSize [1,1]; _i setMarkerText "hidden treasure!"; if ((random 100) < _chanceForGoodStuff) then { [nil,nil,nil,_pos] call RYD_JR_CreateBox; }; Help: How to remove the marker? if a player is nearby. MainLoop.sqf _acTxt3 = "<t color='#d0a900'>Pay for any personal belongings (20 000 ff)</t>"; _aID = _x addAction [_acTxt3, "PayForStuff.sqf", _x, 1, false, true, "", "(((player distance _target) < 8) and {(alive _target) and {not (RYD_JR_FuelFund < 20000)}})"]; How to remove the action? After the command. Thank you
  19. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier Help please I'd like to People sometimes sell something. Implementation: _acTxt2 = "<t color='#d0a900'>Pay for any personal belongings (20 000 ff)</t>"; Create _holder = createVehicle ["Box_IND_Support_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; random RYD_JR_TreasureLoot content further _text = "What the hell? Nothing useful in this! Bastard cheated me!"; or _text = "Oh! Interesting... Now I'm armed."; Standard actions: color='#d0a900'>Sell content color='#d0a900'>Remove prepared box
  20. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Script replaces suitable houses Chernarus-Altis No more immured people. fnc_chernarusedit3.sqf https://gist.github.com/bosoy/66963e53cafb76f0311b add a line 0 = execVM "fnc_chernarusedit3.sqf"; to a file init.sqf
  21. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Decoy booby trap in action The enemy surrendered
  22. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier Only file JR_fnc.sqf
  23. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier The contents of the file JR_fnc.sqf are the same and do not depend on the card. Excluding the island's name. (Bornholm, Chernarus, lingor3) At Altis two effects of smoke Line: 4743 RYD_JR_CampFire_Smoke = Line: 4785 RYD_JR_CampfireSmoke = It is important? I think I can take the translated file to another map?
  24. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier You can change the encoding of the file linux on Windows? File JR_fnc.sqf Pilgrimage_1.94.altis.pbo-----------linux Pilgrimage_1.94.Bornholm.pbo----Windows Pilgrimage_1.94.Chernarus.pbo---Windows Pilgrimage_1.94.lingor3.pbo--------Windows When translating krakozyabrami
  25. a2012v

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    rydygier After I put the terminal. RYD_JR_Brother linkItem "B_UavTerminal"; https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/163307-sp-pilgrimage/page-126#entry2957323 There is an irresistible urge to crack UGV Unfortunately, it is almost always: "Fuck! So this was true. Although it is scrap already ..." The UGV should have power armor. Help 1 Add UGV invulnerability 2 Add to HackUGV action deprotection 3 Remove the UGV invulnerability Better Submit information on the body where the terminal is located Such a place is, remember the broken helicopter with loot File JR_fnc.sqf Line 3530: Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_02_F Selecting the player 1 take the body 2 complete the mission of his brother So I see the end of this story P.S. I wonder what I wrote? not knowing the language