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About planelover390

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  1. planelover390

    How can I make white smoke?

    That works perfectly thank you so much. Sorry for all the questions like I said I'm really new to all this ASL stuff... I'm more of a texture artist than anything given I am also a certified web developer. My final code comes out as such This addAction [ "Aerobatic Smoke On", { params [ "_target", "_caller", "_id" ]; _smokeOn = _target getVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", false ]; switch ( _smokeOn ) do { case true : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Aerobatic Smoke On" ]; { deleteVehicle _x; }forEach ( _target getVariable [ "emitters", [] ] ); }; case false : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Aerobatic Smoke Off" ]; _emitters = []; { _x params[ "_color", "_pos" ]; _color params[ "_colorRed", "_colorGreen", "_colorBlue" ]; _emitter = "#particlesource" createVehicle ( _target modelToWorld _pos ); _emitter attachTo [ _target, _pos ]; _colorAlpha = 1; _timeout = 0; _particleLifeTime = 10; _particleDensity = 40; _particleSize = 1; _particleSpeed = 1; _particleLifting = 1; _windEffect = 1; _effectSize = 1; _expansion = 3; _emitter setParticleParams [ ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,12,8,1],"","billboard",1,_particleLifeTime,[0,0,0],[0,0,2*_particleSpeed],0,0.05,0.04*_particleLifting,0.05*_windEffect,[1 *_particleSize + 1,1.8 * _particleSize + 15], [[_colorRed,_colorGreen,_colorBlue,_colorAlpha],[_colorRed,_colorGreen,_colorBlue,_colorAlpha]], [1,1,1], 0.1, 0.08*_expansion, "", "", ""]; _emitter setParticleRandom [_particleLifeTime/2, [0.5*_effectSize,0.5*_effectSize,0.2*_effectSize], [1,1,1], 1, 0, [0,0,0,0.06], 0, 0]; _emitter setDropInterval (1/_particleDensity); _nul = _emitters pushBack _emitter; }forEach [ [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [0, -8, 0] ] ]; _target setVariable [ "emitters", _emitters ]; }; }; _target setVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", !_smokeOn ]; }, [], 1, false, true, "User20", "_this in crew _target" ];
  2. planelover390

    How can I make white smoke?

    I am not seeing it like that. perhaps I'm putting it in the wrong spot of the script? This addAction [ "Aerobatic Smoke On", { params [ "_target", "_caller", "_id" ]; _smokeOn = _target getVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", false ]; switch ( _smokeOn ) do { inputaction "user20"; case true : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Aerobatic Smoke On" ]; { and what I've found by that is I still have to scroll through the action menu and select aerobatic smoke on... and then press my keybind for user action 20 for it to activate. However I can't just press it again to turn it off. I have to scroll through the action menu again to turn it off. Basically I'm looking for a way to activate it without having to go through the action menu and again to turn it off without going through the action menu. However I'd also like to have the option in the action menu as well. As for the smoke it's finally white after I've made the adjustments you've told me to. So thank you for that!
  3. planelover390

    How can I make white smoke?

    This addAction [ "Aerobatic Smoke On", { params [ "_target", "_caller", "_id" ]; _smokeOn = _target getVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", false ]; switch ( _smokeOn ) do { case true : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Aerobatic Smoke On" ]; { deleteVehicle _x; }forEach ( _target getVariable [ "emitters", [] ] ); }; case false : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Aerobatic Smoke Off" ]; _emitters = []; { I've also found that putting inputaction "User20"; won't activate it until I press whatever keybind is assigned to user action 20, however I'd like a way to be able to make it to where I can press the key and it'll switch between turning on and off... if that makes sense?
  4. Hey everyone I stumbled upon a smoke script for planes. I've made some adjustments to it and was wondering if there was a way to make the smoke purely white? I'm no expert when it comes to ASL I've really only been an HTML and CSS type of guy so any help would be appreciated! Is there also a way to make the action assigned to a specific custom user action? this addAction [ "Release Smoke Trails", { params [ "_target", "_caller", "_id" ]; _smokeOn = _target getVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", false ]; switch ( _smokeOn ) do { case true : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Release Smoke Trails" ]; { deleteVehicle _x; }forEach ( _target getVariable [ "emitters", [] ] ); }; case false : { _target setUserActionText [ _id, "Stop Smoke Trails" ]; _emitters = []; { _x params[ "_color", "_pos" ]; _color params[ "_colorRed", "_colorGreen", "_colorBlue" ]; _emitter = "#particlesource" createVehicle ( _target modelToWorld _pos ); _emitter attachTo [ _target, _pos ]; _colorAlpha = 0.5; _timeout = 0; _particleLifeTime = 8; _particleDensity = 100; _particleSize = 1; _particleSpeed = 1; _particleLifting = 1; _windEffect = 1; _effectSize = 2; _expansion = 4; _emitter setParticleParams [ ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal_02",8,0,40,1],"","billboard",1,_particleLifeTime,[0,0,0],[0,0,2*_particleSpeed],0,0.05,0.04*_particleLifting,0.05*_windEffect,[1 *_particleSize + 1,1.8 * _particleSize + 15], [[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.7*_colorAlpha],[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.6*_colorAlpha],[0.7*_colorRed,0.7*_colorGreen,0.7*_colorBlue,0.45*_colorAlpha], [0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.28*_colorAlpha],[0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.16*_colorAlpha],[0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.09*_colorAlpha], [0.84*_colorRed,0.84*_colorGreen,0.84*_colorBlue,0.06*_colorAlpha],[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,0.02*_colorAlpha],[1*_colorRed,1*_colorGreen,1*_colorBlue,0*_colorAlpha]], [1,0.55,0.35], 0.1, 0.08*_expansion, "", "", ""]; _emitter setParticleRandom [_particleLifeTime/2, [0.5*_effectSize,0.5*_effectSize,0.2*_effectSize], [0.3,0.3,0.5], 1, 0, [0,0,0,0.06], 0, 0]; _emitter setDropInterval (1/_particleDensity); _nul = _emitters pushBack _emitter; }forEach [ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ], [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [0, -8, 0] ] ]; _target setVariable [ "emitters", _emitters ]; }; }; _target setVariable [ "smokeTrailsOn", !_smokeOn ]; }, [], 1, false, true, "", "_this in crew _target" ];