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About BlackPlague_R2

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  1. Updated the files with the following: https://github.com/pumpkinpieman/LSpawner
  2. Na_Palm, I've noticed that for Chernarus, most - if not all - loot is in the air at certain places, and some loot is in the ground. Construction buildings usually have *some* loot in the ground, but about 90% of it you can pick up. Most loot in the hangars at NWAF, or NEAF, are in the air and people can't really pick them up. I've changed the following: //Variables //local _spawnradius = 80; //Radius (in meter) around players to spawn loot _spInterval = 1600; //Time (in sec.) to pass before an building spawns new loot _chfullfuel = 35; //Chance (in %) of a spawned fuelcan to be full instead of empty _genZadjust = -0.5; //High adjustment (in engine units) thats generally added to every spawnpoint _tmpTstPlace = [5070, 9297, 0]; //Coord's, in [x,y,z] of a preferably flat and unocupied piece of land //global old //chBuildhasloot = 60; //The odds that a building is selected to place loot. //chSpothasloot = 30; //The odds that the selected building's spots will have loot(almost like odds per room). To represent the adjustable height, however, most loot is still in the ground. Is there a way to have all loot spawn at a specific height, and then drop for physics? Specifically in Arma 3. PS - I've already updated the fix files as needed. Thanks, Black